The Forty-Eighth National Scientific and Training Conference on the Applications of Mathematics will take place on September 9-16, 2019, in Zakopane-Kościelisko at the Siwarna Vacation House.
The Conference Organizing Committee was established by the Mathematics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in collaboration with the Mathematics Applications Center of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN) and the Polish Society of Actuaries.
The purpose of the conference is to present mathematical methods applied in various sectors of the national economy, particularly in industry, insurance, finance, banking, railways, and transport.
Conference participants will have the opportunity to present the mathematical models they have developed in relevant thematic sessions.
Starting from the XXX Conference, an annual prize has been funded for young mathematicians (up to 32 years old) for the best presentation at the conference. To participate in the competition, a more extensive version of the work (e.g., preprint, offprint) must be submitted in addition to the abstract.
Competition Rules for Young Mathematicians for the Best Presentation at the Applications of Mathematics Conference
The Competition is open to individuals who, as of January 1 of the year in which the Conference is held, have not yet reached the age of 32.
To participate in the Competition, one must complete the registration form available on the Conference website and submit it to the Organizing Committee. The abstract of the presentation must be submitted by the deadline specified in Communication No. 1, and before the start of the Conference, an extended version of the work (e.g., preprint, offprint) must also be submitted.
After reviewing the submitted topics, the Program Board will appoint the Competition jury.
Jury members are present during the participants' presentations and then evaluate them, considering:
the quality of the achieved result,
clear formulation of the problem,
clear presentation of the solution,
correct structure of the presentation,
language correctness,
care in preparing materials,
appropriate use of the time allocated for the presentation,
communication skills in discussion.
The jury's decision is announced during the gala dinner.
Dr. habil. Tomasz Cieślak - Deputy Chair
Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski - Secretary
Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel
Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair
Dr. habil. Małgorzata Bogdan
Dr. habil. Tomasz Cieślak - Deputy Chair
Dr. habil. Henryk Gacki
Prof. Dr. Jerzy Gawinecki
Prof. Dr. Piotr Gwiazda
Dr. habil. Marek Męczarski
Dr. Mariusz Niewęgłowski
Prof. Dr. Leszek Plaskota
Prof. Dr. Teresa Regińska
Prof. Dr. Ryszard Rudnicki
Prof. Dr. Maciej Sablik
Prof. Dr. Łukasz Stettner - Chair
Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Szajowski
Prof. Dr. Władysław Szczotka
Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Trzaskalik
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Zajączkowski
(30.8.2019)XLVIII KZM
1. | Dr. Sebastian Baran | Cracow University of Economics |
2. | Dr. habil. Mariusz Białecki | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
3. | Mgr Łukasz Bielak | KGHM PM S.A. |
4. | Dr. Jakub Bielawski | Cracow University of Economics |
5. | Prof. Dr. Małgorzata Bogdan | University of Wrocław |
6. | Prof. Dr. habil. Mykola Bratiichuk | Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics |
7. | Mgr Roksana Brodnicka | University of Silesia |
8. | Dr. Eng. Artur Bryk | SGH Warsaw School of Economics |
9. | Dr. Beata Ciałowicz | Cracow University of Economics, Department of Mathematics |
10. | Dr. habil. Tomasz Cieślak | IM PAN Warsaw |
11. | Prof. Dr. habil. Zbigniew Czechowski | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
12. | Dr. Ilona Ćwięczek | Cracow University of Economics |
13. | Mgr Wiesława Dąbała | Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN) |
14. | Dr. Anna Denkowska | Cracow University of Economics |
15. | Dr. Eng. Adam Deptuła | Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering |
16. | Prof. Dr. habil. Wojciech Dębski | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
17. | Prof. Dr. habil. Henryk Gacki | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
18. | Prof. Dr. Eng. Jerzy Gawinecki | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
19. | Dr. Maria Górnioczek | University of Silesia |
20. | Dr. Mieczysław Gruda | Warsaw |
21. | Dr. Eng. Wiesław Grygierzec | University of Agriculture in Kraków |
22. | Mgr Aleksandra Grzesiek | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
23. | Prof. Dr. habil. Henryk Gurgul | AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics |
24. | Prof. Dr. habil. Piotr Gwiazda | IM PAN Warsaw |
25. | Mgr Eng. Justyna Hebda-Sobkowicz | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology |
26. | Mgr Damian Jelito | Jagiellonian University |
27. | Dr. Andrzej Just | Lodz University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Physics Teaching |
28. | Mgr Marek Kajdanowicz | AEGON Services |
29. | Dr. Jakub Kierzkowski | National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) |
30. | Prof. Dr. Eng. Jerzy Klamka | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
31. | Dr. Marek Kociński | Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) |
32. | Prof. Dr. habil. Bolesław Kopociński | University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics |
33. | Dr. Jan Krzysztof Kowalski | IM PAN Warsaw |
34. | Mgr Piotr Kruczek | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
35. | Prof. Dr. habil. Robert Kruszewski | SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Economics |
36. | Dr. Agnieszka Kulawik | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
37. | Prof. Dr. habil. Marek Lewandowski | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
38. | Dr. habil. Agnieszka Lipieta | Cracow University of Economics, Department of Mathematics |
39. | Dr. habil. Marek Męczarski | SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Econometrics |
40. | Mgr Anna Michalak | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology |
41. | Prof. Dr. habil. Jacek Miękisz | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics |
42. | Dr. Eng. Paweł Miśta | KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. |
43. | Prof. Dr. Eng. Wojciech Mitkowski | AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Automatic Control |
44. | Dr. habil. Krzysztof Mizerski | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
45. | Dr. Joanna Napiórkowska | Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
46. | Prof. Dr. habil. Wojciech Niemiro | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics |
47. | Dr. Eng. Mariusz Niewęgłowski | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science |
48. | Dr. Justyna Ogorzały | Cracow University of Economics |
49. | Prof. Dr. habil. Marian Partyka | Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering |
50. | Prof. Dr. habil. Bożenna Pasik-Duncan | University of Kansas, Lawrence, U.S.A. |
51. | Prof. Dr. habil. Zbigniew Peradzyński | Faculty of Cybernetics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw |
52. | Prof. Dr. habil. Leszek Plaskota | University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics |
53. | Dr. Ewa Rak | University of Rzeszów |
54. | Prof. Dr. habil. Teresa Regińska | IM PAN Warsaw |
55. | Prof. Dr. habil. Ryszard Rudnicki | IM PAN Katowice |
56. | Dr. Agnieszka Rygiel | Cracow University of Economics |
57. | Prof. Dr. habil. Maciej Sablik | University of Silesia, Institute of Mathematics |
58. | Dr. habil. Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska | Medical University of Warsaw |
59. | Jakub Skrzeczkowski | University of Warsaw |
60. | Mgr Eng. Grzegorz Sługocki | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (MEiL) |
61. | Prof. Dr. habil. Lesław Socha | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
62. | Dr. Zdzisław Stempień | Lodz University of Technology, Center for Mathematics and Physics Teaching |
63. | Prof. Dr. habil. Łukasz Stettner | IM PAN Warsaw |
64. | Prof. Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Szajowski | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
65. | Prof. Dr. habil. Władysław Szczotka | University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics |
66. | Dr. Kamil Świątek | Poznań University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics |
67. | MSc Eng. Mateusz Świtała | Wrocław University of Science and Technology |
68. | MSc Eng. Agnieszka Tiszbierek | Opole University of Technology |
69. | Prof. Dr. habil. Tadeusz Trzaskalik | University of Economics in Katowice |
70. | Dr. Krzysztof Gall Turek | HSBC Service Delivery |
71. | MSc Maciej Tuski | AEGON Services |
72. | MD Olga Wierzbieniec | Medical University of Warsaw |
73. | Dr. Eng. Jacek Wodecki | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology |
74. | Prof. Dr. habil. Agnieszka Wyłomańska | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mathematics |
75. | Dr. Grzegorz Wyłupek | University of Wrocław, Institute of Mathematics |
76. | Prof. Dr. habil. Wojciech Zajączkowski | IM PAN Warsaw |
77. | Dr. habil. Marta Zalewska | Medical University of Warsaw |
78. | Prof. Dr. habil. Radosław Zimroz | Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology |
9 September 2019 (Monday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Conference Opening |
9.15 | Władysław Szczotka Steinhaus Applied Mathematics Seminar |
10.25 | Bolesław Kopociński Sex Sequences in Chickens |
11.00 | Break |
11.30 | Marek Lewandowski The History of Global Glaciations: Understanding for Survival |
Afternoon Session | |
15.00 | Ryszard Rudnicki Stochastic Models of the Cell Cycle |
16.00 | Mariusz Niewęgłowski Levy Models with Markov Switching |
16.40 | Mykola Bratiichuk Retrial Queueing Systems with Changeable Service Rate |
17.20 | Lesław Socha Quasi-Optimal Control in a Nonlinear Switching Optimal Tracking Problem |
19.30 | Open Meeting of the Applications Committee of the Mathematics Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
10 September 2019 (Tuesday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Wojciech Dębski Geophysics, Bayesian Statistics, and Differential Geometry - Steps Towards a More Efficient Observational Data Analysis |
10.00 | Zbigniew Czechowski Reconstruction of the Modified Langevin Equation from p-Persistent Time Series |
11.00 | Break |
11.30 | Krzysztof A. Mizerski Mechanisms of Large-Scale Hydromagnetic Dynamo Excitation in Highly Conductive Fluids |
12.15 | Mariusz Białecki, Arpan Bagchi Inverse Problem for a Simple Earthquake Model in the Form of a Stochastic Cellular Automaton |
Afternoon Session | |
15.00 | Maria Górnioczek Application of Generalized Inverses in Portfolio Analysis |
15.30 | Kamil Świątek Stochastic Inclusions and Multivalued Stochastic Equations with Respect to a Two-Parameter Wiener Process |
16.00 | Poster Presentations |
19.30 | Poster Session |
10 September 2019 (Tuesday)
Adam Deptuła
Minimal Set Covering for Complex Parametrically Controlled Structures
Adam Deptuła, Anna Małgorzata Deptuła
Computational Complexity of Nodes in Complex Structures for the Hsu Graph
Jerzy Klamka
Controllability of Second-Order Dynamic Systems
Robert Kruszewski
Hicks Model with Asymmetric Investment Function
Marian A. Partyka, Adam Deptuła, Adam Krzyżak
Numerical Problems of Weighted Interactive Multivalued Logical Functions in the Minimization of Decision Logic Trees
Agnieszka Tiszbierek
Additional Qualitative Selection of Realizable Systems in the Computerized Process of Ranking Parameter Importance Considering Interactions
12 September 2019 (Thursday)
13 September 2019 (Friday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Radosław Zimroz You Can't Prop Up a Roof with an Integral - On Why Mining Still Needs Mathematics |
9.30 | Łukasz Bielak, Paweł Miśta Forecasting Metal Prices Using Non-Gaussian Stochastic Models |
10.00 | Anna Michalak Stochastic Modeling of Currency Exchange Rates Using New Validation Techniques |
10.30 | Aleksandra Grzesiek How to Measure Dependence in Non-Gaussian Models |
11.00 | Break |
11.30 | Jacek Wodecki, Anna Michalak Separation of Impulse Components from Vibration Signal Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Single- or Multi-Channel Data |
12.00 | Piotr Kruczek Application of a Compound Poisson Process to Modeling Ore Flow on a Conveyor Belt |
12.30 | Justyna Hebda-Sobkowicz Utilization of Mathematical Tools for Automated Time Series Analysis of Harmful Gas Concentrations and Seismic Hazard Detection in an Underground Copper Mine |
15.30 | Concert at the State School of Fine Arts in Zakopane (ul. Sienkiewicza 12) |
14 September 2019 (Saturday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Wojciech Zajączkowski Free Surface Problem for the System of Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics Equations in Lp Approach |
10.00 | Tomasz Cieślak Viscosity in the Center of the Kaden Spiral |
11.00 | Break |
11.30 | Marek Kociński On Stock Trading in a Market with Liquidity Shortages |
12.00 | Tadeusz Trzaskalik Sorting and Ranking Multistage Decision Variants Using the Bipolar Method |
12.30 | Jakub Bielawski An Evolutionary Model of Immigrant Assimilation |
Afternoon Session | |
15.00 | Agnieszka Lipieta, Ilona Ćwięczek Mechanisms Leading to Equilibrium in Economy with Financial Market |
15.30 | Anna Denkowska Dynamic Spanning Trees in the Analysis of Interconnections and Systemic Risk in the European Insurance Market |
16.00 | Beata Ciałowicz Innovative Evolution Determined by Competition - An Axiomatic Approach |
16.30 | Sebastian Baran Optimization of Expected Utility of Dividends in an Insurance Company |
19.00 | Gala Dinner |
16 September 2019 (Monday)
Morning Session | |
9.00 | Henryk Gacki Stability of Solutions of the Generalized Boltzmann Equation on Measures |
9.45 | Ewa Rak Application of Separability to the Problem of k-NN Classifier Optimization |
10.15 | Conference Closing |