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From September 12 to 17, 2022, the Fiftieth National Scientific and Training Conference on Applications of Mathematics was held at the AMW Rewita Kościelisko center in Zakopane-Kościelisko.

The conference is organized by the Center for Applications of Mathematics at IMPAN in collaboration with the Dioscuri Center of Topological Data Analysis.

The aim of the conference is to present mathematical methods that are applicable in various fields of the national economy, particularly in industry, insurance, finance, banking, railways, transportation, etc.

Conference participants will have the opportunity to present mathematical models they have developed in relevant thematic sessions.

Starting from the 30th Conference, an annual award for young mathematicians (under 32 years old) is given for the best presentation delivered at the conference. To participate in the competition, in addition to the abstract, a more extensive version of the work (e.g., preprint, reprint) must be submitted. 

Competition Rules for Young Mathematicians for the Best Presentation at the Conference on Applications of Mathematics

  1. Participants in the Competition must be under 32 years old as of January 1 of the year in which the Conference is held.

  2. To participate in the Competition, the registration form available on the Conference website must be completed and submitted to the Organizing Committee. By the deadline specified in Communication No. 1, an abstract of the presentation must be submitted, and before the start of the Conference, an extended version of the work (e.g., preprint, reprint) must also be provided.

  3. After reviewing the topics of the submissions, the Program Council appoints the Competition jury.

  4. Jury members attend the presentations of the Competition participants and then evaluate them, taking into account:

    • The quality of the results obtained,

    • Clear formulation of the problem,

    • Clear presentation of the solution,

    • The correctness of the presentation structure,

    • The correctness of the language,

    • Care in preparing the materials,

    • Effective use of the time allocated for the presentation,

    • Communicativeness in discussion.

  5. The jury's decision is announced during the formal dinner.

  • Dr. hab. Tomasz Cieślak

  • Dr. Paweł Dłotko

  • Dr. hab. Henryk Gacki

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Jerzy Gawinecki

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Piotr Gwiazda

  • Dr. hab. Marek Męczarski

  • Dr. hab. Krzysztof Mizerski

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Wojciech Niemiro

  • Dr. Mariusz Niewęgłowski

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Leszek Plaskota

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Ewa Roszkowska

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Ryszard Rudnicki

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Sablik

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Łukasz Stettner - Chair

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Szajowski

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Tadeusz Trzaskalik

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Wojciech Zajączkowski

  • Damian Jelito

  • Jan Krzysztof Kowalski

  • Agnieszka Rygiel

  • Łukasz Stettner - Chair

The program includes the following sessions:

  1. Applications of mathematical analysis methods,

  2. Optimal control and optimization methods,

  3. Probabilistic models and methods,

  4. Methods of mathematical statistics,

  5. Numerical analysis and scientific computing,

  6. Industrial applications of mathematics,

  7. Biomathematics,

  8. Applications of mathematics in insurance,

  9. Non-standard applications of mathematics,

  10. Financial mathematics,

  11. Applications of mathematics in economics,

  • Poster session (Organizing Committee),

  • Who knows how to solve this? (Organizing Committee).

Link to the meeting via Zoom

September 12, 2022 (Monday)

Morning Session
9:00 Łukasz Stettner
Conferences on Applications of Mathematics over 50 years
9:30 Paweł Dłotko
A few words about applied topology
10:15 Marcin Pitera
Between theory and practice: a few words about financial mathematics in banking and risk management
11:00 Break
11:30 Wojciech Mitkowski
A fundamental and effective algorithm of control theory
12:15 Ryszard Rudnicki
Asymptotic properties of the cell cycle model
Afternoon Session
15:00 Krzysztof J. Szajowski
Psychological aspects of the selection problem
15:45 Jakub Bielawski
Unpredictable dynamics in congestion games: memory loss can prevent chaos
16:15 Grzegorz Łukaszewicz
Analogy between electrodynamics and hydrodynamics
16:55 Anna Denkowska, Piotr Gwiazda
On renormalized solutions to elliptic inclusions with nonstandard growth
17:25 Joanna Napiórkowska, Zbigniew Peradzyński
The FitzHugh-Nagumo equation in modeling fast calcium waves
17:55 Maciej Sablik
Characterization of polynomials on convex subsets of linear spaces
19:30 Open session of the Applications Committee of the Mathematics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences

September 13, 2022 (Tuesday)

Morning Session
9:00 Dariusz Wrzosek
Quasilinear parabolic systems of the chase-escape type
9:45 Wojciech Zajączkowski
Existence of global regular axisymmetric solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in the case of small vorticity
10:30 Tomasz Piasecki
Stability of inhomogeneous solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
11:00 Break
11:30 Tomasz Cieślak, Bidesh Das
Time-optimal control of the collision of two peakons
12:15 Piotr Gwiazda, Jakub Skrzeczkowski, Miroslav Bulíček
On the Lavrentiev phenomenon for two-phase models
PL-MATHS-IN Group Session
15:00 Janusz Szwabiński
EU-MATHS-IN: Opportunities and challenges
15:15 Krzysztof Burnecki
Securitization of natural disaster risk
15:45 Paweł Dłotko
Industrial topology
16:15 Łukasz Płociniczak
Numerical methods for nonlinear and nonlocal parabolic equations with applications
16:45 Janusz Szwabiński
Modeling complex systems
17:15 Marek Teuerle
Ruin probability for the insurer-reinsurer model
17:45 Marcin Woźniak, Martyna Kobielnik
Latest trends in applied mathematics for artificial intelligence

September 14, 2022 (Wednesday)

Morning Session
9:00 Leszek Plaskota
On the quality of adaptive methods in numerical approximation
10:00 Zbigniew Peradzyński
Mathematical modeling of plasma engines used in space technology
11:00 Break
11:30 Łukasz Stępień, Paweł Przybyłowicz, Michał Sobieraj
Efficient approximation of solutions of stochastic differential equations with integrals with respect to a countably dimensional Wiener process
12:00 Jakub Woźnicki
Existence of solutions and weak-strong uniqueness for inhomogeneous and incompressible non-Newtonian fluids
12:30 Alicja Dembczak-Kołodziejczyk, Anna Lytova
On applications of random matrices in studies of the vibrational spectrum of glasses
Afternoon Session
15:00 Ewa Roszkowska
Multicriteria support of electronic negotiations
15:45 Kamil Kulesza
Continuous and discrete regimes in industrial maths -- a perspective over the years
16:30 Poster session

Artur Bryk
Consistency and convergence rates of the kernel estimator of density derivatives for dependent data

Kamil Urbanowicz, Adam Deptuła, M. Stosiak, M. Karpenko, Anna Deptuła
Water hammer -- an analytically unsolved problem

Adam Deptuła, Piotr Osiński, Marian A. Partyka
Application of hierarchical decision trees to determine the rank of importance of decision variables on the example of hydraulic tests of the PZ0 gear micropump

Mieczysław Gruda
Variational approach to economic equilibrium problems in the food sector

Henryk Gurgul, Milena Suliga
Impact of futures expiration on underlying stocks: intraday analysis for Warsaw Stock Exchange

Robert Kruszewski
Asymmetric investment function and economic fluctuations

Agnieszka Micek, Michael Briga, Grażyna Jasienska, Ilona Nenko
Application of Morlet wavelets to study seasonality of births using parish data from 1782-2004

Dorota Mozyrska, M. Wyrwas, J. Baranowski, K. Dukała, W. Bauer
Consensus in opinion dynamics using fractional-order models

Katarzyna Ossowska, Andrzej Ossowski
Application of iterative geometric algorithms in contemporary architecture

Andrzej Ossowski, Joanna Napiórkowska
Ternary logic control for stability modification of bilinear systems

19:30 Bonfire

September 15, 2022 (Thursday)

Morning Session
9:00 Katarzyna Pichór, Ryszard Rudnicki
A model of immune system dynamics
9:45 Marta Tyran-Kamińska
Stochastic savanna model
10:30 Andrzej Tomski, Agnieszka Kozdęba
The Goodwin model and its applications
11:00 Break
11:30 Mariusz Niewęgłowski
Markov multidimensional Hawkes processes
12:15 Agnieszka Rygiel
Pricing financial instruments using utility functions
at the Mieczysław Karłowicz State Music School I level in Zakopane
19:00 Gala dinner

September 16, 2022 (Friday)

Morning Session
9:00 Tadeusz Trzaskalik
Application of the AHP approach in the multi-stage BIPOLAR procedure
9:30 Zbigniew Świtalski
Compatibility conditions for interval preference relations
10:00 Anna Pajor, Łukasz Kwiatkowski, Justyna Wróblewska
Predictive properties of Bayesian VEC-MSF-DBEKK models before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
10:30 Ilona Ćwięczek, Agnieszka Lipieta
Aggregate risk in a competitive economy with a completed financial market
11:00 Break
11:30 Marta Kornafel
Ecological preferences of households in a model with scale effect in renewable energy production
12:00 Justyna Wróblewska, Łukasz Kwiatkowski
Identification of structural shocks in Bayesian VEC models with Markov-switching conditional heteroskedasticity
12:30 Anna Sulima
Estimation of the switching Lévy process
Afternoon Session
15:00 Łukasz Woźny, Łukasz Balbus, Wojciech Olszewski, Kevin Reffett
Iterative monotone comparative statics
15:40 Wojciech Niemiro, Łukasz Rajkowski
Conditional independence and d-separation for directed graphs with possible cycles
16:20 Grzegorz Wyłupek
On testing the conformity of observations with the exponential distribution
17:00 Mariusz Bieniek, Luiza Pańczyk
Optimal selection of L-statistic as a quantile estimator
17:30 Marta Zalewska, Wojciech Niemiro
Biostatistics from basics to advanced methods

September 17, 2022 (Saturday)

Morning Session
9:00 Łukasz Stettner
Asymptotic control problems with generalized discounting
9:40 Damian Jelito
Risk-sensitive optimal stopping problems and ambiguity of Bellman's equation solution
10:10 Arkadiusz Misztela
Reduction of lower semi-continuous solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
10:45 Closing of the conference