From September 4 to 11, 2018, the 47th National Scientific and Training Conference on Applications of Mathematics will be held in Zakopane-Kościelisko at the Siwarna Holiday Resort.
The Conference Organizing Committee was appointed by the Committee on Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Mathematics Applications Center of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Society of Actuaries.
The conference will be held in conjunction with the 24th National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine (September 4-7, 2018).
The aim of the conference is to present mathematical methods applied in various fields of the national economy, particularly in industry, insurance, finance, banking, railways, transportation, etc.
Conference participants will have the opportunity to present their mathematical models in thematic sessions.
Since the 30th Conference, an annual award has been established for young mathematicians (under 32 years old) for the best paper presented at the conference. To participate in the competition, it is required to submit not only an abstract but also an extended version of the work (e.g., preprint, reprint). The award is supported by the Polish Mathematical Society.
Competition Regulations for Young Mathematicians for the Best Paper Presented at the Conference on Applications of Mathematics
Participants must be under 32 years old as of January 1 of the year the conference is held.
To participate in the competition, one must fill out the application form on the conference website and submit it to the Organizing Committee. By the deadline specified in Communication No. 1, an abstract of the paper must be submitted, and before the conference begins, an extended version of the work (e.g., preprint, reprint) must also be provided.
After reviewing the topics of the submissions, the Program Council appoints the competition jury.
The jury members attend the presentations of the competition participants and then evaluate them, considering the following:
quality of the results obtained,
clear formulation of the problem,
transparent presentation of the solution,
correct structure of the paper,
correct use of language,
careful preparation of materials,
proper use of the time allocated for the presentation,
communicativeness during the discussion.
The jury's decision is announced during the gala dinner.
Dr. Małgorzata Bogdan
Dr. Tomasz Cieślak - Vice-Chairman
Prof. Urszula Foryś
Dr. Henryk Gacki
Prof. Jerzy Gawinecki
Prof. Piotr Gwiazda
Prof. Tomasz Komorowski
Dr. Marek Męczarski
Dr. Mariusz Niewęgłowski
Prof. Leszek Plaskota
Prof. Ryszard Rudnicki
Prof. Maciej Sablik
Prof. Łukasz Stettner - Chairman
Prof. Krzysztof Szajowski
Prof. Władysław Szczotka
Prof. Tadeusz Trzaskalik
Prof. Aleksander Welfe
Prof. Wojciech Zajączkowski
Dr. Tomasz Cieślak - Vice-Chairman
Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski - Secretary
Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel
Prof. Łukasz Stettner - Chairman
The following sessions are planned (the names of the session organizers are in parentheses):
Applications of Mathematical Analysis Methods (T. Cieślak, P. Gwiazda, and W. Zajączkowski),
Optimal Control and Optimization Methods (Ł. Stettner),
Probabilistic Models and Methods (H. Gacki, T. Komorowski, and K. Szajowski),
Methods of Mathematical Statistics (M. Bogdan, M. Męczarski, and K. Szajowski),
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (L. Plaskota),
Industrial Applications of Mathematics (W. Szczotka),
Biomathematics (U. Foryś and R. Rudnicki),
Applications of Mathematics in Insurance (M. Sablik and Ł. Stettner),
Non-standard Applications of Mathematics (J. Gawinecki and P. Gwiazda),
Financial Mathematics (M. Niewęgłowski and Ł. Stettner),
Applications of Mathematics in Economics (T. Trzaskalik and A. Welfe),
Poster Session (Organizing Committee),
Who knows how to solve this? (Organizing Committee).
September 4, 2018 (Tuesday)
Morning Session | |
9:00 AM | Conference Opening |
9:20 AM | Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schättler Optimal Control in Biomedical Problems (invited talk) |
11:00 AM | Break |
11:30 AM | Małgorzata Bogdan Localization of Genes Responsible for Genetically Complex Traits |
12:15 PM | Zbigniew Peradzyński Calcium Waves Sustained by Calcium Influx Through Ion Channels in the Cell Membrane |
Afternoon Session | |
3:00 PM | Krzysztof Bartoszek Phylogenetic Effective Sample Size and Evolutionary Jumps |
3:30 PM | Konrad Sakowski, Monika Joanna Piotrowska Numerical Simulations of Patient Transfers and the Spread of Hospital Infections in Healthcare Systems |
4:00 PM | Piotr Bajger A Mathematical Model of Capillary Proliferation and Maturation |
4:30 PM | Break |
4:45 PM | Agnieszka Siedlaczek Nonparametric Estimation of Quantile Versions of the Lorenz Curve |
5:15 PM | Jacek Waldmajer The Theory of Tailoring Automata |
7:00 PM | Open Meeting of the Committee on Applications of the Committee on Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
September 5, 2018 (Wednesday)
Roksana Brodnicka, Henryk Gacki
Asymptotic Stability of Evolutionary Boltzmann-Type Equations
Artur Bryk
Order of Uniform Consistency in a Randomized Regression Model for Strongly Dependent Errors
Adam Deptuła
Complex Parameterized Structures for Hsu Graph in the Analysis of Automatic Gearboxes
Adam Deptuła, Anna Małgorzata Deptuła
Considering Computational Complexity in the Analytical Representation of Parametrically Played Structures for Hsu Graph
Jerzy Gawinecki, Józef Rafa
L∞-L1 = Time Decay Estimate to the Solution of the Cauchy Problem of the System of Equations for Nonlocal Model of Hyperbolic Thermoelasticity Theory
Mieczysław Gruda
A Variational Approach in Economic Equilibrium Problems
Robert Kruszewski
Heterogeneous Expectations and Fluctuations of Gross Domestic Product
Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Tatiana Odzijewicz
Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Fractional Multi-Agent Systems
Marian A. Partyka, Adam Deptuła, Adam Krzyżak
Application of Approximate Decision Tables in the Classification of Information Systems
Agnieszka Tiszbierek
The Need to Determine the Number of True Branches in the Computer Process of Determining the Importance Rank of Design and Operational Parameters
Janusz Migda, Małgorzata Migda, Zenon Zbąszyniak
Asymptotically Periodic Solutions to Difference Equations of Sturm-Liouville Type
September 6, 2018 (Thursday)
September 6, 2018 (Thursday)
Morning: Excursion for XXIV KKZMBM Participants
Afternoon Session – Room B | |
3:00 PM | Mikhail Kolev Mathematical Model of Certain Autoimmune Diseases Induced by Viruses |
3:30 PM | Krzysztof Puszyński Interactions Between Stochastic Gene Switching and Metronomic Therapies |
4:00 PM | Andrzej Tomski On Stochastic Gene Expression Involving Pre-mRNA, mRNA, and Proteins |
4:30 PM | Paweł Klimasara A Model of Grass and Tree Coexistence on Savannas Induced by Random Fires |
5:00 PM | Break |
5:30 PM | Monika Kurpas Detection of Single-Strand DNA Fragments: The Role of Wip1 in the ATR Pathway |
6:00 PM | Anna Glodek Mass Spectrum Deisotoping Method Based on Fuzzy Systems |
6:30 PM | Malwina Gądek, Krzysztof Szajowski Control Charts for Asymmetric Features |
7:00 PM | Piotr Radziński Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Disease in the Predator Population |
7:30 PM | Bonfire for Participants of Both Conferences |
September 7, 2018 (Friday)
Morning Session – Room B | |
9:00 AM | Mirosław Krzyśko Jan Czekanowski - Anthropologist and Statistician (Invited Lecture) |
10:00 AM | Break |
10:30 AM | Elżbieta Ratajczyk Dynamics of Self-Propelled Particles in Confined Spaces from a Kinetic Perspective |
11:00 AM | Sebastian Sakowski Prediction of Pathogenic Features of Escherichia coli Using the BiSSE Model and TRS-PCR Profiling |
11:30 AM | Marcin Choiński Global Dynamics Analysis of HIV Infection in CD4+ T Cells and Treatment |
12:00 PM | Adam Korpusik On the Nonlocal Discretization of a Simplified Anderson-May Model of Viral Infection |
12:30 PM Summary and Closing of the Conference
September 7, 2018 (Friday)
September 8, 2018 (Saturday)
September 10, 2018 (Monday)
September 11, 2018 (Tuesday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Teresa Rajba On the Application of Probabilistic Methods to Investigate Inequalities for Convex Functions Related to Bernstein and Baskakov Operators |
9.40 | Tomasz Cieślak Multipeakon Collisions: How to Harvest Energy from Waves |
10.25 | Paweł A. Ryszawa A Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithm with Self-Organizing Gene Group Configuration |
11.00 | Conference Conclusion |
(29.8.2018)XXIV KKZMBM
1. | MSc Eng. Piotr Bajger | University of Warmia and Mazury |
2. | Dr. Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk | Gdańsk University of Technology |
3. | Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Bartoszek | Linköping University |
4. | Prof. Dr. hab. Adam Bobrowski | Lublin University of Technology |
5. | Dr. hab. Marek Bodnar | University of Warsaw |
6. | Dr. Mariusz Bodzioch | University of Warmia and Mazury |
7. | MSc Eng. Marcin Choiński | University of Warsaw |
8. | Dr. hab. Antoni Leon Dawidowicz | Jagiellonian University, Inst. Math. |
9. | Dr. hab. Urszula Foryś | University of Warsaw |
10. | Dr. hab. Krzysztof Fujarewicz | Silesian University of Technology |
11. | MSc Eng. Anna Glodek | Silesian University of Technology |
12. | Dr. Eng. Beata Jackowska-Zduniak | Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) |
13. | MSc Eng. Paweł Klimasara | University of Silesia |
14. | Dr. Mikhail Kolev | University of Warmia and Mazury |
15. | MSc Eng. Adam Korpusik | University of Warmia and Mazury |
16. | Prof. Dr. hab. Mirosław Krzyśko | Adam Mickiewicz University |
17. | MSc Eng. Monika Kurpas | Silesian University of Technology |
18. | Prof. Dr. hab. Urszula Ledzewicz | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
19. | MSc Maciej Leszczyński | Lodz University of Technology |
20. | Prof. Dr. hab. Tomasz Lipniacki | IPPT Warsaw |
21. | Dr. Joanna Napiórkowska | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
22. | Prof. Dr. hab. Adam Paszkiewicz | University of Lodz |
23. | Prof. Dr. hab. Zbigniew Peradzyński | Faculty of Cybernetics, Military University of Technology |
24. | Dr. hab. Monika Joanna Piotrowska | University of Warsaw |
25. | Dr. hab. Eng. Krzysztof Puszyński | Silesian University of Technology |
26. | BSc Piotr Radziński | University of Warsaw |
27. | Dr. Elżbieta Ratajczyk | Lublin University of Technology |
28. | Dr. Konrad Sakowski | University of Warsaw |
29. | Dr. Sebastian Sakowski | University of Lodz |
30. | Prof. Dr. hab. Heinz Schättler | Washington University, St. Louis |
31. | MSc Eng. Agnieszka Siedlaczek | University of Opole |
32. | Dr. hab. Eng. Jarosław Śmieja | Silesian University of Technology |
33. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Andrzej Świerniak | Silesian University of Technology |
34. | Dr. Andrzej Tomski | University of Silesia |
35. | Dr. hab. Marta Tyran-Kamińska | IMPAN Katowice |
36. | Dr. Jacek Waldmajer | University of Opole |
37. | MSc Eng. Marcin Witkowski | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
38. | Prof. Dr. hab. Mariusz Ziółko | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
1. | Dr. Jakub Bielawski | Cracow University of Economics |
2. | Prof. Dr. hab. Adam Bobrowski | Lublin University of Technology, Department of Mathematics |
3. | Prof. Dr. hab. Małgorzata Bogdan | University of Wrocław |
4. | Dr. hab. Bogusław Bożek | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Faculty of Applied Mathematics |
5. | Dr. hab. Jadwiga Bożek | University of Agriculture in Kraków, Department of Mathematical Statistics |
6. | MSc Roksana Brodnicka | University of Silesia |
7. | Dr. Eng. Artur Bryk | SGH Warsaw School of Economics |
8. | Dr. hab. Jacek Chudziak | University of Rzeszów |
9. | Dr. hab. Tomasz Cieślak | IMPAN Warsaw |
10. | Dr. hab. Eng. Krzysztof Cyran | SkyTech Products |
11. | BSc Natalia Czyżewska | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
12. | Dr. hab. Antoni Leon Dawidowicz | Jagiellonian University, Institute of Mathematics |
13. | MSc Wiesława Dąbała | IFiS PAN |
14. | Dr. Anna Denkowska | Cracow University of Economics |
15. | Dr. Eng. Adam Deptuła | Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering |
16. | Dr. Eng. Anna Deptuła | Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering |
17. | Dr. hab. Urszula Foryś | University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics |
18. | Prof. Dr. hab. Henryk Gacki | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
19. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Jerzy Gawinecki | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
20. | Prof. Moshe Goldberg | Technion Haifa |
21. | Dr. Maria Górnioczek | University of Silesia |
22. | Dr. Mieczysław Gruda | Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, PIB |
23. | Prof. Dr. hab. Henryk Gurgul | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Faculty of Management |
24. | Prof. Dr. hab. Piotr Gwiazda | University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics |
25. | Prof. Dr. hab. Adam Idzik | Jan Kochanowski University |
26. | Dr. Sławomir Jarek | University of Economics in Katowice |
27. | Damian Jelito | Jagiellonian University |
28. | Dr. Andrzej Just | Lodz University of Technology, Center for Teaching Mathematics and Physics |
29. | MSc Marek Kajdanowicz | AEGON Services |
30. | MSc Andrzej Kałuża | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
31. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Jerzy Klamka | Silesian University of Technology |
32. | Dr. Marek Kociński | Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) |
33. | Prof. Dr. hab. Tomasz Komorowski | IM PAN Warsaw |
34. | Dr. Marta Kornafel | Cracow University of Economics |
35. | Dr. hab. Jan Koroński | Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics |
36. | Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski | IM PAN Warsaw |
37. | Dr. Paweł Marcin Kozyra | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
38. | Prof. Dr. hab. Robert Kruszewski | SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Economics |
39. | Dr. Agnieszka Kulawik | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
40. | Prof. Dr. hab. Urszula Ledzewicz | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
41. | Dr. Agnieszka Lipieta | Cracow University of Economics, Department of Mathematics |
42. | Dr. hab. Andrzej Makagon | Hampton University, U.S.A. |
43. | Dr. hab. Marek Męczarski | SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Econometrics |
44. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Wojciech Mitkowski | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Department of Automatic Control |
45. | Dr. Paweł Morkisz | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
46. | Dr. Joanna Napiórkowska | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
47. | Dr. Eng. Mariusz Niewęgłowski | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science |
48. | Dr. Tatiana Odzijewicz | SGH Warsaw School of Economics |
49. | Dr. Justyna Ogorzały | Cracow University of Economics |
50. | Prof. Dr. hab. Marian Antoni Partyka | Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering |
51. | Prof. Dr. hab. Zbigniew Peradzyński | Faculty of Cybernetics, Military University of Technology |
52. | Prof. Dr. hab. Leszek Plaskota | University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics |
53. | Dr. Eng. Łukasz Płociniczak | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
54. | Dr. Jan Poleszczuk | Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering |
55. | Dr. Paweł Przybyłowicz | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
56. | Prof. Dr. hab. Teresa Rajba | University of Bielsko-Biala, University of Technology and Humanities |
57. | Prof. Dr. hab. Ryszard Rudnicki | IM PAN Katowice |
58. | Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel | Cracow University of Economics |
59. | MSc Paweł A. Ryszawa | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
60. | Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Sablik | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
61. | Dr. Lucjan Sapa | AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Faculty of Applied Mathematics |
62. | Prof. Dr. hab. Heinz Schättler | Washington University, St. Louis |
63. | MSc Eng. Agnieszka Siedlaczek | University of Opole, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science |
64. | Dr. hab. Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska | Medical University of Warsaw |
65. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Lesław Socha | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
66. | Dr. Zdzisław Stempień | Lodz University of Technology, Center for Teaching Mathematics and Physics |
67. | Prof. Dr. hab. Łukasz Stettner | IM PAN Warsaw |
68. | Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Krzysztof Szajowski | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
69. | Dr. Wojciech Szatzschneider | Anahuac University, Mexico |
70. | Prof. Dr. hab. Władysław Szczotka | University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics |
71. | MSc Eng. Agnieszka Tiszbierek | Opole |
72. | Prof. Dr. hab. Tadeusz Trzaskalik | University of Economics in Katowice |
73. | MSc Maciej Tuski | AEGON Services |
74. | Prof. Dr. hab. Aleksander Welfe | University of Lodz |
75. | Dr. Grzegorz Wyłupek | University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics |
76. | Prof. Dr. hab. Wojciech Zajączkowski | IM PAN Warsaw |
77. | Dr. Eng. Zenon Zbąszyniak | Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics |
78. | Sofia Zinkovskaya | Columbus |