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Dom Wczasowy Siwarna

The 44th Polish Conference on Applications of Mathematics took place at the Siwarna Holiday Resort in Zakopane-Kościelisko from September 15th to 22nd, 2015.

The Conference Organizing Committee is appointed by the Committee of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences in consultation with the Mathematics Applications Center of the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Polish Society of Actuaries.

The annual conference aims to present mathematical methods applicable in various fields of the national economy, particularly in industry, insurance, finance, banking, railways, and transport, among others.

Participants have the opportunity to present their own mathematical models in relevant thematic sessions.

Starting from the 30th Conference, an annual prize for young mathematicians (up to 32 years old) is awarded for the best paper presented at the conference.

Authors of outstanding papers and scientific reports are invited to publish their results in Mathematics Applied.

Recipients of the Young Mathematicians Award for the Best Presentation at the Conference

  • 2023 - 51st Conference

    • First Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Davide Gurnari

  • 2022 - 50th Conference

    • First Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Łukasz Stępień

  • 2021 - 49th Conference

    • First Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Tomasz Bochacik

  • 2019 - 48th Conference

    • First Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Jakub Skrzeczkowski

  • 2018 - 47th Conference

    • Distinction: MSc Eng. Agnieszka Siedlaczek

  • 2017 - 46th Conference

    • Second Degree Awards named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Tomasz Dębiec and MSc Eng. Agnieszka Siedlaczek

  • 2016 - 45th Conference

    • Second Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Arkadiusz Kozioł

  • 2015 - 44th Conference

    • Second Degree Award named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Jacek Dębowski

    • Distinction: MSc Roksana Brodnicka

  • 2014 - 43rd Conference

    First Degree Awards named after Eugeniusz Fidelis: MSc Przemysław Rola and MSc Eng. Michał Wroński

  • 2013 - 42nd Conference

    • First Degree Awards: Dr. Agnieszka Kulawik and MSc Eng. Beata Staśkiewicz

  • 2012 - 41st Conference

    • First Degree Award: MSc Michał Krzeszowiec

    • Second Degree Awards: Dr. Rafał Nowak and MSc Adam Pasternak-Winiarski

  • 2011 - 40th Conference

    • Awards: Dr. Gabriel Pietrzkowski and Dr. Wojciech Rejchel

  • 2010 - 39th Conference

    • Award: MSc Eng. Łukasz Dzieł

  • 2009 - 38th Conference

    • Awards: MSc Anna Krasnosielska and Dr. Radosław Wieczorek

  • 2008 - 37th Conference

    • Award: MSc Piotr Szymański

  • 2007 - 36th Conference

    • Award: MSc Marek Czystołowski

  • 2006 - 35th Conference

    • Award: MSc Magdalena Nockowska

  • 2005 - 34th Conference

    • Award: MSc Eng. Przemysław Biecek

    • Distinction: Dr. Paweł Woźny

  • 2004 - 33rd Conference

    • Award: Dr. Aleksandra Orpel

    • Distinction: MSc Dariusz Jabłoński

  • 2003 - 32nd Conference

    • Award: MSc Eng. Wojciech Kempa

    • Distinction: MSc Piotr Oprocha

  • 2002 - 31st Conference

    • Award: MSc Marek Galewski

  • 2001 - 30th Conference

    • Awards: Dr. Krzysztof Dębicki and Dr. Joanna Orewczyk

    • Distinctions: MSc Eng. Wojciech Kempa and MSc Małgorzata Wyrwas

  • Prof. Dr. Leon Bobrowski

  • Prof. Dr. Maksymilian Dryja

  • Dr. Hab. Henryk Gacki

  • Prof. Dr. Jerzy Gawinecki

  • Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Inglot

  • Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Jurlewicz

  • Prof. Dr. Tomasz Komorowski - Deputy Chair

  • Dr. Hab. Marek Męczarski

  • Prof. Dr. Wojciech Niemiro

  • Prof. Dr. Andrzej Palczewski

  • Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Peradzyński

  • Dr. Hab. Joanna Rencławowicz

  • Prof. Dr. Ryszard Rudnicki

  • Prof. Dr. Maciej Sablik

  • Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair

  • Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Szajowski

  • Prof. Dr. Władysław Szczotka

  • Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Trzaskalik

  • Prof. Dr. Aleksander Welfe

  • Prof. Dr. Wojciech Zajączkowski

  • Prof. Dr. Tomasz Komorowski

  • Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski - Secretary

  • Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel

  • Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair


(September 25, 2015)
1. MSc Sebastian Baran University of Economics in Krakow
2. Dr. Jakub Bielawski University of Economics in Krakow
3. Prof. Dr. Hab. Leon Bobrowski IBIB PAN
4. Dr. Eng. Piotr Bora WAT Warsaw
5. Prof. Dr. Hab. Mykola Bratiichuk Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
6. MSc Roksana Brodnicka University of Silesia
7. Dr. Eng. Artur Bryk SGH Warsaw
8. Prof. Dr. Yaroslav Chabanyuk Lviv State University of Life Safety
9. Dr. Hab. Jacek Chudziak University of Rzeszów
10. Dr. Hab. Antoni Leon Dawidowicz Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
11. MSc Wiesława Dąbała IFiS PAN
12. Dr. Eng. Adam Deptuła Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering
13. MSc Eng. Anna Małgorzata Deptuła Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering
14. MSc Jacek Dębowski AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
15. MSc Andrzej Dietrich Institute of Oil and Gas, Krakow
16. Prof. Dr. Hab. Maksymilian Dryja Vistula University; University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
17. MSc Krzysztof Gachewicz PZU Życie SA
18. Dr. Hab. Henryk Gacki University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics
19. Prof. Dr. Hab. Jerzy Gawinecki WAT Warsaw
20. Dr. Mieczysław Gruda Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, PIB
21. Prof. Dr. Hab. Tadeusz Inglot Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics
22. MSc Elżbieta Janas PZU Życie SA
23. MSc Eng. Kamil Jodź Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
24. Dr. Hab. Eng. Agnieszka Jurlewicz Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
25. Doc. Dr. Andrzej Just Lodz University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Physics Education
26. MSc Eng. Kamil Kaczyński WAT Warsaw
27. MSc Marek Kajdanowicz AEGON Services
28. Dr. Paweł Keller Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
29. Eng. Michał Kędzierski WAT Warsaw
30. Dr. Uliana Khimka Lviv Polytechnic National University
31. Prof. Dr. Hab. Eng. Jerzy Klamka Silesian University of Technology
32. Prof. Dr. Hab. Tomasz Komorowski IM PAN Warsaw
33. Dr. Marta Kornafel University of Economics in Krakow
34. Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski IM PAN Warsaw
35. Dr. Joanna Kucner Lodz University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Physics Education
36. MSc Justyna Kufel Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, PIB
37. Dr. Agnieszka Kulawik University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics
38. MSc Paweł Łapuć PZU Życie SA
39. Prof. Dr. Hab. Marek Męczarski SGH Warsaw, Institute of Econometrics
40. MSc Eng. Agnieszka Mruklik Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
41. Dr. Joanna Napiórkowska Opole
42. Prof. Dr. Hab. Wojciech Niemiro University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
43. Dr. Piotr Nowak University of Opole, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
44. MSc Justyna Ogorzały Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
45. Prof. Dr. Hab. Arkadiusz Orłowski Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, PAN, Warsaw
46. Prof. Dr. Hab. Andrzej Palczewski University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics
47. Prof. Dr. Hab. Bożenna Pasik-Duncan University of Kansas, Lawrence, U.S.A.
48. Prof. Dr. Hab. Zbigniew Peradzyński University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
49. Dr. Marcin Pitera Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
50. Dr. Eng. Barbara Popowska Poznań University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics
51. Dr. Hab. Teresa Rajba University of Bielsko-Biała, Academy of Technology and Humanities
52. Prof. Dr. Hab. Włodzimierz Rembisz Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, PIB
53. Dr. Hab. Joanna Rencławowicz IM PAN Warsaw
54. Dr. Przemysław Rola University of Economics in Krakow
55. MSc Paulina Romanowska PZU Życie SA
56. Dr. Hab. Roman Różański Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
57. Prof. Dr. Hab. Ryszard Rudnicki IM PAN Katowice
58. Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel University of Economics in Krakow
59. Prof. Dr. Hab. Maciej Sablik University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics
60. Dr. Hab. Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska Medical University of Warsaw
61. MSc Marek Skarupski Wrocław University of Science and Technology
62. MSc Eng. Grzegorz Sługocki Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
63. Prof. Dr. Hab. Lesław Socha Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
64. Dr. Zdzisław Stempień Lodz University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Physics Education
65. Prof. Dr. Hab. Łukasz Stettner IM PAN Warsaw
66. MSc Anna Sulima Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
67. Dr. Marcin Sydow Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw, and IPI PAN
68. Prof. Dr. Hab. Eng. Krzysztof Szajowski Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
69. MSc Maciej Szczeciński University of Zielona Góra
70. Prof. Dr. Hab. Władysław Szczotka University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics
71. Prof. Dr. Hab. Zbigniew Świtalski University of Zielona Góra
72. Dr. Jolanta Tańcula University of Opole, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
73. MSc Dawid Tarłowski Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
74. MSc Eng. Agnieszka Tiszbierek Opole University of Technology
75. Dr. Hab. Krzysztof Topolski University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics
76. Prof. Dr. Hab. Tadeusz Trzaskalik University of Economics in Katowice
77. MSc Maciej Tuski AEGON Services
78. Prof. Dr. Hab. Aleksander Welfe University of Łódź, NBP
79. Dr. Hab. Bartosz Wilczyński University of Warsaw
80. Dr. Hab. Paweł Woźny University of Wrocław, Institute of Computer Science
81. MSc Eng. Michał Wroński WAT Warsaw
82. Dr. Eng. Iwona Wróbel Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
83. Prof. Dr. Hab. Wojciech Zajączkowski IM PAN Warsaw
84. Dr. Marta Zalewska Medical University of Warsaw
85. Dr. Dariusz Zawisza Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics
86. Dr. Eng. Zenon Zbąszyniak Poznań University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics


During the first days of the conference, a booth will be available where the company GAMBIT will present its products.

September 15, 2015 (Tuesday)

Morning Session
9:00 Conference Opening
9:15 Bartek Wilczyński
Chromosome Contact Matrices – From Complex Biology to Interesting Mathematics (I)
11:00 Break
11:30 Andrzej Palczewski
Optimal Investment Portfolios in the Black–Litterman Model for Arbitrary Distributions
12:15 Władysław Szczotka
GI/GI/1 Systems with Infinite Mean Service Times and Inter-arrival Times
Afternoon Session
15:00 Tomasz Komorowski, Stefano Olla
Energy Transport in a System of Harmonic Oscillators with Degenerate Noise
15:45 Henryk Gacki, Łukasz Stettner
Asymptotic Stability of a Certain Nonlinear Boltzmann-type Equation
16:15 Teresa Rajba
Application of Convex Stochastic Orders to the Study of Inequalities between Quadrature Operators
16:45 Ewelina Seroka, Lesław Socha
Stability of Linear Hybrid Systems with Non-Gaussian Parametric Excitation
17:15 Krzysztof Topolski
Application of Supermodular Order in the Analysis of the Ising Model with Random External Field
19:00 Open Meeting of the Committee on Applications of the Polish Academy of Sciences

September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

Morning Session
9:00 Bartek Wilczyński
Chromosome Contact Matrices – From Complex Biology to Interesting Mathematics (II)
11:00 Break
11:30 Wojciech Zajączkowski
Stability of Two-Dimensional Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations with Navier-Type Boundary Conditions
12:30 PM Joanna Rencławowicz
Incompressible Flow Model in a Cylinder for Large Data
4:00 PM Concert Classical Music for Four Hands by Ayaki Meiwy and Prof. Tadeusz Trzaskalik
at the Mieczysław Karłowicz Primary School of Music in Zakopane (Sienkiewicza 12)

September 17, 2015 (Thursday)

Morning Session
9:00 AM Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Linear Stochastic Control with Quadratic and Exponential Quadratic Cost and State and Control Dependent Noise
9:45 AM Jerzy Klamka, Jolanta Tańcula
Method for Studying the Stability of Computer Networks Independent of Queueing Delays
10:25 AM Dariusz Zawisza
Ergodic HJB Equation with Unbounded Discount Factor
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM Andrzej Just, Zdzisław Stempień
Optimal Control Problem Described by a Multidimensional Beam Equation and Its Galerkin-Type Approximation
12:00 PM Zdzisław Porosiński, Marek Skarupski, Krzysztof J. Szajowski
The Concept of Duration Problem and Its Extension
12:30 PM Paweł Woźny
New Applications of Dual Bases in CAGD
Afternoon Session
3:00 PM Yaroslav Chabanyuk, Uliana Khimka, Anastasia Kinash
Diffusion Process with Small Diffusion in Markov Media
3:30 PM Break
3:35 PM Roksana Brodnicka
The Convolution of Measures in the Model of Particle Collisions
4:10 PM Jacek Dębowski
Optimal Approximation of the Stochastic Integral with Respect to a Poisson Process of Regular Functions in the Asymptotic Model
4:45 PM Marcin Pitera
20/60/20 Rule
5:20 PM A. Karczewska, P. Rozmej, M. Szczeciński, B. Boguniewicz
Finite Element Method for the Generalized KDV Equation
7:00 PM Bonfire

September 18, 2015 (Friday)

Morning Session
9:00 AM Piotr Bolesław Nowak
Statistical Inference from Incomplete Samples
9:30 AM Marek Męczarski
Stop-Loss Order in Bayesian Approach
10:00 AM Wiesława Dąbała
Estimating the Response Fraction in Sensitive Questions Using the Liou–Chow–Mosley Randomization Method
10:30 AM Agnieszka Kulawik
Image Recognition in a Diagnostic Experiment
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM Roman Różański
Predictive Bootstrap Confidence Intervals and Regions for Multivariate Time Series Models and Heteroskedastic Time Series Models with Applications to Model Verification and Construction
12:15 PM Mykola Bratiichuk
The Bankruptcy Problem for the Risk Process on an Interval
Afternoon Session
3:00 PM Tadeusz Trzaskalik
A Quasi-Hierarchical Approach in Multicriteria Dynamic Processes
3:30 PM Zbigniew Świtalski
Competitive Equilibria in Market Models with Unit Demand and Budget Constraints
4:10 PM Jakub Bielawski
Generalized Measure of Relative Deprivation
4:45 PM Break
4:50 PM – 6:00 PM Poster Presentation
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Poster Session

Artur Bryk
Asymptotic Distribution of the Jump Size Estimator in Regression Functions

Adam Deptuła
Modification of the Parametric Game Graph Distribution for Multidimensional Dependency Graphs

Adam Deptuła
Multidimensional Dependency Graphs in the Parametric Description of Mechatronic Cascade Systems

Adam Deptuła, Marian A. Partyka
Comparative Analysis of Classification Information Methods

Anna Małgorzata Deptuła, Adam Deptuła
Application of Parametrically Playing Structures in the Analysis of Innovation Risk Assessment Criteria

Anna Małgorzata Deptuła
Analysis of the Impact of Indirect Expert Assessments on the Weight of Assessment Criteria

Mieczysław Gruda, Włodzimierz Rembisz
Competitive Equilibrium under Uncertainty and Risk in the Context of Economic Growth

Jerzy Klamka
Controllability of Dynamic Systems

Barbara Popowska, Karol Andrzejczak
The Weibull Distribution and Its Application in Reliability Theory

Anna Sulima
Bayesian Estimation of a DSGE Model with Student's t-Distribution of Shocks

Agnieszka Tiszbierek, Marian A. Partyka
Computer-Aided Determination of Optimal Logical Multivalued Decision Trees for the Importance Ranking of Gear Pump Parameters with Undercut Teeth

Agnieszka Tiszbierek
Problems of Computer-Aided Decision-Making Processes Considering Conditional and Interaction Variables

Małgorzata Migda, Małgorzata Zbąszyniak, Zenon Zbąszyniak
On Lipschitz Stability for Some Systems of Difference Equations

8:00 PM "Who Knows How to Solve This?"

September 19, 2015 (Saturday)

Morning Session
9:00 AM Maksymilian Dryja
Single-Level Neumann–Dirichlet Parallel Algorithm for the Discretization of Elliptic Equations
9:30 AM Justyna Ogorzały
Penalization Method for a Class of Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities with History Operator
10:00 AM Paweł Keller, Iwona Wróbel
Estimation of Rounding Errors in Numerical Approximations of Cauchy Principal Values of Integrals
10:30 AM Grzegorz M. Sługocki
On the Numerical Solution of an ODE Using an Orthogonal Expansion
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM Łukasz Stettner
Asymptotics of the Optimal Value of a Utility Function of Wealth Process Under Unobserved Economic Factors
12:10 PM Przemysław Rola
Arbitrage and Asymptotic Arbitrage in Markets with Bid-Ask Spreads
12:40 PM Agnieszka Rygiel, Łukasz Stettner
Conditions for the Absence of Simple Arbitrage with Bid-Ask Spreads
Afternoon Session
3:00 PM Kamil Kaczyński
PM1 Steganographic Algorithm Using the Ternary Hamming Code
3:30 PM Michał Wroński, Michał Kędzierski
Implementation of a Coprocessor Supporting Cryptanalysis of Problems Based on Elliptic Curves
4:00 PM Piotr Bora
Hardware Selection of Boolean Functions
4:30 PM Arkadiusz Orłowski
Reversible and Universal Logical Operations – Nontrivial Properties and Applications
5:00 PM Anna Strzeżek, Ludwik Trammer, Marcin Sydow
Experiments with a Diversity Control Operator in Genetic Algorithms
7:00 PM Gala Dinner

September 21, 2015 (Monday)

Morning Session Joint with the Conference Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences
9:00 AM Ryszard Rudnicki
Piecewise Deterministic Processes: Asymptotics of Distributions
9:50 AM Fabio Bagarello
Applications of Quantum Tools for Macroscopic Systems
10:30 AM M. S. Elaeva, M. Yu. Zhukov, E. V. Shiryaeva
The Goursat Problem and the Hodograph Method
11:00 AM Break
11:30 AM Zbigniew Peradzyński
Hydrodynamic Type of Systems - Methods and Results
12:15 PM El-Haj Laamri, Michel Pierre
Global Existence for Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Nonlinear Diffusion and Control of Mass
Afternoon Session
3:00 PM Leon Bobrowski
Exploration of Vertex Patterns in Data Sets
3:30 PM Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska, Sławomir Paśko
Application of Multidimensional Euler Space in the Analysis of Limb Movements in Primate Locomotion
4:10 PM Kamil Jodź
Stochastic Modeling of Mortality in Heterogeneous Populations
4:40 PM Agnieszka Mruklik
Human Mortality and Life Standard Indicators – A Selected Stochastic Model
5:10 PM Marta Kornafel
The Impact of Investment Delay on the Capital Accumulation Process

September 22, 2015 (Tuesday)

Morning Session
9:00 AM Wojciech Niemiro
MCMC Algorithms for Continuous-Time Markov Processes
9:50 AM Anna Sulima
Completeness and Optimization of the Extended Black-Scholes–Merton Model
10:15 AM Sebastian Baran, Zbigniew Palmowski
Optimization of Expected Utility of Dividend Payouts in the Cramér–Lundberg Model
10:40 AM Jacek Chudziak
On Positive Homogeneity of the Equivalent Utility Premium in Cumulative Prospect Theory
11:05 AM Conference Conclusion