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Call for applications for 2025-2026

The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) in Warsaw announces a program of mathematical-focused activities supported by the Simons Foundation within the new scheme: Simons Semesters in Banach Center – New Energies and invites applications for 5 weeks' long programs - concentrated scientific activities - in 2025 and 2026.

Possible starting dates

between the 1st of July 2025 and the 1st of November 2026 (with the initial priority to activities planned for the second half of 2025).

Based on the experience of the recent Simons Semesters programs (2015-2019 and 2020-2024), IMPAN is prepared for varied forms of research programs on specific topics. We intend the focused activities to be typically run by a small but international group of organizers, including visitors attending workshops, schools, and conferences.

The project's primary objective is to strengthen the impact of scientific research conducted at IMPAN and other Polish scientific institutions on the development of world science.

Support offered

The support of the Simons Foundation for each program covers the salaries of 3 experienced scientists (leaders) visiting Warsaw (7.500 USD) and local expenses for 11 Early Career Researchers (2.500 USD). The leaders might also be external organizers.

IMPAN will provide general infrastructure (office space, IT support, conference facilities) and additional support (up to 100.000 PLN) for each program, which can be spent on research activities during the program. The organizers are encouraged to complement this with additional sources of funding.

Basic requirements 

The basis of the program consists of collaborative research and mentoring, run by groups of scientists, in most cases including foreign researchers. Each 5 weeks program must include at least one school and one conference; at least one of these should take place in the Będlewo Center, which would be complemented by a series of lectures and research meetings.


The proposals, 2-4 pages long, should contain the following information:

  • program's title,
  • proposed starting date,
  • names of the organizers, including the contact details of the corresponding person,
  • description of the proposed field of mathematics, its current state-of-art, and connections with other branches of mathematics (and/or other sciences),
  • list of the leading scientific aims for the program,
  • names and affiliations of the scientific leaders who would spend 5 weeks at IMPAN,
  • the list and timetable of the planned activities proposed, organizing teams for each of the meetings, and the estimated number of participants,
  • an explanation of why IMPAN is a suitable place to host the semester and what the longer-term benefits would be for the host institution and Polish mathematics.
  • cost estimates of the proposed activities, including external funding (if available)

Dates and further information

The proposals should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line: Simons Activity Application by the 1st of April 2025. Based on the scientific merit and timeliness, considering how the proposed program fits with the current research activities at IMPAN, the Simons Semesters Jury appointed by the Director of IMPAN will make the decision. Preferably, at least one of the organizers of the activity should
be employed at IMPAN. The Jury may propose a different start date for the program.

Any inquiries regarding the program and the application process should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Further information on the previous editions of the program is available on our website:

 Download "Simons Semesters in Banach Center – New Energies Call for Applications for 2025-2026" (PDF).