Sadhana. Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences (1978-)
SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatics and Operations Research (1998-2000)
Saitama Mathematical Journal (2008-2022) P. 348
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B (1933-2020) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B (2010-2024) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series A (1933-2020) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series A (2010-2024) P. 327
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2007-2014). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2007-2023). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2015-). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
On bookshelf up to 2020Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics od v. 1 (14) (2005-2023) Wczesniej: Radovi Matematicki (2003-2004) P. 892
Sbornik: Mathematics (1993-2022)
On bookshelf up to 2010Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (2014-2015, partial access from 2016-) P. 76
On bookshelf up to 2011Scandinavian Journal of Statictics. Theory and Applications (1997-vol. 49/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 766
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (1974-2018) P. 766
School Science and Mathematics (1996-vol. 122/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-)
Science (1997-2020)
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (2000-2015)
Science in China (Scientia Sinica) Ser. A: Mathematics (1997-2024) P. 471
Science of Computer Programming (1981-)
Science Reports of Kanazawa University (1951-) P. 435
Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Section A (1930-1953) P. 349
Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section A (1954-1977) P. 349
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae (2001-2020) P. 166
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae (in Editione Electronica) (od v. 53/2001-2020). Wczesniej: Mathematica Japonica (table of contents) P. 166
Scientific and Technical Information Processing (2007-)
Scientific Annals of Computer Science (2007-2024) P. 986
Scientific Bulletin of University Politehnica of Bucharest. Series A - Applied Mathematics and Physics (2006-)
Scientific Modelling and Simulation (1993-2008)
On bookshelf up to 2021Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics (2009-). Wcześniej: Studii si Cercetarii Stiintifice Ser. Matematica P. 1172
Selecta Mathematica, New Series (1995-) P. 1024
SeMa Journal (2010-)
On bookshelf up to 1993Semesterbericht Funktionalanalysis P. 1309
On bookshelf up to 2011Semigroup Forum (1970-) P. 703
Séminaire "Sophus Lie" (1954 - 1956)
Séminaire A. Grothendieck (1957)
Seminaire Brelot-Choquet-Deny. Theorie du potentiel (1957-1972)
Séminaire Choquet. Initiation à l'analyse (1962-1977)
Séminaire Claude Chevalley (1956-1959)
Séminaire d'Analyse fonctionnelle (dit "Maurey-Schwartz") (1969 - 1981)
Seminaire de Mathematiques dit de Julia (1933-1939)
Séminaire de Philosophie et Mathématiques (1975 - 1998)
Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg (1967 - 2002)
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux (1968 - 1971)
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1976-1992) P. 944
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Grenoble (1971 - 1982)
Seminaire de Theorie Spectrale et Geometrie (1982-2019)
Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres (1959 - 1979)
Séminaire Dubreil. Algèbre et théorie des nombres (1947 - 1975)
Séminaire Ehresmann. Topologie et géométrie différentielle (1957 - 1965)
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique) dit aussi "Séminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz" (1970 - 2010)
Séminaire Henri Cartan (1948 - 1964)
Séminaire Janet. Mécanique analytique et mécanique céleste (1957 - 1963)
Séminaire Jean Leray (1961 - 1977)
Séminaire L. de Broglie. Théories physiques (1954 - 1958)
Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2011 - 2020)
Séminaire Lelong. Analyse (1957 - 1967)
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (1980-2021)
Seminaire N. Bourbaki (1952-2014) P. 1297
Séminaire Paul Krée (1974 - 1978)
Seminaire Poincare (2002-2023)
Séminaire Samuel. Algèbre commutative (1966 - 1968)
Séminaire Schützenberger (1969 - 1970)
Séminaire Schwartz (1953 - 1961)
Séminaire sur les équations non linéaires (Choodnovsky) (1977 - 1978)
Séminaire sur les singularités des surfaces (1976 - 1977)
Sequential Analysis (1997-) P. 928
Serdica. Journal of Computing (2007-2023) P. 1255
Serdica. Mathematical Journal (1975-2018, 2019 - partial access) P. 774
Set-Valued Analysis od v. 17/2009 zmiana nazwy na: Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (1993-) P. 987
On bookshelf up to 2011Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (1993-) od v. 17/2009. Wcześniej: Set-Valued Analysis P. 987
SIAM Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1953-1965)
SIAM Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis (1964-1965) P. 659
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2002-)
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (1953-) P. 481
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (1966-2018) P. 481
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Computing (1972-) P. 746
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (1962-) P. 629
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (1988-) P. 917
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics (2010-)
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2008-)
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (1970-) P. 709
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (1980-) P. 822
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1964-) P. 659
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1966-2018) P. 659
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Optimization (1991-) P. 989
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (1980-) P. 823
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (2003-) P. 1148
SIAM News (1998-)
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Review (1959-) P. 578
On bookshelf up to 2014SIAM Review (1959-2018) P. 578
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (2013-)
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (2004-)
Siberian Mathematical Journal (1966-2023)
Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki (1998-)
Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki (2002-)
Sibirskij Matematiceskij Zurnal (1960-) P. 579
Sibirskij Matematiceskij Zurnal (2000-2017) P. 579
SIGMA (2005-)
SIGMA- Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (2005-)
Significance (2004-2021)
Simon Stevin. A quarterely Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics od 1994 r. połączony z Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique i wydawany jako: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin P. 104
Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory (2002-)
Simulation Practice and Theory (1995-2002) - Continued as Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory
On bookshelf up to 2004Sitzungsberichte der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig P. 80
Sitzungsberichte und Anzeiger (1996-2010)
On bookshelf up to 2007Slupskie Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne P. 1314
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics (2015-)
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics (2015-2022)
Soft Computing (1997-)
SOLSTICE: Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics (1990-2017)
SORT (2003-)
On bookshelf up to 1994Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2002-) P. 815
Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (1995-2004)
Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki (2003-2017)
Spiritual Care (2012-)
Sprawozdania z Czynności i Prac (1953-1956) P. 346
Sprawozdania z Piśmiennictwa Naukowego Polskiego w Dziedzinie Nauk Matematycznych i Przyrodniczych (1882-1885) P. 316
Sprawozdania z Posiedzeń (1894,1896) P. 321
Sprawozdania z Posiedzeń Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego (1908-1952) P. 167
On bookshelf up to 2009Sprawy Nauki (2009-) P. 1316
Springer Series in Statistics (Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications)
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics (1922-2019)
St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal (2004-2018)
Statistica Neerlandica (1997-vol. 76/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 1264
Statistica Sinica (1991-2022) P. 962
Statistica Sinica (1991-2022) P. 962
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (2008-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases (2009-)
On bookshelf up to 2011Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes (1998-) P. 1061
Statistical Methodology (2004-2016)
Statistical Methods and Applications (1992-)
Statistical Papers (1960-)
Statistical Science (1986-) P. 903
Statistical Science (1986-2020) P. 903
On bookshelf up to 2013Statistics & Risk Modeling (1995-) P. 873
Statistics (1977-) P. 695 b
Statistics and Computing (1991-)
Statistics and its Interface (2008-)
On bookshelf up to 2011Statistics and Probability Letters (1995-) P. 851
Statistics Education Research Journal (1987-)
Statistics in Biosciences (2009-)
Statistics in Medicine (1996-)
Statistics Surveys (2007-)
Statistics. A journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (1997-) P. 695 b
Statistique et analyse des données (1976-1991)
Stochastic Analysis and Applications (1997-) P. 872
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - wcześniej Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics (1987-)
Stochastic Models od vol. 17/2001(1997-) Wcześniejsze numery patrz: Communications in Statistics P. 737 b
Stochastic Processes and their Applications (1973-) P. 744
Stochastic Systems (2011-2017)
Stochastics and Quality Control (2001-)
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports od v. 77/2005 zmiana nazwy na: Stochastics P. 741
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes (1997-) P. 741
On bookshelf up to 2009Studia Logica. An International Journal for Symbolic Logic (1953-) P. 415
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic (1953-2020) P. 415
On bookshelf up to 2009Studia Matematyczne Akademii Świętokrzyskiej P. 1310
Studia Mathematica (1929-) P. 206
Studia Mathematica (1929-2020) P. 206
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica (2000-2024) P. 663
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Informatica (1996-2024)
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica (1962-2024) P. 630
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica (2000-2015) P. 630
On bookshelf up to 1988Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Physica P. 630
On bookshelf up to 2012Studies in Applied Mathematics (1997-vol. 148/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 33
Studies in Computational Intelligence (2005-2018)
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (1995-2018)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (1995-2020)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (1995-2020)
Studies in Mathematical Sciences (2010-2014)
On bookshelf up to 2016Studies of the University of Zilina P. 1279
On bookshelf up to 2008Studii si Cercetarii Stiintifice Ser. Matematica - od vol. 19/2009 zmiana nazwy na: Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics P. 1172
On bookshelf up to 2022Sugaku Expositions (2017-2022) P. 960
Sugaku, Math. Soc.of Japan (1947-2022) in Japanese
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1934-1947)
Surveys in Approximation Theory (2005-2021)
Surveys in Differential Geometry (1990-2021)
SUT Journal of Mathematics (1995-2022) P. 683
Świat Nauki P. 979
Symmetry (2009-)
Synthese (1936-2019)
On bookshelf up to 1998Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation. Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Simulation in Systems Analysis P. 871
Systems and Control Letters (1995-) P. 834
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