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Siwarna Holiday House

From September 4 to 11, 2012, the 41st National Scientific and Training Conference on Applications of Mathematics was held at the Siwarna Holiday House in Zakopane-Kościelisko.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference was appointed by the Mathematics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences in consultation with the Center for Applications of Mathematics of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Society of Actuaries.

The aim of the conference was to present mathematical methods applied in various sectors of the national economy, particularly in industry, insurance, finance, banking, railways, transportation, and more.

Conference participants had the opportunity to present the mathematical models they developed in relevant thematic sessions.

  • Doc. Dr. Eugeniusz Fidelis - Honorary Chair,

  • Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski - Secretary,

  • MSc Michał Krzeszowiec,

  • Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair.

  • Prof. Dr. Leon Bobrowski,

  • MSc Olga Doan,

  • Prof. Dr. Maksymilian Dryja,

  • Doc. Dr. Eugeniusz Fidelis,

  • Dr. hab. Henryk Gacki,

  • Prof. Dr. Jerzy Gawinecki,

  • Prof. Dr. Bronisław Jakubczyk,

  • Prof. Dr. Witold Kosiński,

  • Prof. Dr. Marek Męczarski,

  • Prof. Dr. Wojciech Niemiro,

  • Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Peradzyński,

  • Prof. Dr. Teresa Regińska,

  • Prof. Dr. Ryszard Rudnicki,

  • Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Rzeżuchowski,

  • Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair,

  • Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Szajowski,

  • Prof. Dr. Władysław Szczotka,

  • Dr. Piotr Szlenk,

  • Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Trzaskalik,

  • Prof. Dr. Aleksander Welfe,

  • Prof. Dr. Roman Zmyślony.

The program included the following sessions (session organizers' names are in parentheses):

  1. Applications of Mathematical Analysis Methods (B. Jakubczyk and Z. Peradzyński),

  2. Optimal Control and Optimization Methods (B. Jakubczyk, T. Rzeżuchowski, and Ł. Stettner)

  3. Probabilistic Models and Methods (H. Gacki and K. Szajowski),

  4. Methods of Mathematical Statistics (M. Męczarski, W. Niemiro, and R. Zmyślony),

  5. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (M. Dryja and T. Regińska),

  6. Industrial Applications of Mathematics (E. Fidelis and W. Szczotka),

  7. Biomathematics (L. Bobrowski, Z. Peradzyński, and R. Rudnicki),

  8. Applications of Mathematics in Insurance (O. Doan, W. Niemiro, and P. Szlenk),

  9. Non-Standard Applications of Mathematics (J. Gawinecki and W. Kosiński),

  10. Financial Mathematics (Ł. Stettner),

  11. Applications of Mathematics in Economics (T. Trzaskalik and A. Welfe),


  1. Poster Session (Organizing Committee),

  2. Who knows how to solve this? (Organizing Committee).

September 4, 2012 (Tuesday)

Morning Session
9.00 Conference Opening
9.15 Arkadiusz Orłowski
The Secrets of Enigma – How Mathematicians Won World War II
11.00 Break
11.30 Andrzej Palczewski
Optimal Investments Under Uncertainty
Afternoon Session
15.00 Łukasz Stettner
Risk Measures for Financial Investments
16.00 Agnieszka Rygiel
Conditions for No-Arbitrage with Proportional Transaction Costs for Simple Strategies
16.20 Przemysław Rola
Arbitrage with Liquidity Risk
16.45 Sebastian Baran, Zbigniew Palmowski
Optimization of Expected Utility of Dividend Payments for the Cramér-Lundberg Process with Stochastic Return on Investment
17.10 Teresa Rajba
On the Application of Probabilistic Methods to Study Inequalities Between Quadratures
19.00 Open Meeting of the Committee on Applications of the Mathematics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences

September 5, 2012 (Wednesday)

Memorial Session Dedicated to Prof. Ryszard Zieliński
9.00 Wojciech Zieliński
Outline of the Biography of Prof. Ryszard Zieliński
9.15 Wojciech Niemiro
Prof. Ryszard Zieliński's Contributions to Monte Carlo Methods and Random Number Generators. Uniform Consistency of Statistical Procedures
9.45 Marek Męczarski
Prof. Ryszard Zieliński's Contributions to Statistical Optimization and Fixed-Precision Estimation
10.10 Agata Boratyńska
The Concept of Robustness According to Prof. Ryszard Zieliński, Robustness in Parametric Models – Classical and Bayesian
10.35 Tomasz Rychlik
Quantile Estimators and Quantile Estimation
11.00 Break
11.30 Katarzyna Filipiak, Augustyn Markiewicz
Optimality of Designs with Neighborhood Effects
12.10 M. Fonseca, J. Tiago Mexia, T. Mathew, R. Zmyślony
Statistical Inference on the Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient for Small Samples
12.40 Wiesława Dąbała
Estimation of Selected Population Parameters in a Random Sample Survey Using Randomized Response Techniques for Sensitive Questions
Afternoon Session
15.00 Maxim Pavlov
Finite Component Reductions of Collisionless Kinetic Equations
16.00 Zbigniew Peradzyński
Solutions with Degenerate Hodograph in the Application to Determine Profiles Without Shock Waves
16.30 Jarosław Łazuka
Selected Estimates of the Cauchy Problem Solutions for Equations Describing the Elasticity of Non-Simple Materials
16.55 Break
17.00 Poster Presentations
18.00 Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
On the Representations of Differentials in Functional Rings and Their Applications
19.30 Poster Session
  Artur Bryk
The Impact of Randomization on the Dichotomous Behavior of the Regression Estimator for Strongly Dependent Errors
  Adam Deptuła
Complexity Coefficient of Structure for Multi-Valued Logical Decision Trees
  Adam Deptuła
Complexity Coefficient of Structure for Minimization of Multi-Valued Logical Functions
  Adam Deptuła, Marian A. Partyka
Solving Weighted Multi-Valued Logical Equations Describing Design Guidelines in Discrete Optimization of Machine Systems
  Jurij Głazunow, Aleksandr Erszow, Michaił Erszow, Inna Pietrowa
Modeling Changes in Diffusive Properties of Fish During Dehydration Depending on Smoking Environment and Raw Material Parameters
  Jerzy Klamka, Jolanta Tańcula
D-Stability Analysis of the TCP-DCR Protocol
  Lucjan Kowalski
Selected Issues in Histogram Optimization
  Robert Kruszewski
Modeling Endogenous Business Cycles
  Anna Kiljańczyk, Paweł Najechalski
Analysis of Changes in the Number of International Students
  Ewa Pawelec, Alicja Smoktunowicz, Iwona Wróbel
Iterative Methods for Determining the Moore-Penrose Inverse
  Barbara Popowska
Geometric Approximation of a Mixture of Discrete Probability Distributions
  Zbigniew Walczak
On the Rate of Convergence of Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn Type Operators

September 6, 2012 (Thursday)

Morning Session
9.00 Maksymilian Dryja
Parallel Algorithm for Solving Discretizations of Elliptic Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients
9.30 Teresa Regińska
Two-Parameter Regularization of Ill-Posed Problems with Discretization Consideration
10.00 Leszek Plaskota
Complexity of Integration in Crα([0,1]d) Based on Perturbed Information
10.30 Wiesław Grzesikiewicz, Andrzej Wakulicz, Artur Zbiciak
Consequences of Time Function Constraints – Applications in Mechanics
11.00 Break
11.30 Andrzej Wawrzynek, Marcin Detka, Jerzy Pilśniak
Inverse Problems with an Infinite Number of Decision Parameters
12.00 Paweł Woźny
Dual Bases: Construction and Applications
12.30 Jakub Kierzkowski
Block Methods, Eigenvalue Localization, and Iterative Methods
Afternoon Session
15.00 Arkadiusz Gąsecki
Application of Linear Cryptanalysis Elements in Algebraic Attacks on Reduced DES Cipher
15.20 Maciej Kozaryn
Stochastic Inclusions with Respect to Random Fields
15.40 Marek Kałuszka, Michał Krzeszowiec
Iterative Mean-Value Premium in Cumulative Prospect Theory and Uncertainty Theory
16.00 Rafał Nowak
Acceleration of Convergence of Two-Variant Continued Fractions
16.20 Break
16.30 Elżbieta Ferenstein, Adam Pasternak-Winiarski
On the Problem of Destabilization of n Complex Poisson Processes in a Model with Nonlinear Delay Detection Costs
16.50 Joanna Sobolewska
Multi-Valued Stochastic Integral with Respect to a Semimartingale and Its Properties
17.10 Kamil Świątek
Multi-Valued Stochastic Integral with Respect to a Two-Parameter Martingale and Its Properties
19.00 "Who Knows How to Solve This?" – Part I
20.00 Bonfire

September 7, 2012 (Friday)

Morning Session
9.00 Wojciech Niemiro
Maximum Likelihood and Monte Carlo Methods
9.40 Czesław Stępniak
On Modeling Post-Heart Attack Survival Time and Identifying the Critical Period
10.10 Anna Dudek, Wioletta Wójtowicz
PARMA Time Series Analysis
10.35 Jacek Bojarski, Robert Smoleński
Electronic Device Compatibility and Pearson's Random Walk
11.00 Break
11.30 Marek Męczarski
Stochastic Ordering of Posterior Distributions and Predictive Distributions
12.00 Piotr Nowak
Monotonicity of Bayesian Estimators
12.30 Maria Kamińska-Zabierowska
Generalized TTT Transform and the Behavior of Selected Stochastic Orders
Afternoon Session
15.00 Tadeusz Rzeżuchowski
Four Different Metrics in the Family of Convex Sets
15.45 Krzysztof J. Szajowski
On the Aggregation of Information about Disorders
16.30 Jerzy Respondek
Number Theory and Partial Differential Equations – Is the Coherence of Mathematics Merely Conventional?
16.50 Wojciech Mitkowski, Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz
Applications of Fractional-Order Systems
17.30 Ewelina Seroka, Lesław Socha
Practical Methodology of "Dwell Time" in Studying the Stability of Hybrid Systems
19.00 Concert
20.15 "Who Knows How to Solve This?" – Part II

September 8, 2012 (Saturday)

Morning Session
9.00 Bronisław Jakubczyk
Space Missions, Geometry, and Control
9.45 Maciej Niedziela
Parameter Identification Method in Constitutive Modeling of Viscoelastic Materials
10.15 Mariusz Jurkiewicz
Existence of Infinitely Many Solutions for the Lidstone Boundary Value Problem
10.35 Tomasz Małolepszy
Analysis of the Existence of Blow-Up Solutions in a Superdiffusion Model
11.00 Break
11.30 Mariusz Michta
Application of Stochastic Inclusions to Equations in Fuzzy Sets
12.10 Anna Chwastyk, Witold Kosiński
Rational Fuzzy Numbers in Calculating the Internal Rate of Return
12.40 Stefan Kotowski
Genetic Algorithms and Their Models
Afternoon Session
Cryptology and IT Workshop
15.00 Krzysztof Mańk
Randomness Tests for Overlapping Vectors
15.40 Kamil Kaczyński
Assigning Authorship to Electronic Documents
16.20 Michał Wroński
Hardware Implementation Possibilities of Addition and Doubling of a Divisor on a Hyperelliptic Curve over the Field GF(2n)
16.50 Marcin Skrzyński, Mateusz Matan
Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Compressed Sensing
17.15 Aneta Szyda
Spectral Radius as a Method for Studying the Stability of Continuous Linear Systems with Time-Varying Coefficients
17.40 Adam Czornik, Michał Niezabitowski
Lyapunov Exponents of Linear Systems with Unbounded Coefficients
19.00 Gala Dinner

September 10, 2012 (Monday)

Morning Session
9.00 Ryszard Rudnicki
On Continuous and Generational Models of the Cell Cycle
9.40 Leon Bobrowski
Linear Separability Principle in Predictive Model Selection
10.10 Katarzyna Pichór, Jacek Banasiak, Ryszard Rudnicki
Long-Time Asymptotics of Structured Population Models
10.35 David M. Ramsey, Andreas Futschik
Statistical Tests for the Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Genome Sequencers
11.00 Break
11.30 Anna Jaśkiewicz
Equilibrium in a Multi-Generational Game
12.00 Zbigniew Świtalski
Stability and Competitive Price Equilibria in a Gale-Shapley Market Model
12.30 Dorota Górecka
Multi-Criteria Methods in Project Management
Afternoon Session
15.00 Władysław Szczotka
GI/GI/1 Systems with Infinite Mean Service Times and Inter-Arrival Times
15.30 Mykola Bratiichuk, Dorota Śliwińska
Queueing System with Resume Level
16.00 Maciej Kamiński
Application of the Intermediate Possibility Model and Its Variants to Describing Migration and Urban Movements
16.25 Karol Gajda, Tomasz Gronek, Ewa Schmeidel
On the Existence of Asymptotically Constant Solution with Weight for Non-Convolution Volterra Type Difference Equation
16.50 Ewa Schmeidel, Małgorzata Zbąszyniak, Zenon Zbąszyniak
Weighted Asymptotically Periodic Solutions of Volterra System of Difference Equations
17.15 Rafał Zalas
Variational Inequalities with Application Examples
17.40 Andrzej Tomski
From Fokker-Planck Equations to Fogel's Alternative: A Word on Stochastic Gene Expression

September 11, 2012 (Tuesday)

Morning Session
9.00 Grzegorz Łukaszewicz
On the Dynamics of Plane Bingham Fluid Flows – Applications in Lubrication Theory
9.40 Przemysław Kiciak
Shape Optimization of Surfaces with Continuous Curvature
10.40 Bogdan Lila, Jerzy Kapelewski
Modeling Polarimetric Scattering Properties of a Ship's Wake
11.05 Jerzy Kapelewski
Electromagnetic Materials with Band Gaps – Some Modeling Problems
11.30 Conference Conclusion


1. prof. dr hab. Antoni Augustynowicz University of Gdańsk, Institute of Mathematics
2. mgr Sebastian Baran Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
3. dr Małgorzata Białas WSZiB Kraków
4. prof. dr hab. Leon Bobrowski IBIB PAN
5. dr Jacek Bojarski University of Zielona Góra
6. dr inż. Piotr Bora WAT Warsaw
7. dr hab. Agata Boratyńska SGH, Institute of Econometrics
8. dr Bogusław Bożek AGH Kraków, Faculty of Applied Mathematics
9. prof. dr hab. Mykola Bratiichuk Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
10. dr Artur Bryk SGH Warsaw
11. mgr inż. Agnieszka Budnik Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
12. Alina Bukowska Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, Institute of Mathematics
13. dr Anna Chwastyk Opole University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Applications of Computer Science
14. prof. dr hab. Antoni Leon Dawidowicz Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
15. mgr Wiesława Dąbała CBOS Foundation Warsaw
16. mgr inż. Adam Deptuła Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering
17. mgr Andrzej Dietrich Institute of Oil and Gas Kraków
18. mgr Olga Doan Allianz Direct New Europe
19. prof. dr hab. Maksymilian Dryja University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
20. dr Anna Dudek AGH Kraków
21. doc. dr Eugeniusz Fidelis IM PAN Warsaw
22. dr hab. Henryk Gacki University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics
23. dr inż. Karol Gajda Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
24. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gawinecki WAT Warsaw
25. mgr inż. Arkadiusz Gąsecki WAT Warsaw
26. prof. dr hab. Jurij Głazunow Gdańsk University of Technology
27. dr Dorota Górecka Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management
28. dr Mieczysław Gruda Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics PIB
29. dr Grzegorz Grzegorczyk Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
30. prof. dr hab. inż. Wiesław Grzesikiewicz Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Vehicles
31. prof. dr hab. Bronisław Jakubczyk IM PAN Warszawa
32. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Janeczko IM PAN and Warsaw University of Technology
33. dr hab. inż. Anna Jaśkiewicz Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
34. mgr inż. Kamil Jodź Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
35. dr Mariusz Jurkiewicz WAT Warsaw
36. mgr inż. Kamil Kaczyński WAT Warsaw
37. mgr Maria Kamińska-Zabierowska University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics
38. mgr inż. Maciej Kamiński Wrocław University of Science and Technology
39. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kapelewski WAT Warsaw
40. dr hab. Przemysław Kiciak University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
41. mgr Jakub Kierzkowski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
42. prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Klamka Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice
43. mgr Cezary Klimkowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics PIB
44. prof. dr hab. Witold Kosiński PJWSTK Warsaw
45. dr Stefan Kotowski PJWSTK Warsaw
46. dr Jan Krzysztof Kowalski IM PAN Warsaw
47. dr Lucjan Kowalski WAT Warsaw
48. mgr Maciej Kozaryn University of Zielona Góra
49. dr hab. Robert Kruszewski SGH Warsaw, Department of Mathematical Economics
50. mgr Alicja Krzeszowiec Łódź University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
51. mgr Michał Krzeszowiec IMPAN, Łódź University of Technology
52. mgr inż. Justyna Kufel Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics PIB
53. dr inż. Bogdan Lila WAT Warsaw
54. dr Jarosław Łazuka WAT Warsaw, Institute of Mathematics and Cryptography
55. prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Łukaszewicz University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics
56. dr Tomasz Małolepszy University of Zielona Góra
57. mgr inż. Krzysztof Mańk WAT Warsaw
58. prof. dr hab. Augustyn Markiewicz Poznań University of Life Sciences
59. mgr inż. Mateusz Matan Kraków
60. prof. dr hab. Marek Męczarski SGH Warsaw, Institute of Econometrics
61. dr hab. Mariusz Michta University of Opole
62. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Mitkowski AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Automation
63. mgr inż. Agnieszka Mruklik Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
64. dr inż. Paweł Najechalski Łazarski University, Faculty of Economics and Management
65. dr Maciej Niedziela University of Zielona Góra
66. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Niemiro University of Warsaw
67. mgr inż. Michał Niezabitowski Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Automation
68. mgr Piotr Nowak University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics
69. dr Rafał Nowak University of Wrocław, Institute of Computer Science
70. prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Orłowski Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
71. prof. dr hab. Andrzej Palczewski University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
72. prof. dr hab. Marian A. Partyka Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering
73. mgr Adam Pasternak-Winiarski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
74. prof. dr Maxim Pavlov Moscow State University
75. dr inż. Ewa Pawelec Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
76. dr Mirosław Pawlak  
77. prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Peradzyński University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
78. dr Katarzyna Pichór University of Silesia
79. prof. dr hab. Leszek Plaskota University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
80. dr inż. Barbara Popowska Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
81. prof. dr hab. Anatolij Prykarpatski AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
82. dr Teresa Rajba University of Bielsko-Biała, University of Technology and Humanities
83. dr David Ramsey University of Limerick, Ireland
84. prof. dr hab. Teresa Regińska Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
85. prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Rembisz Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute, Warsaw
86. dr inż. Jerzy Respondek Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Informatics
87. mgr Przemysław Rola Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
88. prof. dr hab. Ryszard Rudnicki Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Katowice
89. prof. dr hab. Tomasz Rychlik Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
90. mgr Agnieszka Rygiel State Higher Vocational School, Tarnów
91. prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Rzeżuchowski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
92. prof. dr hab. Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska Medical University of Warsaw
93. dr Marcin Skrzyński Kraków University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
94. mgr Joanna Sobolewska University of Zielona Góra
95. prof. dr hab. Lesław Socha Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
96. mgr inż. Beata Staśkiewicz University of Wrocław, Institute of Experimental Physics
97. prof. dr hab. Łukasz Stettner Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
98. prof. dr hab. Czesław Stępniak University of Rzeszów
99. mgr Anna Sulima Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
100. dr Marcin Sydow Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPI PAN) and Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (PJATK) Warsaw
101. prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szajowski Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
102. prof. dr hab. Władysław Szczotka University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics
103. dr Piotr Szlenk PZU SA, Warsaw
104. mgr inż. Aneta Szyda Silesian University of Technology
105. dr Hanna Ścięgosz Opole University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
106. mgr Kamil Świątek University of Zielona Góra
107. prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Świtalski University of Zielona Góra
108. mgr Andrzej Tomski Jagiellonian University
109. prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Trzaskalik University of Economics in Katowice
110. dr hab. Vsevolod Vladimirov AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
111. dr Zbigniew Walczak Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
112. prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wawrzynek Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Mechanics
113. prof. dr hab. Aleksander Welfe University of Lodz
114. dr Barbara Wolnik University of Gdańsk, Institute of Mathematics
115. dr Paweł Woźny University of Wrocław, Institute of Computer Science
116. mgr inż. Michał Wroński Military University of Technology, Warsaw
117. Paulina Wyka Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, Institute of Mathematics
118. mgr Rafał Zalas University of Zielona Góra
119. dr inż. Zenon Zbąszyniak Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
120. prof. dr hab. Wojciech Zieliński Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
121. prof. dr hab. Roman Zmyślony University of Opole