Committee on Mathematical Applications of the Polish Academy of Sciences
KZM Meeting in 2014
KZM Meeting in 2012
The Committee on Mathematical Applications of the Mathematics Committee of PAN operates based on the Regulations of the Mathematics Committee of PAN concerning the tasks and goals related to the broad applications of mathematics.
Scope of KZM's Work
Evaluation of study programs related to the applications of mathematics; work on introducing specializations in various areas of mathematical applications, including mathematics in industry, insurance, economic sciences; popularization and promotion of mathematical applications in society.
Supervision with participation in the Conference on Mathematical Applications held annually in Zakopane.
Integration of communities involved in mathematical applications. Organization of information exchange between different centers dealing with mathematical applications.
Collaboration with international associations involved in mathematical applications: ECMI, ICIAM, EMS Applications Committee, ERCIM, IFIP, INFORMS, and others.
Personnel for 2011-2014
Dr. hab. Małgorzata Bogdan - Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Prof. Ewa Damek - University of Wrocław
Prof. Maksymilian Dryja - University of Warsaw - Chair
Prof. Adam Jakubowski - Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Prof. Tadeusz Nadzieja - University of Opole
Prof. Zbigniew Palmowski - University of Wrocław
Prof. Piotr Rybka - University of Warsaw
Prof. Sławomir Rybicki - Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Prof. Paweł Strzelecki - University of Warsaw
Prof. Henryk Woźniakowski - University of Warsaw
Prof. Jerzy Zabczyk - IM PAN