On bookshelf up to 2007Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences P. 1289
Vesci Nacionalnaj Akademii Nauk Belorusi (2014-)
On bookshelf up to 2016Vestnik Beloruskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Ser. I Fizika Matematika Informatika (1981-2016) P. 716 - kontynuacja zob.: "Žurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika, informatika" od 2017 roku
On bookshelf up to 2016Vestnik Fakulteta Prikladnoj Matematiki, Informatiki i Mechaniki P. 1348
On bookshelf up to 2016Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Ser. 1 Matematika-Mechanika P. 165 a
On bookshelf up to 2015Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 15 - Vycislitelnaja Matematika i Kibernetika P. 165 b
On bookshelf up to 2018Vestnik Nacional' noj Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazahstan P. 1296
Vestnik SamGTU. Seriya:Fizyko-Matematicheskie Nauki (1996-)
On bookshelf up to 1992Vestnik Sankt-Petersburskogo Universiteta P. 516
Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Ser. Matematika i Mekhanika (2007-)
Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Kompyuternye Nauki (2005-)
Vestnik Voronezskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija Fizyka, Matematika (2001-) P. 1293
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (2013-)
On bookshelf up to 2005Vikram Mathematical Journal P. 877
Visnik Lvivskogo Universiteta Ser. Mechaniko-Matematicna (2006-)
Visual Mathematics (1999-2013)
Vladikavkaz Matematical Journal (2011-)
On bookshelf up to 1996Voprosy Statistiki P. 1022
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