Lista książek na wymianę: Ostatnia aktualizacja: 20-12-2024
Function Spaces and Potential Theory.
Springer, 1996. Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 314, pp. 366. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - ALEXANDER H., WERMER J.,
Several Complex Variables and Banach Algebras, 3rd ed.
Springer, 1998. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 35, pp. 253. Engl.
Eur. 25,00. - ANDREWS B., HOPPER C.,
The Ricci Flowin Riemannian Geometry. A Complete Proof of the Differentiable 1/4-Pinching Sphere Theorem.
Springer, 2011. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2011, pp. 296. Engl.
Eur. 31,00. - ARVESON W.,
An Invitation to C*-Algebra.
Springer, 1976. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 39, pp. 106. Engl.
Eur. 20,00. - AXLER S., BOURDON P., RAMEY W.,
Harmonic Function Theory.
Springer, 1992. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 137, pp. 231. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - BADESCU L.,
Projective Geometry and Formal Geometry.
Birkhauser, 2004. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 65, pp. 209. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - BAHTURIN J.A.,
Lectures on Lie Algebras.
Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1978. Series: Studien zur Algebra und ihre anwendungen, band 4, pp. 126. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - BAKER A., BOLLOBAS B., HAJNAL A. (eds),
A Tribute to Paul Erdos.
Cambridge, 1990, pp.478. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - BANACH S.,
Oeuvres, vol. 2.
PWN, 1979, pp. 470. Fr.
Eur. 40,00. - BARICZ A.,
Generalized Bessel Functions of the First Kind.
Springer, 2010. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1994, pp. 206. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - BECVAROVA M., BINDER C. (eds),
Mathematics in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
Proceedings of a Symposium held in Budapest on August 1, 2009 during the XXIII ICHST.
Matfyzpress, Prague, 2000, Series: History of Mathematics, 41, pp. 176. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - BEGEHR H.G. W. et al. (eds),
Mathematics in Berlin.
Birkhauser, 1998, pp. 200. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - BEHRENDS E.,
M-Structure and Banach-Stone Theorem.
Springer, 1979. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 736, pp. 217. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - BENSON D.,
Modular Representation Theory. New Trends and Methods.
Springer, 1984. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1081, pp. 231. Engl.
Eur. 28,00. - BESSAGA C., PELCZYNSKI A.,
Selected Topics in Infinite-Dimensional Topology.
PWN, Warszawa, 1975. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 58, pp. 353. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - BESSE A.L.,
Manifolds all of whose Geodesics are Closed.
Springer, 1978. Series: Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzegebiete, vol. 93, pp. 257. Engl.
Lectures on Number Theory.
University of Warsaw Press, Warszawa, 2016, pp. 121. Engl.
A Collection of Problems on the Equations of Mathematical Physics.
Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1983, pp. 334. Engl.
Eur. 16,00. - BOLYAI J.,
Appendix The Theory of Space.
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1987, pp. 238. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - BORKOWSKI L. (ed.),
Jan Łukasiewicz. Selected Works.
North-Holland, 1970. Series: Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, pp. 405. Engl.
Eur. 50,00. - BORSUK K.,
Collected Papers, vol. 1.
PWN, 1983, pp. 656. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - BORSUK K.,
Collected Papers, vol. 2.
PWN, 1983, pp. 656. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - BORSUK K.,
Multidimensional Analytic Geometry.
PWN. Warszawa, 1969, pp. 447. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 50. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - BORSUK K.,
Theory of Retracts.
PWN. Warszawa, 1967, pp. 251. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 44. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - BORSUK K.,
Theory of Shape.
PWN. Warszawa, 1975, pp. 379. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 59. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - BRASSELET J.-P., SEADE J., SUWA T.,
Vector Fields on Singular Varieties.
Springer, 2009. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1987, pp. 225. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - BROUE M.,
Introduction to Complex Reflection Groups and Their Braid Groups.
Springer, 2010. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1988, pp. 138. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - BROWN A., PEARCY C.,
Introduction to Operator Theory, I: Elements of Functional Analysis.
Springer, 1977. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 55, pp. 474. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - BUJALANCE E. et al.,
Symmetries of Compact Riemann Surfaces.
Springer, 2010. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2007. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - BUKOVSKY L.,
The Structure of the Real Line.
Birkhauser, 2011. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 71, pp. 536. Engl.
Eur. 70,00. - CAIROLI R., DALANG R.C.,
Sequential Stochastic Optimization.
Wiley, 1996. Series: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, pp. 327. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - CANO A., NAVARRETE J.P., SEADE J.,
Complex Kleinian Groups.
Birkhauser, 2013. Series: Progress in Mathematics, 303, pp. 271. Engl.
Eur.. 30,00 . - CARL B., STEPHANI I.,
Entropy, Compactness and the Approximation of Operators.
Cambridge, 1990. Series: Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 98, pp. 277. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - CHU C.-H., TO-MING LAU A.,
Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras.
Springer, 2002. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol.1782, pp. 100. Engl.Eur. 26,00. - CIMA J.A., MATHESON A.L., ROSS W.T.,
The Cauchy Transform. AMS, 2006. Series: Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 125, pp. 272. Engl.
Eur. 35,00. - CONWAY J.B.,
The Theory of Subnormal Operators.
AMS, 1991. Series: Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 36, pp. 436. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - CONWAY J.H.,On Numbers and Games.Academic Press, 1976. Series: London Mathematical Society Monographs, vol. 6, pp. 238. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - CSASZAR A.,
General Topology.
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1978. Series: Disquisitiones Mathematicae Hungaricae, vol. 9, pp. 488. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - DALECKII Ju.L., KREIN M.G.,
Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Space.
AMS, 1974. Series: Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 43, pp. 386. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - DALES G.H.,
Banach Algebras and Automatic Continuity.
Oxford, 2000. Series: London Mathematical Society Monographs. New Series, vol. 24, pp. 907. Engl.
Eur. 50,00. - DAUGE M.,
Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Corner Domains.
Springer, 1988. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1341, pp. 257. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - DAVIES E.B.,
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators.
Cambridge, 1995. Series: Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 42, pp. 182. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - DELFS H., KNEBUSCH M.,
Locally Semialgebraic Spaces.
Springer, 1985. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1173, pp. 321. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - DE MELO W., VAN STRIEN S.,
One-Dimensional Dynamics.
Springer, 1993. Series: Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzegebiete. 3 folge, band 25, pp. 605. Engl.
Eur. 35,00. - DEVORE R.A., LORENTZ G.G.,
Constructive Approximation.
Springer, 1993. Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 303, pp. 449. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - DIESTEL J., FOURIE J.H., SWART J.,
The Metric Theory of Tensor Products. Groethendieck's Resume Revisited.
AMS, 2008, pp. 278. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - DOMORADZKI S.,
The Growth of Mathematical Culture in the Lvov Area in the Autonomy Period (1870-1920).
Matfyzpress, Prague, 2011. Series: History of Mathematics, vol. 47, pp. 331. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - DOUGLAS R.G.,
C*-Algebra Extensions and K-Homology.
Princeton, 1980. Series: Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 95, pp. 83. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - DOUGLAS R.G., PAULSEN V.I.,
Hilbert Modules Over Function Algebras.
Longman, 1989. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, vol. 217, pp. 130. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - DYDAK J., SEGAL J.,
Shape Theory. An Introduction.
Springer, 1978. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 688, pp. 149. Engl.
Eur. 18,00. - EDMUNDS D.E., TRIEBEL H.,
Function Spaces, Entropy Numbers and Differential Operators.
Cambridge, 1996. Series: Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 120, pp. 252. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - EYRAL C.,
Topics in Equisingularity Theory.
IM PAN Lecture Notes, vol. 3. Warszawa, 2016, pp. 100. Engl.
Eur. 25,00. - EYRAL C.,
Homotopy Theory on Singular Complex Algebraic Varieties.
IM PAN Lecture Notes, vol. 5. Warszawa, 2022, pp. 216. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - FEICHTINGER H.G., STROHMER T. (eds),
Gabor Analysis and Algorithms. Theory and Applications.
Birkhauser, 1998, pp. 496. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - FRIEDLANDER E.M., GRAYSON D.R. (eds),
Handbook of K-Theory, vol. 1.
Springer, pp. 535. 2005. Engl.
Eur. 50,00 . - FRIGON M., INFANTE G., JEBELEAN P.,
Fixed Point Theory and Variational Methods for Nonlinear Differential Equations.
University of Nicolaus Copernicus Press, Torun 2017. Series: JSC Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis vol. 16, pp. 192. Engl.Eur. 14,00. - GABBER O., RAMERO L.,
Almost Ring Theory.
Springer, 2003. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1800, pp. 307. Engl.
Eur. 32,00. - GAZZOLA F., GRUNAU H.-C., SWEERS G.,
Polyharmonic Boundary Value Problems. Positivity Preserving and Nonlinear Higher Order Elliptic Equations in Bounded Domains.
Springer, 2010. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1991, pp. 423. Engl.
Operational Calculus and Related Topics.
CRC Press, 2006, pp. 403. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - GREEN J.A.,
Polynomial Representations of GLn, 2nd ed. With Appendix on Schensted Correspondence and Littelmann Paths.
Springer, 2007. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 830, pp. 161. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - GRIFFITHS P.A. (ed.),
Entire Holomorphic Mappings in One and Several Complex Variables.
Princeton, 1976. Series: Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 85, pp. 99. Engl. Ex-Library
Eur. 21,00 . - GRIGORYAN S.A., TONEV T.V.,
Shift-invariant Uniform Algebras on Groups.
Birkhauser, 2006. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 68, pp. 284. Engl.
Eur. 55,00. - GUEDON O. et al.,
Analytical and Probabilistic Methods in the Geometry of Convex Bodies.
IM PAN Lecture Notes, vol. 2. Warszawa, 2014, pp. 183. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - GYORY K., IWANIEC H., URBANOWICZ J. (eds),
Number Theory in Progress, vol. 1: Diophantine Problems and Polynomials.
Walter De Gruyter, 1999, pp. 1-589. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - GYORY K., IWANIEC H., URBANOWICZ J. (eds),
Number Theory in Progress, vol. 2: Elementary and Analytic Number Theory.
Walter De Gruyter, 1999, pp. 590-1185. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - HALBERSTAM H., RICHERT H.-E.,
Sieve Methods.
Academic Press, 1974, pp. 364. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - HARTE R.,
Invertibility and Singularity for Bounded Linear Operators.
Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988. Series: Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 109, pp. 590. Engl.
Fundamentals of Convex Analysis.
Springer, 2001. Series: Grundlehren Text Edition, pp. 259. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - HOLMES R.B.,
Geometric Functional Analysis and Its Applications.
Springer, 1975. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 24, pp. 246. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - HOOLEY C.,
Applications of Sieve Methods to the Number Theory of Numbers.
Cambridge, 1976. Series: Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 70, pp. 122. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - HOERMANDER L.,
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators, I.
Springer, 1983. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 256, pp. 391. Engl.
Eur 40,00 . - HOERMANDER L.,
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators, III.
Springer, 1985. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 274, pp. 524. Engl.
Eur 40,00. - IMKELLER P.,
Malliavin's Calculus and Applications in Stochastic Control and Finance.
IM PAN Lecture Notes, vol. 1. Warszawa, 2008, pp. 83. Engl.
Eur. 20,00 . - JAKIMOWICZ E., MIRANOWICZ A. (eds),
Stefan Banach. Remarkable Life, Brilliant Mathematics. Biographical materials, 2nd expanded ed.
Gdansk University Press, 2010, pp. 186. Engl.
Eur. 25,00 . - JANISZEWSKI Z.,
Oeuvres choisies.
PAN, Warszawa, 1962, pp. 320. Fr.
Eur. 30,00. - JAROSZ K.,
Perturbations of Banach Algebras.
Springer, 1985. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1120, pp. 116. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - JECH T.J.,
Lectures in Set Theory with Particular Emphasis on the Method of Forcing.
Springer, 1971. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 217, pp. 137. Engl.
Homotopy Methods in Topological Fixed and Periodic Points Theory.
Springer, 2006. Series: Topological Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications, vol. 3, pp. 319. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - KAC M.,
Integration in Function Spaces and Some of Its Applications.
Pisa, 1980, pp. 82. Engl.
Theorie der orthogonalreihen, 2e aufl.
Chelsea, New York, 1950, pp. 296. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 6. Ger.
White Noise, Theory of Prediction, Filtering and Smoothing.
Gordon and Breach, 1998. Series Stochastic Monographs, vol. 3, pp. 597. Engl.
Eur. 50,00. - KAPLANSKY I.,
Selected Papers and Other Writings.
Springer, 1995, pp. 257. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - KARLIN S.J., STUDDEN W.J.,
Tchebycheff Systems: with Applications in Analysis and Statistics.
Wiley, 1966. Series: Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 15, pp. 586. Engl. Ex-Library.
Inverse Boundary Spectral Problems.
CRC Press, 2001. Series: Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 123, pp. 290. Engl. Ex-Library
Eur. 30,00 . - KELLEY J.L., NAMIOKA I.,
Linear Topological Spaces.
Springer, 1963. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 36, pp. 256. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - KISIELEWICZ M.,
Differential Inclusions and Optimal Control.
PWN-Kluwer, 1991, pp. 240. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - KISLYAKOV S., KRUGLYAK N.,
Extremal Problems in Interpolation Theory, Whitney-Besicovitch Coverings, and Singular Integrals.
Birkhauser, 2013. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 74, pp. 316. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - KOLMOGOROV A.N.,
Kolmogorov in Perspective.
AMS, 2000. Series: History of Mathematics, vol. 20, pp. 230. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - KOTHE G.,
Topological Vector Spaces.
Springer, 1969. Series: Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, band 159, pp. 456. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - KRASINSKI T., SPODZIEJA S. (eds), .
Zygmunt Charzynski Selected Papers.
University of Lodz, 2015, pp. 658. Engl.
Eur. 40,00 . - KREIN M.G., NUDELMAN A.A.,
The Markov Moment Problem and Extremal Problems.
AMS, 1977. Series: Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 50, pp. 417. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - KRZYZANSKI M.,
Partial Differential Equations of Second Order, vol. 1.
PWN. Warszawa, 1971, pp. 562. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 53.
Engl. Eur. 25,00 . - KRZYZANSKI M.,
Partial Differential Equations of Second Order, vol. II.
PWN. Warszawa, 1971, pp. 407. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 54. Engl.
Eur. 25,00 . - KUCZMA M.,
Functional Equations in a Single Variable.
PWN, Warszawa, 1968, pp. 383. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 46.
Engl. Eur. 30,00 . - KUFNER A., MALIGRANDA L., PERSSON L.-E.,
The Hardy Inequality. About Its History and Some Related Results.
Pilsen, 2007, pp. 161. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - KURATOWSKI K.,
Selected Papers.
PWN, 1988, pp. 277. Engl.
Set Theory with an Intoduction to Descriptive Set Theory.
Warszawa, 1976. PWN-North-Holland, pp. 514. Engl.
Generalized Quasilinearization for Nonlinear Problems.
Kluwer A.P., 1998. Series: Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 440, pp. 276. Engl.
Eur. 40,00 . - LANDAU E.,
Handbuch der lehre von der verteilung der primzahlen. Erster und zweiter band, 2nd ed.
Chelsea, 1953, pp. 1001. Ger.
Eur. 30,00. - LANDAU E.,
Vorlesungen uber zahlentheorie. Erster Band. Zweiter teil, Zweiter band, Dritter Band.
Chelsea, 1955, pp. 183-359+ 308+ 341. Ger.
Eur. 60,00. - LAURSEN K.B., NEUMANN M.M.,
An Introduction to Local Spectral Theory.
Oxford, 2000. Series: London Mathematical Society Monographs. New Series, vol. 20, pp. 591. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - LEBEDEV V.I.,
An Introduction to Functional Analysis and Computational Mathematics.
Birkhauser, 1997, pp. 255. Engl.
Eur. 26,00 . - LEE J.M.,
Riemannian Manifolds. An Introduction to Curvature.
Springer, 1997. Series Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 176, pp. 224. Engl.
Eur. 24,00 . - LEE E.B., MARKUS L.,
Foundations of Optimal Control Theory.
Wiley, 1967, pp. 576. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - LIDL R., MULLEN G.L., TURNWALD G.,
Dickson Polynomials.
Longman, 1993. Series: Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 65, pp. 207. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - LORENZI L., BERTOLDI M.,
Analytical Methods for Markov Semigroups.
CRC Press, 2007. Series: Pure and Applied Mathematics. A Series of Monographs and Textbooks, vol. 283, pp. 525. Engl.
Eur. 50,00. - MALIGRANDA L.,
Orlicz Spaces and Interpolation.
Campinas, 1989. Series: Seminars in Mathematics, vol. 5, pp. 206. Engl.
Eur. 16,00 . - MANDELBROT B.B.,
Multifractals and 1/f Noise.Wild Self-Affinity in Physics (1963-1976).
Springer, 1999, pp. 442. Engl.
Eur. 26,00 . - MANDELBROT B., HUDSON R.L.,
The (Mis)Behavior of Markets. A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward.
Basic Books, 2004, pp. 328. Engl.
Eur. 16,00 . - MANDREKAR V., RUDIGER B.,
Stochastic Integration in Banach Spaces. Theory and Applications.
Springer, 2015. Series: Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling, vol. 73, pp. 211. Engl.
Eur. 26,00. - MARCINKIEWICZ J.,
Collected Papers.
PAN, 1964, pp. 673. Engl.
Eur. 40,00 - MARCZEWSKI E.,
Collected Mathematical Papers.
Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mathematics, Warszawa 1996, pp. 684, Engl.
An Introduction to Operators on the Hardy-Hilbert Space.
Springer, 2007. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 237, pp. 220. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - MASHREGHI J.,
Representation Theorems in Hardy Spaces.
Cambridge, 2009. Series: London Mathematical Society Student Texts, vol. 74, pp. 372. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - MASLOV V.P.,
Operational Methods.
Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1976, pp. 559. Engl.
Eur. 14,00. - MAURIN K.,
Methods of Hilbert Spaces.
PWN, Warszawa, 1967, pp. 525. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 45. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - MAZURKIEWICZ S.,
Travaux de topologie.
PWN, Warszawa, 1969, pp. 380. Fr.
Eur. 30,00. - MIKUSINSKI J., BOEHME T.K.,
Operational Calculus. vol. I, 2nd revised and enlarged ed.
PWN-Pergamon Press. Warszawa 1983, pp. 317. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - MIKUSINSKI J., BOEHME T.K.,
Operational Calculus. vol. II, 2nd revised and enlarged ed.
PWN-Pergamon Press. Warszawa 1983, pp. 263. Engl.
Eur. 24,00 . - MINKOWSKI H.,
Geometrie der zahlen.
Chelsea, 1953, pp. 256. Ger.
Eur. 18,00. - MIODUSZEWSKI J.,
Continuity. Eleven Sketches from the Past of Mathematics.
Katowice, 2016, pp. 198. Engl.
Eur. 16,00. - MOELLER C.,
The Theory of Relativity.
Oxford, 1952, pp. 386. Engl. Ex-Library
Eur. 24,00. - MONTGOMERY H.L., VAUGHAN R.C.,
Multiplicative Number Theory I. Classical Theory.
Cambridge, 2007. Series: Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 97, pp. 549. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - MOREL F.,
A1-Algebraic Topology over a Field.
Springer, 2012. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2052, pp. 258. Engl.
Eur. 31,00. - MOSTOW G.D.,
Strong Rigidity of Locally Symmetric Spaces.
Princeton, 1973.Series: Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 78, pp. 195. Engl. Ex-Library
Eur. 16,00. - MOSTOWSKI A.,
Foundational Studies: Selected Works, vol. 1.
PWN-North Holland, 1979, pp. 605. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - MOSTOWSKI A.,
Foundational Studies: Selected Works, vol. 2.
PWN-North Holland, 1979, pp. 604. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - MOSTOWSKI A., STARK M.,
Introduction to Higher Algebra.
Pergamon Press-PWN, 1964. Seies: International Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 37, pp. 474. Engl. Ex-Library
Eur. 21,00. - MULLER P.F.X.,
Isomorphisms Between H1 Spaces.
Birkhauser, 2005. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 66, pp. 453. Engl.
Eur. 60,00. - MUELLER V.,
Spectral Theory of Linear Operators and Spectral Systems in Banach Algebras.
Birkhauser, 2003. Series: Operator Theory. Advances and Applications, vol. 139, pp. 381. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - MUELLER-HOISSEN F., PALLO J.M., STASHEFF J. (eds),
Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures. Tamari Memorial Festschrift.
Birkhauser, 2012. Series: Progress in Mathematics, vol. 299, pp. 433. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - NAGELL T.,
Introduction to Number Theory, 2nd ed.
Chelsea, 1964, pp. 309. Engl.
Eur. 21,00. - NARKIEWICZ W.,
Classical Problems in Number Theory.
Warszawa, PWN, 1986. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 62, pp. 363. Engl.
Eur. 30,00. - NARKIEWICZ W.,
The Development of Prime Number Theory. From Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood.
Springer, 2000. Series: Springer Monographs in Mathematics, pp. 448. Engl.
Eur. 50,00. - NARKIEWICZ W.,
Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers.
PWN. Warszawa, 1974, pp. 630. Series: Monografie Matematyczne (Mathematical Monographs), vol. 57. Engl.
Eur. 30,00 . - NARKIEWICZ W.,
Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers. 2nd ed. Revised and extended.
PWN-Springer, 1990, pp. 745. Engl.
Eur. 50,00 . - NARKIEWICZ W.,
Polynomial Mappings.
Springer, 1995. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1600, pp. 130. Engl.
Eur. 16,00. - NARKIEWICZ W.,
Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century. From PNT to FLT.
Springer, 2012. Series: Springer Monographs in Mathematics, pp. 654. Engl.
Eur. 35,00. - NARKIEWICZ W.,
The Story of Algebraic Numbers in the First Half of the 20th Century. From Hilbert to Tate.
Springer, 2018. Series: Springer Monographs in Mathematics, pp. 443. Engl.
Eur. 40,00. - NEWMAN D.J.,
Analytic Number Theory.
Springer, 1998. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 177, pp. 76. Engl.
Eur. 24,00. - NIKOLSKI N.K.,
Operators, Functions, and Systems: An Easy Reading, vol. 2: Model Operators and Systems.
AMS, 2002. Series: Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 93, pp. 438. Engl.
Eur. 45,00. - ODYNIEC W., LEWICKI G.,
Minimal Projections in Banach Spaces.
Springer, 1990. Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1449, pp. 168. Engl.
Eur. 21,00 . - ODYNIEC W., WOJTOWICZ M. (eds), .
Lozanovsky's Note-books. Part I. Problems 4-609.
Zielona Gora, 2000, pp. 141. Engl.
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