The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences has once again received the highest scientific category, A+ (leading level in the country).
The category was granted for the years 2022-2025 by the Minister of Education and Science based on the results of the evaluation of scientific units conducted by the Science Evaluation Commission (KEN). KEN analyzed achievements within individual disciplines for the years 2017-2021 based on the following criteria:
scientific level of the conducted activities – scientific articles, monographs, editing of monographs and authorship of chapters in monographs, patents for inventions,
financial outcomes of scientific research and development work – amount of funds obtained for research projects, commercialization of research results, scientific work commissioned by entities outside the higher education and science sector,
impact of scientific and research activities on the functioning of society and the economy.
The rating scale is: A+ (leading level), A (very good level), B and B+ (satisfactory level with a recommendation for strengthening activities), C (unsatisfactory level). The category granted to a given entity determines its position in the science and higher education system, affecting numerous rights of the unit, including those related to awarding academic degrees. The category is also a component of the algorithm used to calculate the amount of subsidy for maintaining the unit's research potential.
The prestigious A+ category was awarded to a few scientific units that stand out for their exceptionally high level of activity and international scope of their research. They were selected from units meeting the A category requirements based on additional expert evaluation. In the discipline of mathematics, only three scientific units received the A+ category: the Institute of Mathematics PAN, the University of Warsaw, and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.