KNOW abbreviates Krajowy Naukowy Ośrodek Wiodacy - Leading National Research Center. The Warsaw Center of Mathematical and Computer Science, created jointly by IMPAN and MIMUW (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw), has won the competition for the title of leading National Research Center (KNOW) in the mathematical sciences, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.
The award comes with a substantial grant which will provide financing of the Center for the next five years. The money will be used for enhancing the research potential of both participating institutions.
Main actions: post-doctoral positions, visiting professor positions, PhD studies, organization of conferences, schools or workshops.
1) Post-doctoral Positions
Twice a year:
- spring contest: date of announcement – February 15th
deadline of applications – March 15th - autumn contest: date of announcement – September 15th
deadline of applications – October 15th
Applications should be submitted on:
Regulations and more information available on:
2) PhD Internships
Twice a year:
- spring contest: date of announcement – March 15th
deadline of applications – April 15th - autumn contest: date of announcement – October 15th
deadline of applications – November 15th
Applications should be submitted on:
Regulations and more information available on:
3) Financial support for organizing a conference or a school
(only WCMCS employees can apply)
- date of announcement – October 15th
deadline of applications – November 15th
Applications should be submitted on:
Regulations and more information available on:
4) Small meetings
(organized by research groups operating within WCNM)– continuous competition, running all year
Applications should be submitted on:
Regulations and more information available on:
5) Guests of WCMCS
continuous competition, running all year (only WCMCS employees can apply)
Applications should be submitted on:
Regulations and more information available on:
1) Post-doctoral Fellows (under WCMCS):
- dr. Olli Toivanen (September 2014 – August 2015),
- dr. Marek Cuth (June 2014 - May 2015).
- dr. Andrew Bruce (April 2013 - March 2014),
- dr. Tomasz Kania (January 2014 - August 2014),
- dr. Biswarup Das (February 2014 -2014 - January 2015).
- dr. Balazs Barany (September 2012 - August 2013),
- dr. Michał Lasoń (February 2013 - September 2013).
2) PhD Internships (under WCMCS):
Winter Semester 2014/2015 (1 October through 31 January 2015):
- Łukasz Garncarek, UWr (mentor Adam Skalski, IMPAN),
- Patryk Miziuła, UMK (mentor Tomasz Rychlik, IMPAN),
- Samuel Roth, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (mentor Feliks Przytycki, IMPAN),
- Michał Świętek, UJ (mentor Piotr Koszmider, IMPAN).
Spring semester 2013/2014 (February 15th through June 15th):
- Łukasz Garncarek, UWr (mentor Adam Skalski, IMPAN),
- Michał Marcinkowski, UWr (mentor Piotr Nowak, IMPAN)
Winter Semester of 2013/2014 (1 October through 31 January 2014):
- Rafał Celiński, UWr, Wrocław (mentor Tomasz Cieślak, IMPAN)
Spring Semester of 2012/2013 (15 February through 15 June 2013):
- Tymoteusz Chojecki, UMCS Lublin (mentor Tomasz Komorowski, IMPAN)
3) PhD Fellowships (under WCMCS):
- Alan Czuroń, IMPAN (October 2013 - September 2015),
- Paweł Józiak, IMPAN (October 2012 - September 2015),
- Adam Kanigowski, IMPAN (October 2012 - September 2015),
- Tomasz Odrzygóźdź, IMPAN (October 2013 - September 2015),
- Przemysław Ohrysko, IMPAN (October 2012 - September 2015),
- Karol Strzałkowski, IMPAN (October 2012 - September 2015).
4) Guests of WCMCS:
- dr. Arnab Basu (July 2014),
- prof. Laszlo Zsido (May 2014),
- Asli Deniz (May 2014),
- Simeng Wang (April/May 2014),
- dr. Tadeusz Iwaniec (April 2014),
- prof. David Shoikhet (April 2014),
- Marek Cuth (April 2014),
- prof. Andrzej Święch (April 2014),
- prof. Ludwik Dąbrowski (April 2014),
- dr. Elmar Wagner (April 2014),
- dr. Erwan Deriaz (March 2014),
- dr. Michał Barski (March 2014),
- prof. Dashdondog Tsedenbayar (March 2014),
- dr. Hun Hee Lee (February 2014),
- dr. Niels Laustsen (January/February 2014),
- prof. Christina Brech (January 2014),
- dr. Ulrich Kraehmer (January 2014),
- dr. Niels Kowalzig (January 2014).
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
University of Warsaw
Banacha 2
02-097 Warsaw
Sekcja Obsługi Badań – mgr Marlena Nowińska
Telephone: (0-22) 55 44 216
Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Śniadeckich 8
00-656 Warsaw
Monika Wysocka
Telephone: (0-22) 52 28 114