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On August 1, 2018, the implementation of the project titled Open Resources in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes (OZwRCIN) began.

Open Resources in the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes (OZwRCIN) is a continuation of the project Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes (RCIN).

Its implementation is planned for a period of three years. The project will be carried out under the Operational Program Digital Poland, E-administration and Open Government, Action 2.3 Digital Accessibility and Usability of Public Sector Information, 2.3.1 Digital Availability of Public Sector Information from Administrative Sources and Scientific Resources. The lead partner is the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The goal of the project is to increase the volume (by 146,107 items), accessibility, and usage of Public Sector Information made available under open licenses, originating from the scientific resources held by 16 Partners, and to adapt the services provided to the needs of users, including those with disabilities.

This will be achieved using the existing IT infrastructure (including the free PIONIER environment for Project Partners) and the RCIN platform, i.e., the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes (

The implementation of the OZwRCIN project will also allow for the online availability, on the RCIN platform, of scientific resources from seven additional institutes.

Project value: 3,726,770.00 PLN
Contribution from European Funds: 3,153,965.45 PLN

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