Banach Center Publications publishes proceedings of selected conferences and semesters held at the International Stefan Banach Mathematical Center. Each volume has its particular editors, in general from among the organizers of the given conference or semester. A complete, searchable catalogue of past issues of the Banach Center Publications is available at Banach Center Publications site.
General guidelines on publishing in the BCP series
In the Banach Center Publications, we publish proceedings of selected events held at the International Stefan Banach Mathematical Center. The proceedings contain expository papers or original results. All papers are reviewed by independent referees. Except for the Editorial Board of the series, there are particular Editors of each volume.
The members of the Editorial Board of BCP are:
Adam Skalski
Mikołaj Bojańczyk
Sławomir Kołodziej
Mariusz Lemańczyk
The proceedings should be submitted to the Banach Center Office
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or directly to the Chairman of the Editorial Board (at present:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). -
A detailed project of a conference volume should contain: the title, the names of volume editors, abstracts of all contributions together with the expected number of pages, and a short description of the subject and the aim of the volume. This should be sent to the BC Office not later than 2 months after the conference.
The Editors are responsible for sending each contribution to a referee and accepting only those representing high scientific and editorial level. To ensure high review standards the referees should not be chosen from among authors of other contributions. One volume should not exceed 350 pages.
All papers must be prepared using the bcp style file.
The complete material for the volume should be prepared electronically in the format of one or several .pdf files (or a similar commonly used format) containing the full title and the list of volume editors with affiliations and e-mail addresses, the preface and a short text that can be used for advertising the volume, the table of contents with the number of pages of included articles and the list of corresponding authors, all articles in final form, referee reports. All papers should be in final form. Due to publication schedules, short announcements and preliminary versions should be discouraged. Longer survey papers are most welcome.
The papers will not be edited by the Publications Department of the Institute. All the responsibility for the style and language editing rests with the Editors of each volume. Papers with evident language or editorial mistakes will be rejected by the Editorial Board.
The Editors should provide a short text about the volume's content, to be used for advertising purposes.
When the volume is accepted by the Editorial Board of the series, the tex and pdf files of all the articles should be transmitted to the Publications Department of the Institute. The Department will send pdf proofs to the corresponding authors.
If desired, 25 free offprints of the article or the final pdf file will be sent to the corresponding author. Additional offprints can be ordered when sending the proof corrections. Each author will receive a free copy of the whole volume. Additional volumes may be paid by the organizers.
The Institute will also provide 20 free copies of the volume, to be shared among the Editors of the volume.