La Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura. Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana (2016-2022) P. 1301
Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2006-)
On bookshelf up to 2003Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences P. 658
Law, Probability and Risk (2002-)
On bookshelf up to 1997Lecturas Matematicas P. 1247
Lecture Notes - Monograph Series (1982-2009)
Lecture Notes in Logic (1993-2009)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1964-2019)
Lecture Notes in Statistics (2006-2019)
Lektsionnye Kursy NOC (2006-2022)
Les rencontres physiciens-mathématiciens de Strasbourg -RCP25 1966 - 1997
On bookshelf up to 2011Letters in Mathematical Physics (1975-) P. 781
On bookshelf up to 2007Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys - ciąg dalszy od 2008 tylko w wersji angielskiej zob. : Lithuanian Mathematical Journal P. 617
Lifetime Data Analysis (1995-)
On bookshelf up to 2011Linear Algebra and its Applications (1968-) P. 691
On bookshelf up to 1995 oraz vol. 53 (2005) nr 6Linear and Multilinear Algebra (1997-) P. 745
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal (1973-) P. 617
Living Reviews in Relativity (1998-2016)
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics (1998-2017)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (1998-2007)
Lobaczevskii Journal of Mathematics (2008-)
Logic and Analysis (2007-2008)
On bookshelf up to 2011Logic Journal of the IGPL (1996-) P. 1064
Logica Universalis (2007-)
Logical Investigations (2000-2019)
Logical Methods in Computer Science (2005-)
Most of the journals in the list below are available in whole or in part in an electronic version. The title of the journal in blue is also a link to the online resource. In parentheses, the chronological range of access to full texts is marked. Some journal titles are repeated in the list - this means that they are available from more than one supplier. Most links lead directly to the journal's homepage, however, some lead to the journal's provider's homepage - in this case, please follow the on-screen instructions. Access to the content and abstracts is free of charge.
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