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§ 1

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, hereinafter referred to as the Council, operates based on:

  1. The Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of April 30, 2010, hereinafter referred to as the Act; (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1183, as amended).

  2. The Statute of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on March 28, 2011, amended by the resolution of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences of October 25, 2012, approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on April 18, 2013, and by the resolution of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences of October 17, 2017, approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on December 15, 2017, and by the resolution of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences of June 18, 2019, approved by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences on September 27, 2019, hereinafter referred to as the Statute. 

§ 2

These Regulations define the procedures of the Council's activities.

§ 3

To carry out the tasks of the Council, as provided for in the Act and the Statute, the presence of at least half of the total number of Council members is required at a Council meeting convened in accordance with § 4 of these Regulations, with the exception of §16(3). Members of the Council who are over 75 years old are not included in the quorum calculation. 

§ 4

  1. The Council meets at least three times a year.

  2. The first meeting of the new Council term is convened by the Chair of the outgoing Council, in accordance with § 17(2).

  3. Subsequent Council meetings are convened by the Council Chair on their initiative or at the request of: the Chair of Division III of the Polish Academy of Sciences; the Institute Director; one-fifth of the Council members; or half of the Institute's scientific staff, no later than thirty days after receiving the request.

  4. In justified cases, Council meetings may be held remotely, using electronic communication tools that ensure the necessary level of confidentiality in discussions and voting.

  5. Notices of Council meetings, along with the proposed agenda, are sent to Council members and the Chair of Division III of the Polish Academy of Sciences at least ten days before the meeting date.

  6. Council members confirm their attendance at the Council meeting by signing the attendance list. In the case of remote meetings, each participant must be clearly visible, which serves as an electronic confirmation of participation. The meetings are recorded with video and audio. The Council Secretary records the name of each Council member and invited guests on the attendance list.

  7. Absent Council members justify their absence by writing to the Council Chair.

  8. Council members traveling abroad for more than six months inform the Council Chair about the period of their absence from the country. 

§ 5

  1. The Council elects the Council Chair, two Vice-Chairs, and the Council Secretary. These positions cannot be held by the Institute Director or their deputies.

  2. The election requires an absolute majority of votes cast in a secret ballot at a Council meeting held in accordance with § 3.

  3. The removal of the officials mentioned in point 1 requires the consent of an absolute majority of the total number of Council members, expressed in a secret ballot at a Council meeting.

  4. The Council Presidium consists of the Council Chair, two Vice-Chairs, the Council Secretary, the Institute Director, and their deputies for scientific affairs. 

§ 6

  1. The Council Chair presides over Council and Council Presidium meetings and represents the Council externally.

  2. The Vice-Chairs perform the duties of the Council Chair during their absence or at their request.

  3. The Council Secretary is responsible for preparing Council and Council Presidium meetings and drafting the minutes. 

§ 7

  1. The Council Presidium ensures the compliance of the Council's activities with the Act, the Statute, these Regulations, and other applicable regulations.

  2. Council Presidium meetings are convened by the Chair of the Scientific Council.

  3. The Council Presidium prepares the agenda for Council meetings, along with the necessary materials, and supervises the implementation of Council resolutions.

  4. The Council Presidium sends the proposed agenda and relevant materials, including the minutes of the previous Council meeting and all reviews required in planned habilitation procedures and procedures for conferring academic titles, to Council members at least ten days before the meeting, either in paper form or using information technology.

  5. The Council may authorize the Council Presidium to carry out specific tasks between Council meetings, with the exception of § 8(4).

  6. Between Council meetings, the Council Presidium may seek the opinions of Council members on specific matters by contacting all Council members simultaneously by mail.

  7. The Council Chair informs the Council about the work of the Council Presidium. 

§ 8

  1. The Council may appoint committees, defining their scope of work and competencies, and selecting their members from among the Council members.

  2. Committees present their findings to the Council. A committee member who disagrees with the committee's findings should present their opinion to the Council.

  3. The Council, the Council Presidium, and Council committees may seek the opinions of experts who are not Council members.

  4. The Council cannot delegate its legislative powers to the Council Presidium or Council committees. 

§ 9

  1. The Council ensures a high scientific standard within the Institute, primarily through regular evaluation of the scientific staff and the overall activities of the Institute.

  2. The Committee for Employment and Evaluation of Scientific Staff, in consultation with department heads, conducts periodic evaluations of the work of assistants and adjuncts every two years and professors every four years.

  3. The evaluation of the Institute's scientific staff is based on their annual reports, which are stored at the Institute. 

§ 10

  1. The Council takes note of the evaluation results presented by the Committee.

  2. In the case of a negative evaluation of a professor or an IM PAN professor employed on a permanent basis, the Council may request a re-evaluation within no less than one year, and in the case of another negative evaluation, request the termination of the employment contract.

  3. In the case of a negative evaluation of other scientific staff, the Council may request a re-evaluation within less than two years or request the termination of the employment contract.

  4. Scientific staff have the right to appeal the evaluation of their professional activities, particularly the evaluation of their work. Appeals are submitted to the Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences supervising the work of Division III. The appeal procedure is established by the President of the Academy.

§ 11

  1. The Council decides on the procedures and methods for conducting competitions for specific scientific positions.

  2. The Council reviews the Institute Director's requests to hire new scientific staff for more than six months.

  3. The Council reviews requests for promotion to professor, for contract extensions of more than one year, or for termination of employment of scientific staff.

  4. The Institute Director informs the Council about the ending of contracts, the reasons for ending employment, and any leaves of more than one year. 

§ 12

The Council oversees the Institute's publishing activities. It approves the composition and proposed changes to the editorial committees and may assign specific tasks to committee members. 

§ 13

  1. The Council oversees the doctoral studies at the Institute and appoints and dismisses the Head of the Institute's Doctoral Studies Program.

  2. The Council also plays a supervisory and advisory role in relation to Doctoral Schools established by the Institute, in accordance with the agreements concerning these schools.

§ 14

  1. The Institute's scientific staff and doctoral students may address the Council in writing on matters concerning the Institute's and the Council's activities as specified in the Statute or these Regulations.

  2. The Council has the right to express the opinion of the mathematical community associated with the Institute's activities on any matters it deems significant. 

§ 15

  1. The Council adopts the meeting agenda at the beginning of each meeting.

  2. The Council meeting minutes are signed by the Council Chair and the Council Secretary.

  3. The minutes of a Council meeting are approved by the Council at the next meeting after considering any amendments proposed by Council members.

  4. Council meeting minutes are kept at the Institute for at least ten years and are available for review by the Institute's scientific staff and Council members.

  5. Council Presidium meeting minutes are available to Council members. 

§ 16

  1. Resolutions, decisions, and opinions of the Council on matters not regulated by applicable laws, regulations, or these Regulations are adopted by a simple majority of the votes of Council members present at the meeting. The meeting chairperson orders a vote, either open or secret, whose subject and result are recorded in the Council meeting minutes. A secret vote is ordered at the request of a Council member.

  2. Decisions to award distinctions for doctoral and habilitation dissertations are made by secret ballot, with an absolute majority of votes.

  3. Between Council meetings, the Council Presidium may order a vote on a specific matter using information technology that meets legal requirements. The Council's resolutions, decisions, and opinions are adopted by the required majority of votes of Council members participating in the vote. The vote is considered valid if at least half of the eligible Council members participate.

§ 17

  1. The Council supervises the elections to the new Council.

  2. Until the new Council is constituted, the existing Council Presidium performs the necessary duties. 

§ 18

These Regulations were adopted by the Council at its meeting on April 14, 2011, with amendments made by the Council's resolution of October 25, 2012, the Council's resolution of June 20, 2013, the Council's resolution of January 23, 2020, and the Council's resolution of January 28, 2021.