Większość czasopism na poniższej liście dostępna jest w całości lub części zasobu w wersji elektronicznej. Tytuł czasopisma w kolorze niebieskim stanowi jednocześnie link do zasobu online. W nawiasach zaznaczono zasięg chronologiczny dostępu do pełnych tekstów. Niektóre tytuły czasopism są na liście powtórzone - oznacza to, że są dostępne u więcej niż jednego dostawcy. Większość linków prowadzi bezpośrednio do strony głównej czasopisma, jednak niektóre prowadzą do strony głównej dostawcy czasopisma - w takim przypadku należy postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami wyświetlanymi na ekranie. Dostęp do treści i abstraktów jest bezpłatny.
Ikona książki po lewej stronie tytułu oznacza, że czasopismo dostępne jest również w wersji drukowanej.
Tytuł czasopisma wyróżniony czcionką w kolorze czarnym oznacza, że zasób jest dostępny jedynie w wersji drukowanej.
Dostęp do artykułów mają tylko autoryzowane serwisy - sieć lokalna IM PAN jest autoryzowanym serwisem dla wszystkich wymienionych czasopism.
Istnieje możliwość dostarczenia przez bibliotekę wersji elektronicznej artykułu z czasopisma nieprenumerowanego.
W celu skorzystania z usługi ARTYKUŁ NA ŻĄDANIE prosimy o przesłanie danych bibliograficznych na adres:
Na półce do 2011
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg (1922-2022) P. 156
Na półce do 1983Abhandlungen der Sachsischen Academie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig P. 499
Na półce do 2006
Na półce do 2010Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society P. 808
Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London (1843-1854)
Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1800-1843)
Academia. The Magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Na półce do 2009Acta Academiae Aboensis. Ser. B: Mathematica et Physica P. 426
Acta Analytica (2002-2023)
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (1983-2023) P. 857
Acta Arithmetica (1935-2016) P. 135
Acta Arithmetica (1935-2023) P. 135
Na półce do 1994Acta et Commentationes Univ. Tartuensis od v. 1/1996 zmiana nazwy na: Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica P. 1094
Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica (2011-2024) P. 1094
Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica od v. 1/1996. Wczesniej: Acta et Commentationes Univ. Tartuensis (2008-2013) P. 1094
Acta Informatica (1972-2023)
Na półce do 2016Acta Mathematica (1882-2014) P. 2
Acta Mathematica (2017-2022) P. 2
Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis (1998-2017)
Na półce do 2003Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis od v. 12/2004 zmiana nazwy na: Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis P. 1098
Na półce do 2011Acta Mathematica Hungarica (1950-2023) P. 119
Acta Mathematica Scientia (2019-2024) P. 829
Acta Mathematica Scientia P. 829 (1999-2018) Eng. P. 829
Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series (1985-2024) P. 170a
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae (1991-2017) P. 699
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae (2012-2024) P. 699
Na półce do 2009Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis (1993-2021) od v. 12/2004. Wczesniej: Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis. Od 2010 roku zmiana nazwy na: Communications in Mathematics P. 1098
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (1976-2020) P. 772
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (2013-2023) P. 772
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (1984-2024) P. 896
Na półce do 2011Acta Numerica (2000-2023) P. 988
Acta Physica Polonica A. (1991-2023)
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (1922-2009) P. 3
Na półce do 2022Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (2010-2023) P. 3
Acta Universitatis Apulensis (2001-2020)
Na półce do 2013Acta Universitatis Carolinae ser. Mathematica et Physica (1959-2013) P. 916
Na półce do 1997Acta Universitatis Latviensis P. 1221
Na półce do 1997Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. Ser. A Mathematica P. 1222
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica (1960-2016) P. 1220
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae (2009-2022)
Actes des rencontres du CIRM (2009-2013)
Advanced Modelling and Opitimization (1999-2012)
Advanced Nonlinear Studies (2001-2023)
Advanced Optical Technologies (2012-2022)
Na półce do 2020Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics P. 1099
Na półce do 2021Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics (1983-2021)
Na półce do 2018Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics (1983-2023)
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics (2007-2023)
Advances and Applications in Statistics P. 1163
Na półce do 2011Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (1997-2023) P. 1043
Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis (2007-2017)
Na półce do 2011Advances in Applied Mathematics (1995-2023) P. 824
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2015-2017)
Advances in Applied Probability (1969-2014) P. 723
Advances in Applied Probability (1998-2015) P. 723
Advances in Applied Probability (2005-2023) P. 723
Na półce do 2012Advances in Calculus of Variations (2008-) P. 1223
Na półce do 2011Advances in Computational Mathematics (1993-2023) P. 1011
Na półce do 2011Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models (poprzedni tytuł czasopisma: "Advances in Difference Equations" (2004-2023) P. 1224
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2007-2023)
Advances in Decision Sciences (1997-2017)
Na półce do 2017Advances in Differential Equations (2018-2022) P. 1026
Advances in Dynamical Systems & Applications (2006-2023)
Advances in Engineering Software (1994-2023)
Advances in Fixed Point Theory (2011-2023)
Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (2008-2022)
Na półce do 2012Advances in Geometry (2001-) P. 1085
Advances in Inequalities and Applications (2012-2022)
Advances in Mathematical Physics (2009-2023)
Advances in Mathematics (1995-2023) P. 615
Na półce do 2014Advances in Mathematics of Communications (2007-2023) P. 1112
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2010-2023)
Advances in Operator Theory (2016-2019)
Na półce do 2012Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010-2019) P. 1225
Na półce do 2012Advances in Pure Mathematics (2011-2023)
Advances in Theoretical & Applied Mathematics (2006-2020)
Na półce do 2012Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (1997-2022) P. 1226
Na półce do 2011Aequationes Mathematicae (1968-2023) P. 679
African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics (2009-2020)
African Journal of Mathematics nad Computer Science (2008-2020)
African Journal of Mathematics nad Computer Science (2008-2023)
Afrika Statistika (2005-2022)
AI ADAM (1997-2023)
AIMS Mathematics (2016-2023)
AIMS Mathematics in Engineering (2018-2023)
AIMS Proceedings (1998-2015)
AIP Conference Proceedings
Na półce do 2010Aktual'nye Problemy Matematiki i Informatiki od 2008 roku. Wcześniej: Trudy Matematiceskogo Fakulteta. Novaja Serija. Voronezskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. P. 1093
Albanian Journal of Mathematics (2007-2021)
ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2006-2023)
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (2002-2015)
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (2015-2022)
Algebra and Logic (1968-2022)
Algebra and Number Theory (2007-)
Algebra Colloquium P. 1067
Algebra i Analiz (1989-2018) ( articles - in Russian or in English) P. 940
Algebra i Logika (2000-2018) P. 611
Algebra Montpellier Announcements (1997-2005)
Na półce do 2012Algebra Universalis (1971-2023) P. 714
Na półce do 2010Algebraic & Geometric Topology (2001-) P. 1100
Algebraic Combinatorics (2018-2021)
Algebraic Geometry (2014-2023)
Algebraic Statistics (2020-2022)
Na półce do 2011Algebras and Representation Theory (1998-2023) P. 1062
Algebras, Groups and Geometries P. 929
Algorithmica (1986-2023)
Algorithms (2008-2023)
American Journal of Computational Mathematics (2011-2023)
Na półce do 2013American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences (1997-2023) P. 958
American Journal of Mathematics (1878-2016) P. 75
American Journal of Mathematics (1996-2023) P. 75
American Mathematical Monthly (1894-2020) P. 256
American Mathematical Monthly (partial access from 2009-) P. 256
American Mineralogist (1995-)
American Statistical Association Bulletin (1936-1946)
American Statistician (1947-2014) P. 115
American Statistician (1997-2023) P. 115
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al.I.Cuza din Iasi. Ser.Matematica (1900-2024) P. 536
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta (2001-2024)
Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Ser. Informatică (2000-2011) P. 1A
Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Ser. Matematica (2003-2015) P. 1A
Na półce do 1996Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică (2012-2024) P. 680
Na półce do 1997Analele Universitatii din Craiova P. 855
Analele Universitatii din Galati. Ser.II Matematica (2014-2024) P. 1176
Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Matematică (2020-2021) P. 1101
Analysis & PDE (2008-)
Na półce do 2013Analysis (1995-) P. 847
Analysis and Applications (2007-2011, 2013-2019) P. 1113
Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2011-2023)
Analysis in Theory and Applications (2011-2022) P. 888
Na półce do 2022Analysis Mathematica (1975-2023) P. 765
Na półce do 2013Analysis. International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Appl. (1995-2018) P. 847
Analyst (1874-1883)
Annalen der Physik (1998-2023)
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Calculum Probabilitatis Eiusque Didacticam Pertinentia P. 1230
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia P. 1114
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica (1962-2020) do vol. 45/2020. Ciąg dalszy zob.: "Annales Fennici Mathematici" P. 74
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica Dissertationes (1978-2017)
Annales d'Économie et de Statistique (1986-2008)
Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives (2015-2023) P. 1103
Annales de Gergonne (1810-1832)
Annales de l'inséé (1969-1985)
Annales de L'Institut Fourier (1949-2021) P. 60
Annales de L'Institut Fourier (1949-2023) P. 60
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré (1930-1964) P. 145
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (A) Physique theorique (1964-1999) P. 145
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et Statistiques (1964-2015) P. 148
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et Statistiques (2008-2023) P. 148
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse non lineaire (1984-2017) P. 875
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse non lineaire (1984-2021) P. 875
Na półce do 2022Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse non lineaire (1984-2022) P. 875
Annales de L'Institute Henri Poincare (D) (2014-2023)
Annales de L'universite de Grenoble (1945-1948) P. 60
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Clermont. Série Mathématiques (1962-1992)
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques (1887-2022) P. 338
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse: Mathematiques (1887-2024) P. 338
Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique (1922-1952) P. 159
Na półce do 1998Annales de Mathematiques de l'Universite de Sidi bel Abbes P. 1048
Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées (1810-1832)
Annales Fennici Mathematici (2021-2024). Wcześniej: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica P. 74
Annales Henri Lebesgue (2018-2021)
Annales Henri Poincare. A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (2000-2023) P. 1069
Annales Mathematicae Silesianae (2015-2023) P. 921
Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal (1994-2022) P. 1001
Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal (1994-2023) P. 1001
Annales Mathematiques des Sciences du Quebec (1977-2012)
Annales mathématiques du Québec (2013-2022)
Annales Polonici Mathematici (1955-2016) P. 159
Annales Polonici Mathematici (1955-2023) P. 159
Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (1864-2013) P. 136
Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (1864-2024) P. 136
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand 2. Série Probabilités et applications (1983 - 1991) P. 893 b
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont. Mathématiques (1962 - 1992) P. 893 b
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sec. A. Mathematica (2000-2022) P. 96
Annales Universitatis Paedagogice Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica (2004-2023) P. 1102
Na półce do 1999Annales Universitatis Saraviensis P. 1218
Na półce do 1997Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sec. Computatorica P. 838
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae Sec. Mathematica (1958-2016) P. 558
Na półce do 2010Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara. Sez. VII, Scienze Matematiche (1950-2024) P. 259
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze (1871-2013) P. 113
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze (2004-2024) P. 113
Na półce do 2011Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1858-2023) P. 174
Annals of Actuarial Science (2006-2023)
Annals of Applied Probability (1991-2017) P. 1015
Annals of Applied Probability (1991-2023) P. 1015
Annals of Applied Statistics (2007-2017) P. 1115
Annals of Applied Statistics (2007-2023) P. 1115
Na półce do 2011Annals of Combinatorics (1997-2023) P. 1060
Annals of Economics and Statistics (2009-2023)
Annals of Finance (2005-2023)
Annals of Functional Analysis (2010-2014)
Annals of Functional Analysis (2010-2019)
Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (2011-2023)
Na półce do 2011Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry (1983-2023) P. 870
Annals of K-Theory (2016-2023)
Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (2016-2023)
Annals of Mathematical Statistics (1930-1972) P. 5
Annals of Mathematics & Artificial Intelligence (1990-2023)
Annals of Mathematics (1884-2018) P. 6
Annals of Mathematics (2003-) P. 6
Annals of Mathematics and Philosophy (2023- )
Annals of Operations Research (1984-2023)
Annals of Probability (1973-) P. 738
Annals of Probability (1973-2015) P. 738
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (1995-2023) P. 693
Annals of Science (2011-2023)
Annals of Statistics (1973-2014) P. 739
Annals of Statistics (1973-2023) P. 739
Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics The Journal of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi (2010-2015)
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (1949-1987) P. 417
Na półce do 2011Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (1949-2023) P. 417
Annals of the Tiberiu Popoviciu Seminar of Funcional Equations, Approximation and Convexity (2014-2019) P. 1105
Na półce do 2014Annals of the University of Bucharest, wcześniej: Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Ser. Matematica (2010-2015) P. 1A
Annals of the University of Craiova (2003-2023)
Annual Reviews in Control (1996-2023)
Antarctic Science (1997-2023)
Antiquitates Mathematicae (2007-2022) P. 1229
Na półce do 2011ANZIAM Journal, The (1975-2019) P. 572
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing (1990-2024)
Applicable Analysis (1997-2024) P. 748
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (2007-2024) P. 512
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics od vol. 1/2007 (2007-2024) wcześniej: Publikacije Elektrotehnickogo Fakulteta Univ.u Beogradu. Ser. Matematika P. 512
Applicationes Mathematicae (1953-2016) P. 332
Applicationes Mathematicae (1953-2022) P. 332
Applications of Mathematics (1956-2021) P. 489
Applications of Mathematics (1997-2024) P. 489
Na półce do 2011Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (1995-2023) P. 997
Na półce do 2011Applied Categorical Structures (1993-2023) P. 990
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (2009-2023)
Applied General Topology (2001-2023)
Applied Intelligence (1991-2023)
Applied Mathematical Modelling (1995-2023)
Applied Mathematical Sciences (2007-2023)
Applied Mathematics (2010-2023)
Applied Mathematics . A Journal of Chinese Universities. Ser. B (English Edition) (1993-2024) P. 1037
Na półce do 2010Applied Mathematics and Computation (1995-2023) P. 775
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science P. 978
Na półce do 2002Applied Mathematics and Informatics od v. 8/2003 zmiana nazwy na: Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics (1997-2022) P. 1090
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (1980-2023)
Applied Mathematics and Optimization (1974-2023) P. 771
Applied Mathematics E-Notes (2001-2022)
Na półce do 2011Applied Mathematics Letters. An International Journal of Rapid Publications (1995-2023) P. 934
Na półce do 2006Applied Mathematics Research Express (2003-2017) P. 1227
Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics od v. 8/2003. Wcześniej: Applied Mathematics and Informatics (1997-2022) P. 1090
Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics (2004-2005)
Na półce do 2011Applied Numerical Mathematics (1995-2023) P. 930
Applied Physics Express (2008-2023)
Applied Physics Letters (1962-2023)
Applied Sciences (1999-2022)
Applied Soft Computing (2001-2023)
Applied Statistics (1952-2018)
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (1996-2021)
Approximation Theory and its Applications (1997-2011) od v. 19/2003 zmiana nazwy na: Analysis in Theory and Applications P. 888
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2011-2019) P. 1110
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2011-2023)
Arabian Journal of Mathematics (2012-2023)
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy (2000-2023)
Archiv der Mathematik (1948-2023) P. 178
Na półce do 2011Archive for History of Exact Sciences (1961-2023) P. 580
Archive for Mathematical Logic (1952-2023) P. 625
Na półce do 2011Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (1957-2023) P. 535
Archives of Computational Methods in Ingineering (1994-2023)
Na półce do 2005Archivum Mathematicum (1965-2024) P. 652
Archivum Mathematicum (1965-2024) P. 652
Arithmetic Teacher (The) (1954-1994)
Arkiv för Matematik (1950-2016) P. 108
Arkiv för Matematik (2017-2023) P. 108
Armenian Journal of Mathematics (2008-2023)
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (2008-2024) P. 1116
Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter (2011-2018)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (2008-2021)
Asian Journal of Algebra (2008-2020) P. 1109
Na półce do 2012Asian Journal of Mathematics (1997-2023) P. 1109
Assiut University Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (2015-2024)
ASta Advances in Statistical Analysis (2004-2023)
Asterisque (1973-2014) P. 743
Na półce do 2022Asymptotic Analysis (1998-2019) P. 923
at - Automatisierungstechnik (1995-)
Na półce do 2009Atti - Instituto Veneto di Scienze P. 155
Na półce do 2011Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia P. 419
Atti della Academia Peloritana dei Pericolanti: Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (2004-2023)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (1981-2005) P. 8
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - Rendiconti Lincei. Mathematica e Applicazioni (2006-2022) P. 8
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics (1990-2023)
Australasian Journal of Logic (2003-2023)
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (1997-2023) P. 602
Na półce do 2003Australian Mathematical Society Gazette (2004-2023) P. 1292
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics (2007-2023)
Automatica (1995-2023)
Na półce do 2003Avtomatika i Vycislitelnaja Technika - Avtomatika i Telemekhanika - Automation and Remote Control (2001-2022) P. 673
Axiomathes (1993-2020)
Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics: An International Journal (2011-2023)
Na półce do 2011B I T Numerical Mathematics (1961-2023) P. 607
Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (1996-2022)
Banach Center Publications (1976-1998)
Banach Center Publications (1998-2022)
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2007-2014)
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2007-2019)
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2020-2023)
Bayesian Analysis (2006-2023)
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1997-2020)
Behaviour Change (2009-2020)
Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie (1993-2010) P. 1044
Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie (2011-2023) P. 1044
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (1949-1972)
Bernoulli (1995-2012) P. 1021
Bernoulli (1995-2023) P. 1021
Big Data Analytics (2016-2020)
Biltoki (1999-2013)
Na półce do 2005Bio-Math. Bio-mathematique & Bio-theorique P. 1231
Bioinformatics (1990-2023)
Bioinspiration and Biomimetics (2006-2023)
Biometric Technology Today (2000-2021)
Biometrical Journal (1998-2023) P. 825
Biometrics (1947-2012) P. 9
Na półce do 2010Biometrics (1999-2014) P. 9
Na półce do 2010Biometrics (1999-2021) P. 9
Biometrics Bulletin (1945-1946)
Biometrika (1901-2017) P. 59
Biometrika (1996-2023) P. 59
Biostatistics (2000-2023)
BioSystems (1995-2023)
Biuletyn Informacyjny PTM P. 1319
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica (2002-2023) P. 635
Na półce do 1993Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicos P. 1232
Boletin de la Asociacion Matematica Venezolana (1994-2013)
Na półce do 1995-2015Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana (1995-2013) P. 94
Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana (2014-2023) P. 94
Boletin del Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (1999-2018)
Bollettino dell' Unione Matematica Italiana (1922-2013) P. 78
Bollettino dell' Unione Matematica Italiana (2014-2024) P. 78
Na półce do 2007Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Ser. A, B P. 78
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche P. 849
Books by Independent Authors (1982-2017)
Botanica Marina (1995-)
Boundary Value Problems (2005-2023)
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (1987-2014) P. 1117
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2009-2014) P. 1117
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2009-2023) P. 1117
Briefings in Bioinformatics (2000-2023)
British Actuarial Journal (1995-2023)
British Journal for the History of Mathematics (1997-2023)
British Journal for the History of Science (1997-2023)
British Journal of Applied Physics (1950-1967)
BSG Proceedings (1997-2022)
BSPM - Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica (2002-2022). P. 635
Buletin ştiinţific - Institutul de Învăţământ Superior din Baia Mare. Seria B, Matematică, fizică-chimie, biologie-geologie (1980)
Buletin ştiinţific - Institutul Pedagogic din Baia Mare. Seria B, Matematică, fizică-chimie, biologie (1969-1972)
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica (2003-2023) P. 751
Buletinul ştiinţific al Universitatii Baia Mare, Seria B, Fascicola matematică-informatică (1991-2002) P. 1119
Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Baia Mare. Ser. B. Fascicola Matematica-Informatica od v. 19/2003 zmiana tytułu na: Carpathian Journal of Mathematics P. 1119
Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Classe 3 [Mathématique, Astronomie, Physique, Chimie, Géologie et Géographie] (1953-1954)
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques (1979-1982) P. 331
Bulletin de l'Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques (1952-2022) P. 894
Bulletin de l'Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques (2001-2023) P. 894
Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences (2011-2015) P. 273
Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz. Ser. Recherches sur les Deformations P. 898
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique Ser. A i B od 1994 r. połączony z Simon Stevin. A quarterely Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics i wydawany jako: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin P. 69
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France (1872-2013) P. 12
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France (1972-2024) P.12
Na półce do 2005Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège (1964-2023) P. 15
Na półce do 2022Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques (1998-2023) P. 275
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques et Astronomiques (1870 - 1884) P. 275
Bulletin du CRM
Bulletin Mathematique (1964-1989) P. 543
Na półce do 2013Bulletin Mathematique (1980-2024) P. 543
Bulletin of Economic Research (1997-2022)
Na półce do 2004Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education P. 1241
Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics P. 478
Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute (2011-2023)
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2009-2023)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1939-2023)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1995-2005)
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences (2011-2018)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1995-2024) P. 1020
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1995-2024) P. 1020
Bulletin of Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics (1997-2024) P. 1239
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1891-1991) P. 10
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1891-2023) P. 10
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (1969-2023) P. 835
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin (1994-2023) P. 1009
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin (1994-2001) P. 1009
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (1970-2023) P. 734
Na półce do 2017Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society (1909/1910, 1917-2017) P. 26
Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, Ser.A.Mathematics (1968-1996) P. 883
Na półce do 2012Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (2007-2023) P. 403
Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society formerly Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society (1960-2024) P. 599
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (1973-2024) P. 789
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (2001-2017)
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (2018-2023) P. 831
Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society (1986-2023) P. 1096
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society (1964-2024) P. 918
Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Pure and Applied Mathematics
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (1969-2023) P. 688
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (1998-2014) P. 799
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2015-2023) P. 799
Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society T. 1-3.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics (2000-2003) P. 331
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics (2004-2023) P. 331
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences (2004-2012) P. 341
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences (2004-2023)
Bulletin of the Section of Logic (2016-2023) P. 801
Bulletin of the Transillvania University of Brasov. Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science (2009-2023)
Bulletin of TICMI (1997-2023) P. 1239
Bulletin, Classes des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Sciences (2001-2012)
C I R M. Publications du Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques
Na półce do 2002C M S Notes de la SMC (1998-2023)
C M U C. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (1960-2021) P. 582
C M U C. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (1960-2021) P. 582
Na półce do 1999C W I Quarterly P. 866
Cadernos de Matematica P. 1089
Na półce do 1997Cahiers de l' Analyse des Donnees (1976-1997) P. 905
Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques (1957-2023) P. 675
Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques (1966-2011) P. 675
Cahiers du Bureau universitaire de recherche opérationnelle Série Recherche (1957 - 1986)
Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie (1951-1985)
Cahiers du séminaire d'histoire des mathématiques (1980-1993) P. 841
Cahiers GU Tenberg (1988-2012)
Calcolo (1964-2023)
Na półce do 2011Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (1993-2023) P. 980
Cambridge Journal of Economics (1996-2023)
Cambridge Journal of Mathematics (2013-2023)
Canadian Journal of Mathematics (1949-2014) P. 15
Canadian Journal of Mathematics (1949-2023) P. 15
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics & Technology Education (2014-2017) partial access
Canadian Journal of Statistics (1997-2022) P. 770
Canadian Journal of Statistics /La Revue Canadienne de Statistique (1973-2014) P. 770
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (1958-2023) P. 546
Canadian Studies in Population (1974-2018)
Card Technology Today (2000-2009)
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (2003-2024) P. 1119
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics od v. 19/2003 (2013-2024) Poprzednio: Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii din Baia Mare P. 1119
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky (1951-1990) P. 19
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky a fizyky (1872-1950) P. 19
CBI Newsletter (1979-2019)
Centaurus (1997-2021)
Central European Journal of Mathematics (2003-2014)
Central European Journal of Operations Research (2006-2023) P. 982
Central European Journal of Physics (2003-2014)
Chance (1997-2023)
Chaos (1991-2023)
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (1995-2023)
Chemical Product and Process Modeling (2006-)
Chilean Journal of Statistics (2010-2020)
Chinese Annals of Mathematics Ser. B (2006-2024) P. 882
Chinese Journal of Mathematics (1973-1996) P. 975
Chinese Journal of Mathematics do v. 24/1996. Dalej patrz: Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics P. 975
Chinese Physics B (1992-2023)
Chinese Physics C (2008-2023)
Chinese Physics Letters (1984-2023)
Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. English Edition (1986-2023)
CIBC Observations (1995-2002)
Classical and Quantum Gravity (1996-2023)
COE Lecture Note (2008-2013)
Collectanea Mathematica (1948-2010) P. 531
Collectanea Mathematica (2008-2024) P. 531
College Mathematics Journal (1984-2019)
Colloquium Mathematicum (1947-2023) P. 205
Combinatorica (1981-2024) P. 860
Combinatorics and Number Theory - formerly Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory (2011-)
Na półce do 2011Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (1997-2023) P. 1030
Commentari Mathematici Helvetici (1997-2023) P. 16
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (1929-2004) P. 16
Na półce do 2019Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli (1952-2023) P. 350
Communications de la Faculte des Sciences de l' Universite d'Ankara Ser. A 1: Mathematics and Statistics (1948-2023) P. 1159
Na półce do 2010Communications in Algebra (2005-2023) P. 757
Na półce do 2012Communications in Analysis and Geometry (1993-2022) P. 1007
Communications in Applied Analysis. An International Journal for Theory and Applications (2005-2023) - partial access P. 1050
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (2006-2023)
Communications in Computational Physics (2015-2017)
Communications in Information and Systems (2001-2023)
Communications in Mathematical Analysis (2010 - 2020)
Communications in Mathematical Physics (1965-1997) P. 725
Communications in Mathematical Physics (1965-2023) P. 725
Na półce do 2020Communications in Mathematical Research (2009-2020) P. 973
Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2003-2023)
Communications in Mathematics (1993-2020) P. 1098
Communications in Mathematics (2010-2020) od v. 18/2010. Wcześniej: Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis P. 1098
Communications in Mathematics (2016-2021) P. 1098
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (1996-2023)
Na półce do 2012Communications in Number Theory and Physics (2007-2023) P. 1182
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1995-2020) zob. tez: International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biometrical Engineering.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations (1997-2023) P. 806
Na półce do 2010Communications in Statistics. Ser. Simulation & Computation (1997-2019) P. 737
Communications in Statistics. Ser. Stochastic Models od vol. 17/2001 szukaj pod: Stochastic Models P. 737
Communications in Statistics. Ser. Theory & Methods (1997-2020) P. 737
Communications in Theoretical Physics (2005-2023) P. 910
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society (1986-2024)
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2019-2023)
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2002-2023) P. 1179
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (partial access 1948-2023) P. 409
Communications Series A1: Mathematics&Statistics (1948-2022)
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (2007-2023)
Complex Systems (1987-2023) P. 947
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. An International Journal (1997-)
Na półce do 1993Complex Variables P. 886
Na półce do 2010Complexity (1996-2016) P. 1173
Compositio Mathematica (1935-1996) P. 28
Compositio Mathematica (1997-2023) P. 28
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Ser. I Mathematics (1997) P. 18
Comptes Rendus de la Société Scientifique de Varsovie (1908-1952)
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences (1835-1965) P. 18
Na półce do 2015Comptes Rendus Mathematique (2002-2019) P. 18
Comptes Rendus Mathematique (2002-2021) P. 18
Na półce do 2018Comptes Rendus Mathematiques. Mathematical Reports (Royal Society of Canada) (1979-2023) P. 800
Computational & Applied Mathematics (2003-2012) P. 861
Na półce do 2019Computational & Applied Mathematics (2013-2023) P. 861
Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine (1997-2021)
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory (1995-2023)
Na półce do 2010Computational Complexity (1991-2023) P. 968
Computational Economics (1988-2023)
Na półce do 2011Computational Geometry. Theory and Applications (1991-2023) P. 957
Computational Mathematics & Modeling (1990-2022)
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (2006-2023)
Computational Mechanics (1986-2023)
Computational Methods and Functions Theory (2001-2023) P. 1181
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (2001-) P. 1180
Na półce do 2011Computational Optimization and Applications (1992-2023) P. 999
Computational Science & Discovery (2008-2015)
Computational Statistics (1999-2023)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (1995-2024) P. 924
Computer Aided Geometric Design (1995-2023)
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (1990-2021)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education (1996-2021)
Computer Journal (1958-2022) P. 586
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (1994-2023)
Computer Physics Communications (1995-2023)
Computer Science Journal of Moldova (2021-2024) P. 994
Computer Science Monographs (2006-2021)
Computer Speech and Language (1995-2023)
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (1992-2023)
Na półce do 2011Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1995-2023) P. 764
Computers and Artificial Intelligence od v. 20/2001 zmiana tytułu na: Computing and Informatics P. 854
Computers and Operations Resarch (1995-2023)
Computing and Informatics od v. 20/2001(2002-2024). Wczesniej: Computers and Artificial Intelligence P. 854
Computing and Visualization in Science (1997-2020)
Na półce do 2011Computing. Archives for Scientific Computing (1966-2023) P. 647
Confluentes Mathematici (2013-2021)
Confluentes Mathematici (2013-2022)
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics (1997-2023)
Constructive Approximation. An International Journal for Approximation and Expansions (1985-2024) P. 885
Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions (2003-2023)
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics (2006-2023)
Control and Cybernetics (1972-2022) P. 735
Control and Cybernetics (2003-2010) P. 735
Control Engineering Practice (1995-2023)
Cornell University Library Historical Math Monographs (1855-1916)
Corrosion Reviews (1995-)
Creative Mathematics and Informatics (1992-2023)
Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem (1975-2023) P. 1052
Cryptography and Communications (2009-2023)
Cryptologia (1977- partial access up to 2023)
Na półce do 1995Cuadernos del Instituto de Matematica P. 1184
CUBO, A Mathematical Journal (1986-2023)
Current Developments in Mathematics (1995-2021)
Na półce do 1998Current Index to Statistics. Applications, Methods and Theory do v. 24/1998 w formie drukowanej. Dalej wersja na CD-ROM dostępna w bibliotece P. 1183
Current Issues in Economics & Finance (1995-2014)
Na półce do 2000Current Mathematical Publications P. 690
Current Science (1932-2023)
Curved and Layered Structures (2014-2023)
Cybernetics & Systems (1996-partial access up to 2023)
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (1965-2023)
Czasopismo Techniczne. Seria: Nauki Podstawowe (2010-2023)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1951-2021) P. 232
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1997-2024) P. 232
Dalnevostocnyj Matematiceskij Sbornik do v. 8/1999. Dalej patrz: Dalnevostocnyj Matematiceskij Zurnal P. 1125
Dalnevostocnyj Matematiceskij Zurnal (2000-2023) . Wczesniej: Dalnevostocnyj Matematiceskij Sbornik P. 1125
DataCritica: International Journal of Critical Statistics (2007-2013)
Decisions in Economics and Finance (1978-2023). Wczesniej: Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali P. 818
Delta (1974-2023) P. 756
Demonstratio Mathematica (1969-2023) P. 708
Design Automation for Embedded Systems (1996-2023)
Designs, Codes & Cryptography (1991-2022)
Diagnosis (2014-)
Diagrammes (1979-2014) P. 827
Didactica Mathematicae (1982-2022) poprzednia nazwa: Dydaktyka Matematyki P. 836
Differencialnye Uravnenija P. 639
Na półce do 2017Differential and Integral Equations (2018-2022) P. 943
Na półce do 2009Differential Equations & Applications (2009-2023) P. 1213
Differential Equations (2000-2023)
Differential Equations and Control Processes (2003-2023)
Na półce do 2011Differential Geometry and its Applications (1991-2023) P. 977
Differential Geometry-Dynamical Systems (1999-2022)
Na półce do 1997Discovering Mathematics (Menemui Matematik) P. 1199
Na półce do 2011Discrete and Computational Geometry (1986-partial access up to 2023) P. 909
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A (1995-2023) P. 1123
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B (2001-2023) P. 1128
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S (2008-2023) P. 1131
Na półce do 2011Discrete Applied Mathematics (1979-2023) P. 859
Na półce do 2004Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. An International Multidisciplinary Research and Review Journal (1997-2023)
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (1991-partial access up to 2023)
Discrete Mathematics & Applications (1995-)
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (1997-2023)
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (2001-2020)
Na półce do 2011Discrete Mathematics (1971-2023) P. 718
Discrete Optimization (2004-2023)
Na półce do 1994Discussiones Mathematicae od 1995 podzial na 4 serie: P. 842
Discussiones Mathematicae Ser. Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization (2000-2024) P. 842 a
Discussiones Mathematicae Ser. Graph Theory (1995-2024) P. 842 b
Discussiones Mathematicae. Ser. General Algebra and Applications (2000-2024) P. 842 c
Na półce do 2017Discussiones Mathematicae. Ser. Probability and Statistics (2001-2018) P. 842 d
Diskretnaja Matematika (1989-2021) P. 1042
Na półce do 2007Diskretnnyj Analiz i Issledovanie Operacij. Ser. A, B (1994-2022) P. 1072
Dissertationes Mathematicae (2000-2023) P. 201
Na półce do 2003Dissertationes Mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis P. 1211
Distributed and Parallel Databases (1993-partial access up to 2023)
Distributed Computing (1986-2023)
Divulgaciones Matematicas (1993-2008) P. 1076
Documenta Mathematica (1996-2017)
Dodatek do Rocznika Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego (1922,1931,1934-1938)
Dokladi. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2003-2024) P. 121
Doklady AN Rossijskaja AN P. 20 (1957-1997)
Doklady NAN Armenii (2000-2022) P. 442
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation (2008-2023)
Na półce do 2011Dopovidi Nacionalnoj Akademii Nauk Ukrainy (2014-2021) P. 563
Na półce do 2011Dopovidi Nacionalnoj Akademii Nauk Ukrainy (2022-2023) P. 563
Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy (1995-)
Na półce do 2021Duke Mathematical Journal (1999-2024) P. 21
Na półce do 2009Dydaktyka Matematyki (PTM) obecna nazwa: Didactica Mathematicae (2007-2022) P. 836
Na półce do 2017Dydaktyka Matematyki (Wroclaw) P. 1106
Dynamic Econometric Models (1994-2019)
Dynamic Games and Applications (2011-partial access up to 2020)
Dynamic Systems and Applications (2006-2021)-partial access P. 1200
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal (1997-2023)
Dynamics in Partial Differential Equations
Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations (2004-2023)
Dzialalnosc Naukowa PAN P. 1209
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (2015-2017)
Na półce do 2009East Journal on Approximations P. 1083
East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics (1999-2001), od 2002 zmiana tytulu na:Journal of Numerical Mathematics (2002-2015) P. 1202
Ecological Complexity (2004-2023)
Econometric Reviews (1997-2023)
Econometric Theory (partial access from 2004 up to 2023)
Econometrica (1999-2023) P. 137
Econometrica (1933-2020) P. 137
Na półce do 2011Educational Studies in Mathematics (1968-2015) P. 685
Na półce do 2011Educational Studies in Mathematics (1969-2019) P. 685
Na półce do 2018Ekonomia Matematyczna P. 1107
Electronic Communications in Probability (1996-2023)
Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics (2005-2013)
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (2008-2023)
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation (2010-2014)
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (1994-2023)
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (1993-2023)
Electronic Journal of Informatics and Operations Research (1998-2000)
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (1996-2023)
Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (2002)
Electronic Journal of Probability (1996-2014)
Electronic Journal of Probability (1996-2023)
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1998-2020)
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1998-2023)
Electronic Journal of Statistics (2007-2023)
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (1999-2019)
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (1995-2020)
Electronic Research Announcements of the AMS (1995-2007)
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (1993-2023)
Elemente der Mathematik (1946-1996) P. 22
Na półce do 2012Elemente der Mathematik (1997-2023) P. 22
EMISSARY (1999-2022)
EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences (EMSS) (2014-2022)
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (1995-2023)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (1995-2023)
Engineering Mathematics Letters (2012-2023)
Engineering Optimization (2006-partial access up to 2023)
Ensaios Matematicos (1989-2023)
Enseignement Mathématique (L' Enseignement Mathématique) (2009-2024) P. 23
Enseignement Mathematique, ( L' Enseignement Mathematique) (1899-2019) P. 23
Environmental Modeling & Assessment (1996-2023)
Environmental Research Letters (2006-2023)
Environmetrics (1996-partial access up to 2023)
Epidemiologic Methods (2012-)
Epiga: Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique (2017-2023)
EPJ direct (1998-2022)
EPL (Europhysics Letters) (1986-2023)
ERCIM Annual Report (2000-2022)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (1981-1990, 1997-2024) P. 850
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (1996-2016)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (1996-2023)
Na półce do 2011ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (1967-2023) P. 577
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modelisation Mathematique et Analyse Numerique (1967-2016) P. 577
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (1997-2017)
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (1997-2023)
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (2003, 2005-2023)
Eurasian Mathematical Journal (2010-2023)
European Actuarial Journal (2011-2023)
European Financial Management (1997-partial access up to 2023)
European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2011-2023)
European Journal of Applied Mathematics (1997-2023)
Na półce do 2011European Journal of Combinatorics (1996-2023) P. 826
European Journal of Control (1995-2023)
European Journal of Operational Research (1995-2024)
European Journal of Physics (1980-2023)
Na półce do 2020European Mathematical Society Magazine (1991-) P. 1170
European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (partial access from 2001 up to 2022)
European Review (2001-2023)
Europhysics News (2007-2023)
Evolution Equations and Control Theory (2012-2023)
Evolutionary Computation (2005-2020, partial access 2021-2023)
Experimental Mathematics (1992-2012) P. 995
Experimental Mathematics (1997-2023) P. 995
Na półce do 2013Expositiones Mathematicae (2001-2023) P. 878
Extracta Mathematicae (1986-2024) P. 899
Extremes (1998-partial access up to 2023)
Facta Universitatis. Ser. Mathematics and Informatics (1998-2014) P. 906
Facta Universitatis. Ser. Mathematics and Informatics (2014-2023) P. 906
Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics P. 1130
Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems P. 1133
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) P. 1049
Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics P. 1136
Fasciculi Mathematici (2005-2023) P. 901
Na półce do 2010Fibonacci Quarterly (1963-2023) P. 784
Fields Notes Research in Mathematical Science (1999-2015)
Filomat (1993-2017) P. 1075
Filomat od v. 7/1993. Wczesniej: Zbornik Radova. Filozofski Fakultet Univerziteta u Nisu (1997-2024) P. 1075
Finance and Stochastics (1996-2023) P. 1033
Finance Research Letters (2004-partial access up to 2023)
Financial Accountability & Management (1997-partial access up to 2023)
Financial Management (2005-partial access up to 2023)
Financial Review (1997-partial access up to 2023)
Finite Elements in Analysis & Design (1995-2023)
Na półce do 2011Finite Fields and Their Applications (1995-2024) P. 1013
Fixed Point Theory (2000-2024) P. 1142
Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering (2021-2024)
Na półce do 2010Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2004-2020) P. 1201
Na półce do 1993Fiziko-Matematicesko Spisanie P. 628
Na półce do 2005Fizikos ir Matematikos Fakulteto Mokslinio Seminaro Darbai od roku 2006 nowa numeracja oraz zmiana nazwy na: Siauliai Mathematical Seminar P. 1216
Fluid Dynamics Research (1986-2023)
Focus. The Newsletter of the Mathematical Association of America (1981-2023)
Na półce do 2010Folia Mathematica. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis P. 1108
For the Learning of Mathematics (1980-2020)
Formal Aspects of Computing (1989-partial access up to 2021)
Formalized Mathematics (1990-2023) P. 963
Fortschritte der Physik (1999-2021), partial access up to 2022
Forum Akademickie (1998-2019) P. 1139
Forum Geometricorum (2001-2019)
Forum Mathematicum (1995-) P. 938
Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2013-2023)
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (2013-2023)
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (2001-2023)
Fractals. Complex Geometry, Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society (2001-2023) P. 998
Na półce do 2012Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis. An International Journal for Theory and Applications (1998-2014) P. 1057
Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis. An International Journal for Theory and Applications (2011-2024) P. 1057
Fractional Differential Calculus (2011-2023)
Frequenz (1995-)
Na półce do 1994From the Logical Point of View P. 996
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Enginiering formerly: Journal of Zhejiang University. Science C (2010-2023)
Frontiers of Mathematics formerly: Frontiers of Mathematics in China (2006-2023)
Function. A School Mathematics Magazine (1977-2004)
Functional Analysis And Its Applications (1967-2023)
Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics (2006-2011)
Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation (2009-2024) P. 1215
Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici (2006-2023) P. 817
Na półce do 2022Fundamenta Informaticae (1999-2022) P. 785
Fundamenta Mathematicae (1920-2000) P. 221
Fundamenta Mathematicae (1920-2023) P. 221
Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (1995-2022) English version(abstracts only)
Na półce do 2000Fundamentalnaja i Prikladnaja Matematika (1995-2022) Russian version P. 1206
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj (1958-2017) P. 566
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj (2003-2024) P. 566
Funkcionalnyj Analiz i ego Prilozenija (1967-2022) P. 668
Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics (1995-2013)
Na półce do 2011Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1995-2023) P. 796
G A F A. Geometric and Functional Analysis (1991-2023) P. 952
Games (2010-2023)
Games and Economic Behavior (1995-partial access up to 2023)
GAMM-Mitteilungen (2007-2023)
Ganit (2016-2023)
Na półce do 2010Ganita P. 438
Gazette des Mathematiciens (1990-2024) P. 1135
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics (2011-2023)
General Mathematics (1996-2011)
General Report (Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching) (1878-1893)
Geometriae Dedicata (1972-2024) P. 732
Geometric and Functional Analysis (1991-2023) P. 952
Na półce do 2010Geometry & Topology (1997-) P. 1186
Geometry & Topology Monographs (1998-2015)
Geometry, Imaging and Computing (2014-2016)
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (1977-partial access up to 2023) formerly known as Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (1970 - 1976)
Geophysical Journal International (1958-2023)
Georgian Mathematical Journal (1994-1999) P. 991
Na półce do 2012Georgian Mathematical Journal (1995-) P. 991
Giga Science (2012-2024)
Na półce do 1996Glas. Odelenie Prirodno-Matematickich P. 509
Glasgow Mathematical Journal (1952-2023) P. 495
Glasnik Matematicki (1966-2023) P. 133
Global Finance Journal (1995-partial access up to 2023)
Global Philosophy (1993-2023)
Godisen Sbornik. Annuaire de l'Institut des Mathematiques (1997-2013) P. 431
Godisnik na Sofijskija Universitet' "Kliment Ochridski". Fak. po Mat. i Informatika (1977-2020) P. 533
Na półce do 2001Gradient. Kufer matematykow P. 1034
Graphical Models (2000-2023)
Graphical Models and Image Processing (1995-1999)
Na półce do 2011Graphs and Combinatorics (1985-2023) P. 897
Groupe d'étude d'algèbre (1975-1977)
Groupe d'étude d'algèbre (1975-1977)
Groupe d'étude de théories stables (1977-1982)
Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres (1984-1986)
Groupe de travail d'analyse ultramétrique (1973-1988)
Na półce do 2012Groups, Geometry and Dynamics (2007-2023) P. 1190
Na półce do 2012Groups-Complexity-Cryptology (2010-2019) P. 1189
Hardy-Ramanujan Journal (1978-2022)
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (1930-2024) P. 722
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (2000-2006) P. 722
Historia Mathematica (1995-2023) P. 763
History & Philosophy of Logic (1999-partial access up to 2023)
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal (1930-2023) P. 183
Holzforschung (1995-)
Na półce do 2012Homology, Homotopy and Applications (1999-2023) P. 1217
Honam Mathematical Journal (1979-2023)
Houston Journal of Mathematics (1975, 1998) P. 776
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials (1995-)
Na półce do 1999I E E E Control Systems Magazine P. 1205
I E E E Transactions on Automatic Control (abstracts, some articles in open access) P. 967
Na półce do 2002I E E E Transactions on Control Systems Technology P. 1207
Na półce do 2011I M A Journal of Applied Mathematics (1996-2023) P. 646
Na półce do 2011I M A Journal of Management Mathematics (1996-2023) P. 1132
Na półce do 2011I M A Journal of Mathematical Control and Information (1996-2023) P. 911
Na półce do 2011I M A Journal of Numerical Analysis (1996-2023) P. 830
I M S Bulletin (2002-2023)
I R M A. Publications de L'U.E.R. de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees P. 820
Illinois Journal of Mathematics (1957-2024) P. 532
Image Analysis and Stereology (2000-2023)
IMS Collections (2008-2010)
IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series (1981-2009)
Incorporated Statistician, the (1950-1961)
Indagationes Mathematicae. New series (1995-) P. 24
Na półce do 2019Indian Journal of Mathematics P. 616
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010-)
Indiana University Mathematics Journal (1952-2024) P. 164
Na półce do 1999Industrial Mathematics P. 907
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability & Related Topics (2001-2022) P. 1054
Informatica (1990-) P. 972
Na półce do 2011Information and Computation (1995-) P. 525
Information Processing Letters (1995-)
Information Sciences (1995-)
INFORMS Journal on Computing - some articles in free access
Innovations in Incidence Geometry (2005-)
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe Annual Report (2008-2021)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections (2008-2010)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series (1981-2009)
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (1995-)
Integers (2000-)
Na półce do 2011Integral Equations and Operator Theory (1978-) P. 792
Na półce do 1998Integral Transforms and Special Functions (1997-) P. 1208
Interacting with Computers (1997-)
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems (2003-2021)
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (1994-)
Interfaces and Free Boundaries (1999-2023) P. 1134
International Applied Mechanics (1966-)
International Electronic Journal of Algebra (2007-)
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (2006-)
International Electronical Journal of Geometry (2008-)
International Finance (1998-2021, partial access 2022-)
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2016-)
International Journal for Numerical and Analitycal Methods in Geomechanics (1996-2021, partial access 2022-)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (1996-2021, partial access 2022-)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (1996-) P. 747
Na półce do 1999International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (1996-2021, partial access 2022-) P. 954
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification (2011-2015, partial access 2016-)
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health (1995-)
International Journal of Algebra & Computation (2001-2022) P. 955
International Journal of Algebra (2007-)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics (2011-) P. 1077
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (1991-2024) P. 978
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning (2015-)
Na półce do 2000-2005International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos in Applied Sciences & Engineering P. 1070
Na półce do 2005International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos P. 1070
International Journal of Biometric and Bioinformatics (2007-2021)
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (2003-)
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-)
International Journal of Combinatorics (2009-2016)
International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2016-)
International Journal of Computer Mathematics (1997-)
International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences - (2006)
International Journal of Difference Equations (2006-2020)
International Journal of Differential Equations (2009-) P. 1087
Na półce do 2005International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications P. 1087
International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids (2016-)
International Journal of Economics & Finance (2009-)
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (2004-)
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (2009-2019)
International Journal of Engineering Studies (2015-2017)
International Journal of Finance & Economics (1996-)
International Journal of Food Engineering (2005-)
International Journal of Forecasting (1995-)
Na półce do 2011International Journal of Game Theory (1971-) P. 727
International Journal of Group Theory (2006-)
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (2009-)
International Journal of Materials Research (1995-)
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2007-)
International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences P. 1203
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics (2007-)
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (1970-) P. 710
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications (2011-)
International Journal of Mathematics (2001-2022) P. 942
Na półce do 2010International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (1978-) P. 832
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (1995-)
International Journal of Number Theory (2005-) P. 1137
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields (1988-2021, partial access from 2022-)
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2004-)
International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics (2010-)
International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (2011-)
International Journal of Parallel, Emergency and Distributed Systems (partial access from 1993-)
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics IJPAM (2002-2018)
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (2002-)
International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education (2003-)
International Journal of Statistics & Systems (2016-)
International Journal of STEM Education (2014-)
International Journal of Systems Science (partial access from 1998-)
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (2015-2023)
International Journal of Theoretical Physics (1968-)
International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines (1995-)
International Mathematical Forum (2006-)
Na półce do 2011International Mathematics Research Notices (1996-) P. 1138
Na półce do 2006International Mathematics Research Papers (2005-2008) P. 1204
Na półce do 2006International Mathematics Research Surveys (2007-2008) P. 1214
International Polymer Processing (1995-)
International Review of Economics & Finance (1995-2007; partial access from 2008-)
International Review of Finance (2000-2021; partial access from 2022-)
International Review of Financial Analysis (1995-2007, partial access from 2008-)
International Scholarly Research Notices (2011-2021)
Na półce do 2011International Statistical Review (1997-2021, partial access from 2022-) P. 382
International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique (1972-2017) P. 382
Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten (1947-2020) P. 128
Internet Mathematics (2003-2012)
Internet Mathematics (partial access 2004-2016)
Na półce do 2012Inventiones Mathematicae (1966-2023) P. 649
Inverse Problems (1985-) P. 1086
Inverse Problems and Imaging (2007-) P. 1188
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering (1997-)
Involve, A Journal of Mathematics (2008-)
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2009-)
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2004-) P. 1143
Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (2010-)
ISI Newsletter (1999-2010)
Israel Journal of Mathematics (1963-2024) P. 623
ISRN Applied Mathematics (2011-2017)
ISRN Bioinformatics (2012-2014)
ISRN Computational Mathematics (2012-2014)
Issledovanija po Informatike (1999-2007)
Istanbul University Econometrics and Statistics e-Journal (2005-)
Istanbul University Science Faculty the Journal of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (1959-2015) P. 440
it - Information Technology (1995-)
Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010-) P. 1059
ITNOW (1996-)
Izvestija Akademii Nauk. Ser. Matematiceskaja (1894-) P. 25
Izvestija AN Azerbajdzanskoj SSR. Ser. Fiziko-Matematiceskich i Techniceskich Nauk od v. 18/1998 zmiana nazwy na: Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan P. 638
Izvestija Nacionalnoj AN Armenii (2006-2018) P. 116
Izvestija Nacionalnoj AN Respubliki Kazachstan. Ser. Fiziko-Matematiceskaja P. 618
Izvestija RAN Ser. Matematiceskaja (1894-) P. 25
Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. Ser. Teorija i Sistemy Upravlenija P. 697
Na półce do 2021Izvestija Vyssich Ucebnych Zavedenij. Matematika P. 538
Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika (2007-)
Izvestiya: Mathematics (1967-)
J C M C C The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing P. 914
J P Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications P. 1185
J P Journal of Geometry and Topology P. 1187
J3eA (2002-)
Na półce do 2016Jaen Journal on Approximation P. 1155
Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung (1892-1978) P. 231
Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung (2010-) P. 231
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1984-)
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2006-2009)
Japan Society of Applied Physics (2000-2008)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (1962-)
Japanese Journal of Mathematics (2006-) P. 833
Japanese Journal of Mathematics. New Series (1975-2005) P. 833
Japanese Journal of Mathematics: Transactions and Abstracts (1924-1974) P. 86
JIPS-Journal d'Interaction Personne-Systeme (2010-2020)
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique (1951-2024) P. 168
Journal de L'Ecole polytechnique - Mathematiques (2014-2021)
Journal de L'Ecole polytechnique - Mathematiques (2014-2023)
Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistiques (1860-2021)
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (1836-1945) P. 160
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (1997-2024) P. 160
Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1989-2022) P. 944
Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1989-2024) P. 944
Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilites et de la Statistique (2005-2013)
Na półce do 2022Journal for Geometry and Graphics (1997-) P. 1126
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (1970-2017)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Monograph (1985-2017)
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Journal of Algebra (1964-) P. 624
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Journal of Algebraic Geometry (2002-) P. 965
Journal of Algorithms (1995-2009) P. 869
Na półce do up to 2009Journal of Applied Analysis (1995-) P. 1027
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (2011-2020)
Journal of Applied Econometrics (1986-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Journal of Applied Geodesy (2007-)
Journal of Applied Logic (2003-2017)
Na półce do 2006Journal of Applied Mathematics (2001-) P. 1235
Journal of Applied Mathematics (2001-2022) P. 1235
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics (2011-)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics (2002-)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (1994-)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (1995-2017)
Journal of Applied Physics (1931-)
Journal of Applied Probability (1964-2019) P. 637
Journal of Applied Probability (1998-2015) P. 637
Journal of Applied Probability (1998-2023) P. 637
Journal of Applied Quantative Methods (2006-2019)
Journal of Applied Statistics (1997-)
Journal of Approximation Theory (1968-) P. 689
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (1993-)
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology (1995-)
Journal of Biological Dynamics (2007-)
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (1983-2014)
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (1997-)
Journal of Chemical Physics (partial access)
Journal of Chemometrics (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Journal of Choice Modelling (2008-2012, partial access from 2013-)
Journal of Classical Analysis (2012-)
Journal of Classification (1997-)
Journal of Combinatorial Algebra (2017-)
Na półce do 2011Journal of Combinatorial Designs (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-) P. 1068
Na półce do 2021Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing P. 914
Na półce do 2011Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (1997-) P. 1051
Na półce do 2011Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser A. (1971-) P. 664
Na półce do 2011Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser B (1971-) P. 664
Journal of Combinatorics (2010-)
Na półce do 2013Journal of Commutative Algebra (2009-) P. 1237
Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (2004-)
Journal of Complexity (1985-) P. 913
Na półce do 2010Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (1975-) P. 767
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (1992 - partial access, full access from 1997-)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (1992-2017)
Journal of Computational Geometry (2010-)
Journal of Computational Mathematics. An International Journal on Numerical Methods, Analysis and Applications (1983-2014) P. 902
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (1967-) P. 701
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International (2006-2022)
Na półce do 2022Journal of Convex Analysis (1994-2014) P. 1018
Journal of Cryptology (1988-)
Journal of Data Science (2003-)
Na półce do 2010Journal of Difference Equations and Applications (1997-) P. 1152
Journal of Differential Equations (1965-) P. 613
Na półce do 2012Journal of Differential Geometry (1967-) P. 677
Na półce do 2004Journal of Discrete Algorithms (2003-2018) P. 1298
Na półce do 2015Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography (2013-) P. 1178
Na półce do 2011Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems (1995-) P. 1025
Na półce do 2015Journal of Dynamical Systems & Geometric Theories (2013-) P. 1236
Na półce do 2011Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (1989-) P. 956
Journal of Dynamics and Games (2014-)
Journal of Econometrics (1995-)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (1995-)
Journal of Economics and Finance (1997-)
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (1994-2019)
Journal of Educational Statistics (1976-1994)
Na półce do 1998Journal of Engineering Mathematics (1967-) P. 672
Na półce do 2011Journal of Evolution Equations (2001-) P. 1084
Journal of Finance (1997-)
Journal of Financial Economics (1995-2007)
Journal of Financial Intermediation (1995-2000)
Journal of Financial Markets (1998-2001)
Journal of Financial Research (1998-2021)
Journal of Financial Stability (only a few articles available in open access)
Na półce do 2012Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2007-) P. 1198
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (1997-)
Journal of Forecasting (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Journal of Formalized Reasoning (2008-2020)
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (1994-) P. 1003
Journal of Fractal Geometry (2014-)
Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications (2011-)
Journal of Fractional Calculus and Nonlinear Systems (2020-)
Journal of Functional Analysis (1967-) P. 671
Journal of Functional Programming (1991-)
Journal of Futures Markets (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications (2007-2020)
Journal of Geometric Analysis (1991-) P. 959
Journal of Geometric Mechanics (2009-) P. 1157
Na półce do 2011Journal of Geometry (1971-) P. 726
Na półce do 2011Journal of Geometry and Physics (1995-) P. 884
Na półce do 2011Journal of Global Optimization (1991-) P. 948
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (1997-2021)
Na półce do 2012Journal of Graph Theory (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-) P. 787
Journal of Graph Theory (2001-2003) P. 787
Journal of Group Theory (1998-) P. 1047
Journal of High Energy Physics (1997-2009)
Journal of High Energy Physics (2010-)
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (2006-2013)
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (2012-)
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (2011-)
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (2004-2022, partial access from 2023-) P. 1167
Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity (2006-)
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (2005-) P. 1168
Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2005-)
Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1999-2009)
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences (partial access from 2016-)
Journal of Integer Sequences (1998-)
Journal of Integral Equations (1979-1985) P. 803
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications (1988-) P. 1171
Na półce do 2015Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (2013-2022) P. 1169
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems (1995-) P. 1174
Na półce do 2011Journal of K-Theory (2008-2014) P. 1177
Na półce do 2016Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (2001-2022, partial access from 2023-) P. 971
Journal of Language Modelling (2012-)
Journal of Laser Applications (partial access 1989-2020)
Na półce do 2022Journal of Lie Theory (1991-2013) P. 1017
Na półce do 2011Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (2001-2014) wczesniej: Journal of Logic Programming P. 1166
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Journal of Logic, Languange and Information (1992-)
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (2014-)
Journal of Machine Learning Research (2001-2022)
Journal of Math-for-Industry (2009-2013)
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (1960-) P. 575
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (2011-)
Na półce do 1997Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences P. 707
Journal of Mathematical Biology (1974-) P. 769
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (1987-)
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Journal of Mathematical Economics (1995-)
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (1999-)
Journal of Mathematical Imaging & Vision (1992-)
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities (2007-) P. 1196
Na półce do 2016Journal of Mathematical Logic (2001-) P. 1197
Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Algorithms (2002-2015)
Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011-2021)
Na półce do 2012Journal of Mathematical Physics P. 576
Journal of Mathematical Psychology (1995-)
Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition (1994-2002) Chinese
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (1981-2024) P. 867
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1973-)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. The University of Tokyo (1994-2023) P. 1012
Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications (2008-) P. 1243
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Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics (1957-1970) P. 164
Journal of Mathematics and Music (2007-)
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (2005-)
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts (2007-)
Journal of Mathematics in Industry (2011-)
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University (1950-2009) od v. 50/2010 zmiana nazwy na: Kyoto Journal of Mathematics P. 596
Journal of Mathematics Research (2009-)
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (1998-)
Journal of Mathematics. The University of Tokushima (2004-2023) P. 132
Journal of Mechanics (2011-2020)
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (2002-2020)
Journal of Modern Dynamics (2007-) P. 1153
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Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (1997-) P. 1002
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Journal of Physical Mathematics (2009-2016)
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Journal of Singularities (2010-)
Journal of Spectral Theory (2011-) P. 1324
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Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2004-)
Journal of Statistical Physics (1969-)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (1995-) P. 1028
Journal of Statistical Software (1997-)
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications (2013-2021)
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (partial access 2014-2018)
Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (2021-)
Journal of Statistics Education (1993-2020)
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Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-2019) P. 44
Journal of Symbolic Logic (2014-2024) P. 44
Journal of Symplectic Geometry (2001-) P. 1191
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (2006-2024) P. 1092
Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences (1981-) Chinese
Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988-) P. 922
Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988-2018) P. 922
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1922-2018) P. 115
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1997-) P. 115
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Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C. /Applied Statistics/(1997-2021, partial access 2022-)
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1953-1965)
Journal of the Statistical Society of London (1838-1886)
Na półce do 2011Journal of Theoretical Probability (1988-) P. 912
Journal of Time Series Analysis (1997-) P. 1036
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Kvant (1970-2023) in Russian P. 941
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki P. 560
Kybernetika (1965-2024) P. 643
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics od vol. 50/2011 (1950-2024) wczesniej: Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University P. 596
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal (2010-2024) P. 828
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics (1994-2024) P. 61
La Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura. Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana (2016-2022) P. 1301
Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2006-)
Na półce do 2003Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences P. 658
Law, Probability and Risk (2002-)
Na półce do 1997Lecturas Matematicas P. 1247
Lecture Notes - Monograph Series (1982-2009)
Lecture Notes in Logic (1993-2009)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1964-2019)
Lecture Notes in Statistics (2006-2019)
Lektsionnye Kursy NOC (2006-2022)
Les rencontres physiciens-mathématiciens de Strasbourg -RCP25 1966 - 1997
Na półce do 2011Letters in Mathematical Physics (1975-) P. 781
Na półce do 2007Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys - ciąg dalszy od 2008 tylko w wersji angielskiej zob. : Lithuanian Mathematical Journal P. 617
Lifetime Data Analysis (1995-)
Na półce do 2011Linear Algebra and its Applications (1968-) P. 691
Na półce do 1995 oraz vol. 53 (2005) nr 6Linear and Multilinear Algebra (1997-) P. 745
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal (1973-) P. 617
Living Reviews in Relativity (1998-2016)
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics (1998-2017)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (1998-2007)
Lobaczevskii Journal of Mathematics (2008-)
Logic and Analysis (2007-2008)
Na półce do 2011Logic Journal of the IGPL (1996-) P. 1064
Logica Universalis (2007-)
Logical Investigations (2000-2019)
Logical Methods in Computer Science (2005-)
Na półce do 2011Machine Graphics and Vision P. 1238
Mammalia (1995-)
Managerial and Decision Economics (1996-)
Manuscripta Mathematica (1969-) P. 687
Matematica Contemporanea (1991-)
Matematica Contemporanea (1996-2010)
Na półce do 2002Matematiceskaja Fizika, Analiz, Geometrija P. 1045
Matematiceskie Trudy (1998-) P. 1091
Matematiceskie Zametki (1967-2023) P. 666
Matematiceskij Sbornik (1866-2022) P. 31
Matematiceskije Voprosy Kriptografii (2010-)
Matematiche, Le (1986-2024) P. 114
Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i Ee Prilozheniya (2009-)
Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie (1989-) P. 1140
Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Kraevye Zadachi (2004-2009)
Matematicheskoe Prosveshchenie (1997-)
Matematicheskoe Prosveshchenie (1997-2022)
Na półce do 2018Matematicki Bilten (1950-2020) P. 839
Matematicki Vesnik (1949-) P. 461
Matematicki Vesnik (1993-2017) P. 461
Na półce do 2010Matematicni Masini i Sistemi P. 1249
Matematicni Studii (1991-2024) P. 1080
Matematicnyj Visnik (2004-2019)
Na półce do 2022Matematika v Skole P. 339
Matematisk Tidsskrift. A (1919-1952) P. 52
Matematisk Tidsskrift. B (1919-1952) P. 55
Na półce do 2021Matematyka Poglądowa (2014-2020) P. 1120 - poprzednia nazwa: Matematyka, Społeczeństwo, Nauczanie
Na półce do 2013Matematyka, Społeczeństwo, Nauczanie P. 1120 od 2014 roku zmiana nazwy na: Matematyka Poglądowa
Na półce do 2022Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczycieli P. 151
Materials Testing (1995-)
Math Horizons (1993-2020)
Na półce do 2007Math Track P. 1346
Na półce do 2018Mathematica Applicanda (Matematyka Stosowana) (1973-) P. 736
Na półce do 2019Mathematica Applicata P. 1074
Mathematica Balkanica (1987-2014) P. 717
Mathematica Bohemica (1991-2024) P. 19
Mathematica Bohemica (1991-2024) P. 19
Na półce do 2000Mathematica Japonica od v. 53/2001 zmiana nazwy na: Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae P. 166
Na półce do 1997Mathematica Journal P. 992
Na półce do 2008Mathematica Macedonica (2003-2010) P. 1334
Na półce do 2008Mathematica Montisnigri (2012-) P. 1121
Mathematica Moravica (1997-2024) P. 1071
Mathematica P. 288
Na półce do 2018Mathematica Pannonica (1990-2018) P. 966
Mathematica Scandinavica (1953-) P. 340
Mathematica Scandinavica (1953-2018) P. 340
Na półce do 2007Mathematica Slovaca (2007-) P. 778
Na półce do 2007Mathematica Slovaca (2007-2014) P. 778
Na półce do 2008Mathematicae Notae P. 112
Na półce do 2011Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1988-2013) P. 864
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (1995-)
Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography (2010-)
Mathematical Biosciences (1995-)
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (2004-)
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (2004-2018)
Mathematical Communications (1996-) P. 1290
Na półce do 2014Mathematical Control and Related Fields (2011-) P. 1284
Na półce do 2012Mathematical Finance (1991-) P. 1250
Mathematical Forum (1995-) P. 1281
Na półce do 2017Mathematical Gazette (1894-2018) P. 171
Na półce do 2017Mathematical Gazette (2010-) P. 171
Mathematical Geosciences (formerly Mathematical Geology) (1969-)
Na półce do 2010Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (1998-) P. 1078
Na półce do 2013Mathematical Intelligencer (1977-) P. 788
Mathematical Journal of Ibaraki University (1997-2023) P. 883
Mathematical Journal of Okayama University (1952-2024) P. 181
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Logic Quarterly (1996-) P. 494
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA (1996-)
Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance (2006-)
Na półce do 2012Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (1979-) P. 809
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (1956-) od vol. 42/1995. Wczesniej: Zeitschrift fur Operations Research P. 581
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Methods of Statistics (2007-) P. 1055
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis patrz: ESAIM P. 577
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (2006-)
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (2010-2014)
Mathematical Notes (1967-) P. 248
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal (1995-2009)
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry (1998-) P. 1056
Mathematical Problems in Engineering (1995-) P. 1342
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (1924-) P. 38
Na półce do 2018Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy P. 383
Na półce do 2011Mathematical Programming (1971-) P. 721
Mathematical Programming Computations (2009-)
Mathematical Programming Studies (1981-1984)
Mathematical Reports (2007-2024) P. 67
Na półce do 2018Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada (1979-) P. 800
Mathematical Research Letters (1994-) P. 1005
Na półce do 2000Mathematical Reviews P. 32
Mathematical Sciences (2012-)
Na półce do 2018Mathematical Scientist (1976-2018) P. 1262
Mathematical Social Sciences (1995-)
Mathematical Society of Japan Memoirs (1998-2023)
Na półce do 2016Mathematical Spectrum. A Magazine for Students and Teachers (1968-2016) P. 879
Mathematical Statistics and Learning (2018-)
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (1997-) P. 1288
Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation (1943-1959) P. 162
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (1995-)
Mathematics and Financial Economics (2007-)
Na półce do 2000Mathematics and Mathematics Education P. 1336
Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (2013-)
Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (2016-2018)
Na półce do 2006Mathematics Competitions. Journal of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions P. 1256
Mathematics Educator, The (1990-)
Mathematics Enthusiast, The (2004-)
Mathematics in Action (2008-2022)
Mathematics in Action (2008-2023)
Mathematics in Computer Science (2007-)
Mathematics in School (1971-2018)
Na półce do 2004Mathematics Journal of Toyama University do 2004 roku. Od 2005 zmiana nazwy na: Toyama Mathematical Journal P. 816
Mathematics Magazine (1947-2020) P. 891
Mathematics Magazine (1997-) P. 891
Mathematics News Letter (1926-1934)
Mathematics Newsletter of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society (2005-)
Na półce do 2003Mathematics of Computation (1943-2023) P. 162
Na półce do 2003Mathematics of Computation (1960-2018) P. 162
Na półce do 2022Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems (1988-) P. 926
Na półce do 2012Mathematics of Operations Research (1976-2018) P. 783
Na półce do 2012Mathematics of Operations Research (1998-) P. 783
Na półce do 2004Mathematics P. 1339
Mathematics Research Reports (2020-)
Mathematics Research Reports (2020-2022)
Mathematics Seminar Notes do v. 11/1983. Dalej patrz: Kobe Journal of Mathematics P. 811
Na półce do 2014Mathematics Student P. 101
Mathematics Teacher Educator (2012-2018)
Mathematics Teacher, The (1908-2018)
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (1994-2019)
Mathematics, Computation and Geometry of Data (2021-2023)
Na półce do 2010Mathematika. A Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010-2019) P. 432
Na półce do 2011Mathematiques et Sciences Humaines (1995-2012) P. 1270
Mathematiques Informatique et Sciences Humaines (1962-1999) P. 1270
Na półce do 2022Mathematische Annalen (1869-) P. 40
Na półce do 2013Mathematische Nachrichten (1948-) P. 225
Mathematische Semesterberichte (2006-) P. 524
Na półce do 2022Mathematische Zeitschrift (1918-) P. 87
Na półce do 2008Mathware and Soft Computing (2011-) P. 1008
Measurement Science and Technology (1990-)
Measurement Science Review (2001-)
Measurement Techniques (1958-)
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (2004-2024) P. 1129
Medizinische Genetik (2007-)
Memoires de la SMF (1964-2014) P. 422
Memoires de la SMF (1964-2024) P. 422
Memoires of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Ser. B: Mathematical Science (1999-2024) P. 876
Memoirs of the AMS (2014-2023)
Na półce do 2004Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kochi University. Ser. A: Mathematics do v. 25/2004. Dalej patrz: Kochi Journal of Mathematics P. 813
Na półce do 1993Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series A., Mathematics (1940-1993). Dalej patrz: Kyushu Journal of Mathematics P. 61
Na półce do 2022Memoirs of The Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University Series B: Mathematics (1999-2024) P. 876
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (1994-2022) P. 1004
Memorial des Sciences Mathematiques (1925-1972)
Messenger of Mathematics (1871-1901) P. 294
Methodology & Computing in Applied Probability (1999-)
Na półce do 2009Methods and Applications of Analysis (1994-) P. 1164
Na półce do 2009Methods and Applications of Analysis (2002-2010) P. 1164
Na półce do 2013Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology (2006-2022) P. 1058
Na półce do 2011Metrika. International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (1958-) P. 592
Metrologia (1965-)
Na półce do 2011Mexanika Twierdovo Tela (2013-2014) P. 1315
MI Lecture Notes Series (2013-2016)
Michigan Mathematical Journal (1952-2018, 2020-) P. 343
Microscopy (1996-)
Milan Journal of Mathematics (1927-). Wcześniej: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano P. 413
Na półce do 2022Minimax Theory and its Applications (2016-) P. 1323
Miskolc Mathematical Notes. A Publication of the University of Miskolc (2000-)
Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1988-)
Na półce do 2005Mitteilungen aus dem Mathem. Seminar Giessen P. 427
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (1993-)
Modeling, Identification and Control (1980-)
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (1992-)
Na półce do 2001Modern Logic P. 964
Na półce do 2009Monatshefte fur Mathematik (1890-) P. 229
Monografias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas, Quimicas y Naturales de Zaragoza (2003-2022)
Monografie Matematyczne (t.1-33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47)
Na półce do 2012Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (1995-) P. 1251
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1827-)
Morfismos (1997-2022)
Moscow Mathematical Journal (2013-2021) P. 1088
Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (2007-)
Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin (2007-)
MSRI Publications (2004-2019)
Na półce do 2014Multiscale Modelling & Simulation (2003-) P. 1148
Münster Journal of Mathematics (2008-2023) P. 1149
Na półce do 1998N O R M A T. Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift P. 330
Nagoya Mathematical Journal (1950-) P. 34
Na półce do 2018Nanjing Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Nanjing University. Mathematical Biquarterly) (2005-2018) P. 1193
National Mathematics Magazine (1934-1945) P. 296
Natural Science Report of Ochanomizu University (1951-) P. 185
Nature (2010-)
Nauczanie Matematyki i Fizyki (1917-1918) P. 367
Nauka Polska. Jej potrzeby, organizacja i rozwój (1918-1939)
Nauka-kwartalnik PAN (2004-) P. 247
Na półce do 2012Naukovyj Visnyk Cernivec' kogo Universitetu P. 1118
Na półce do 1989Naval Research Logistics (1996-) P. 636
Na półce do 2004Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report P. 1261
Networks (1996-)
Na półce do 2009Networks and Heterogeneous Media (2006-2022) P. 1252
Neural Networks (1995-)
Neural Parallel & Scientific Computations (2016-2020)
New Journal of Physics (1999-)
New York Journal of Mathematics (1994-)
Na półce do 2006New Zealand Journal of Mathematics (2018-) P. 760
Na półce do 2011New Zealand Mathematics Magazine P. 1302
Na półce do 2016Newsletter of the EMS (1991-2016) P. 1170
Newsletter of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (1998-2016)
Nexus Network Journal (1999-)
Nieliniejnaia Dinamika (2005-)
Na półce do 2004Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde P. 98
Nihonkai Mathematical Journal (1964-2022) P. 946
Na półce do 2011NoDEA: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (1994-) P. 1014
Na półce do 2011Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems (2007-) P. 1294
Na półce do 2011Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications (2000-) P. 1144
Na półce do 2011Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications (1995-) P. 790
Na półce do 2018Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control (1997-) P. 1146
Nonlinear Dynamics (1990-)
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (2000-)
Nonlinear Oscillations (2002-2012)
Nonlinearity (1988-) P. 935
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (1995-)
Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift (1953-1978) P. 330
North American Journal of Economics and Finance (1995-2000, partial access from 2001-)
North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (2015-2024) P. 820
Na półce do 2008Northeastern Mathematical Journal - od 2009 zmiana nazwy na: Communications in Mathematical Research P. 973
Notas de Matematica (1975-2011) P. 1271
Na półce do 2014Note di Matematica (1982-) P. 840
Notices of the American Mathematical Society (1954-) P. 591
Notices of the International Congres of Chinese Mathematicians (2013-)
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1960-) P. 601
Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures (1942-1990)
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques (1842-1927) P. 191
Na półce do 1996Nova Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra P. 1306
Na półce do 2021Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics (1971-2024) P. 1162
Numeracy (2008-)
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (2011-) P. 1275
Na półce do 2011Numerical Algorithms (1991-) P. 950
Na półce do 2010Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (1997-) P. 804
Na półce do 2011Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-) P. 1000
Na półce do 2021Numerical Mathematics. Theory, Methods and Applications (2008-) P. 1259
Na półce do 2021Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2015-2017) P. 1259
Na półce do 2012Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (1996-2021) P. 915
Na półce do 2011Numerische Mathematik (1959-) P. 561
Nyt tidsskrift for matematik (1890-1918)
Na półce do 2023Oberwolfach Reports (2004-) P. 1122
Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics (2006-2022)
Open Applied Mathematics Journal (2007-2013)
Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics (2011-)
Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization (2020-2022)
Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization (2020-2023)
Open Journal of Statistics (2011-)
Open Mathematics (2003-)
Open Mathematics Journal (2008-2015)
Open Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Journal (2009-2020)
Open Numerical Methods Journal (2009-2012)
Operational Research (2001-)
Operations Management Research (2008-)
Na półce do 2012Operations Research (partial access from 1952-) P. 544
Operations Research and Fuzziology (2011-)
Operations Research Letters (1995-)
Na półce do 2010Operators and Matrices (2007-) P. 1278
Optimization (1997-) P. 695
Optimization and Engineering (2000-)
Optimization Letters (2007-)
Optimization Methods and Software (1997-2023)
Na półce do 1995Optimization. A Journal of Math. Programming and Operations Research (2001-2023) P. 695
Opuscula Mathematica (2004-) P. 1161
OR Spectrum (1979-)
Na półce do 2011Order (1984-) P. 895
Osaka Journal of Mathematics (1949-2024)
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (2009-)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences-Newsletter (1998-2016)
Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951-) P. 79
Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951-1996) P. 79
Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry (2014-2018)
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (1995-2000)
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research (2005-)
Palestine Journal of Mathematics (2012-)
Pamiętnik Towarzystwa Nauk Ścisłych w Paryżu (1872-1882) P. 242
PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2002-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Na półce do 1931Parametr
Pattern Recognition (1995-)
Pattern Recognition Letters (1995-)
PAUza (2008-)
Na półce do 1998PC Magazine po Polsku P. 985
Na półce do 2022Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (1971-) P. 719
Perspectives in Logic (1975-1998)
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2005-)
Pharmaceutical Statistics (2002-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Philosophia Mathematica (1996-)
Philosophia Scientiae (1996-2007)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - 18th century journal (1683-1775)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character (1896-1934) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical nad Physical Sciences (1934-1990) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.A (1887-1895) P. 455
Na półce do 2003Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences P. 455
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1996-2020) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering (1990-1995) P. 455
Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1995-)
Physica B: Condensed Matter (1995-)
Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications (1995-)
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (1995-)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (1997-)
Physical Review A (1970-)
Physical Review B (1970-)
Physical Review C (1970-)
Physical Review D (1970-)
Physical Review E (1993-)
Physical Review Journal Archive (1893-1969)
Physical Review Letters (1958-)
Physical Sciences Reviews (2016-)
Physics Education (1966-)
Physics Letters A (1995-)
Physics Letters B (1995-)
Physics of Fluids (2022-)
Physics of Life Reviews (2004-)
Physics of Plasmas (partial access from 1994-)
Physics Today (partial access from 1948-)
Physics-Uspekhi (1993-2022)
Pi in the Sky (2012-2021)
Pi Mu Epsilon Journal (1949-2018)
PIMS Connection (2011-)
PIMS Magazines
Pliska. Studia Mathematica Bulgarica (1977-2019) P. 791
PNA (2006-)
Na półce do 2020Pokroky Matematiky Fyziky i Astronomie (1956-) P. 1127
Portugaliae Mathematica (1994-2006) P.63
Portugaliae Mathematica (2007-2024) P. 63
Na półce do 2011Positivity (1997-) P. 1053
Na półce do 2011Potential Analysis (1992-)
Prace Matematyczne (Commentationes Mathematicae) (1955-2023) P. 445
Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne (1888-1952) P. 203
Practical Metallography (1995-)
Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Lingvistics (2002-2024) P. 1141
Pramana - Journal of Physics (1973-)
Prikladnaja Matematika i Informatika (1999-)
Prikladnaja Matematika i Mechanika - zobacz też wersja angielska dostępna on-line : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics P. 147
Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika (2008-)
PRIMUS: Problems, Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate (1997-)
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (1995-)
Probability and Mathematical Physics (2020-)
Probability and Mathematical Statistics (1980-) P. 819
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (1999-) partial access
Probability Surveys (2004-)
Na półce do 2022Probability Theory and Related Fields (1962-) P. 604
Problemy Analiza (1993-) P. 1320 - poprzednia nazwa: "Trudy Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija: Matematika"
Problemy Peredachi Informatsii - Problems of Information Transmission (2001-)
Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute (1992-2015 partial access) P. 200
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-) P. 36
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-2018) P. 36
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (1982-2017)
Na półce do 2021Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (1883-) P. 241
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics (1952-2024) P. 1032
Na półce do 2014Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences) (1934-) P. 853
Na półce do 2014Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences) (1978-) P. 853
Na półce do 2018Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1997-) P. 1300
Proceedings of the International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization (2000-2021)
Na półce do 2020Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society (2017-2024) P. 1097
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. A: Mathematical Sciences (1912-2024) P. 458
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B: Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences (2008-)
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (1865-) partial access P. 39
Na półce do 2009Proceedings of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt P. 514
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Ser. A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science (2011-2023) P. 1147
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Ser. A Mathematics (2000-2024) P. 64
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1854-1905) P. 43
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character (1905-1934) P. 43
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934-1990) P. 43
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (2006-)
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1990-1995)
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1996-2020)
Progress in Applied Mathematics (2011-2014)
Proyecciones. Revista de Matematica (2000-2023) P. 1124
Przegląd Statystyczny P. 412
Pubblicazioni di Matematica (1996-2017)
Public Health Forum (1995-)
Publicaciones Electrónicas de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Serie: Memorias (2004-2011)
Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay (1987-2023) P. 1254
Publicacions Matematiques (1976-2024) P. 1095
Publicacions Matemàtiques (1988-2019) P. 1095
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen (1949-2024) P. 54
Publications de l'Institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes (1964 - 2000)
Na półce do 2019Publications de l'Institut de Statistique de l'Universite de Paris P. 626
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) (1932-) P. 144
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) (1980-2018) P. 144
Publications du Département de mathématiques (Lyon) (1964 - 1995) P. 642
Publications Mathematiques de Besancon. Algebre et theorie des Nombres (1975-2022) P. 1295
Publications Mathematiques de Besancon. Algebre et theorie des Nombres (1975-2024) P. 1295
Publications Mathematiques de L' IHES (1959-2018)
Publications Mathematiques de L' IHES (1959-2024)
Publications of the American Statistical Association (1888-1919)
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (1965-2024) P. 650
Pure and Applied Analysis (2019-)
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (2005-) P. 1253
Pure Mathematics (2011-)
Pure Mathematics and Applications (2015-2022)
Na półce do 2010Quaestiones Mathematicae (1997-) P. 874
Na półce do 2011Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (1999-) P. 1082
Quality & Quantity (1967-)
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (2004-)
Quantative Economics (2010-)
Quantum Electronics (1993-2022)
Quantum Information Processing (2002-)
Quantum Science and Technology (2016-)
Quantum Topology (2010-) P. 1266
Na półce do 2017Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (1996-) P. 140
Na półce do 2011Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (1996-) P. 475
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (1943-) P. 45
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (1943-2018) P. 45
Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association (1920-1921)
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (1995-) partial access
Quasigroups and Related Systems (1994-) P. 1145
Quaterly Journal of Operations Research. 4OR (2003-)
R G M I A. Research Report Collection (1998-) P. 1066
R Journal, the (2001-)
R News (2001-2008)
Na półce do 1997RAD Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti - Matem.Znan. P. 483
Radiochimica Acta (1995-)
RAIRO - Operations Research (1968-) P. 577e
RAIRO - Operations Research (1968-2018) P. 577e
RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications (1974-) P. 577d
RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications (1974-2018) P. 577d
Na półce do 2011Ramanujan Journal (1997-) P. 1039
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations (1995-) P. 1248
Random Structures and Algorithms (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-) P. 953
Ratio Mathematica (1990-)
Na półce do 2010Real Analysis Exchange (1976-) P. 805
Real-Time Systems (1989-)
Na półce do 1993Referativnyj Zurnal P. 388
Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics (1989)
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (2007-)
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (1995-)
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1952-2024) P. 173
Na półce do 2008Rendiconti del Seminario della Facolta di Scienze dell' Universita di Cagliari P. 393
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova (1930-2018) P. 46
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova (2008-2024) P. 46
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano od v. 70/2002 zmiana nazwy na: Milan Journal of Mathematics P. 413
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Universita e Politecnico Torino (1999-2023) P. 169
Rendiconti dell' Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste (1969-2024) P. 696
Na półce do 2009Rendiconti della Accad. Nazionale delle Sci. detta Dei XL Memorie di Matematica e Applicazioni P. 868
Rendiconti di Matematica e Delle Sue Applicazioni (1993-2024) P. 89
Rendiconti Lincei. Mathematica e Applicazioni (2006-) (zob. też Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) P. 8
Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali (1990-)
Na półce do 2010Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche P. 305
Reports of National Academy of Sciences Republic of Armenia (2000-)
Na półce do 2009Reports of the Faculty of Science & Engineering Saga University Mathematics P. 1260
Na półce do 2007Reports of the Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University P. 881
Reports on Mathematical Logic (2010-2023) P. 758
Reports on Mathematical Physics (1995-) P. 702
Reports on Progress in Physics (1934-)
Representation Theory (1997-)
Research in Economics (1997-2008)
Research Synthesis Methods (2012-) partial access
Na półce do 2006Resenhas od roku 2007 nowa numeracja oraz zmiana nazwy na: Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences P. 1257
Resonance (1996-)
Na półce do 2005Resultate der Mathematik od v. 49/2006 zmiana nazwy na: Results in Mathematics P. 795
Na półce do 2009Results in Mathematics (1997-) od vol. 49/2006. Wcześniej: Resultate der Mathematik P. 795
Review of Economic Dynamics (1998-2007, partial access from 2008-)
Review of Economics and Statistics, The (1919-2018)
Review of Financial Economics (1995-2007)
Review of Financial Economics (1996-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Review of Modern Logic (1990-2008) P. 964
Review of Quantative Finance & Accounting (1991-)
Review of Symbolic Logic (2008-2020) P. 1273
Reviews in Chemical Engineering (1995-)
Reviews in the Neurosciences (1995-)
Reviews of Modern Physics (1929-)
Reviews on Environmental Health (1996-)
Revista Colombiana de Matematicas (2005-2022) P. 237
Na półce do 2018Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias P. 1073
Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas, Quimicas y Naturales de Zaragoza (1916-2022) P. 1175
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas (2008-2024)
Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina (1936-) P. 118
Revista Investigacion Operational (2000-)
Revista Matematica Complutense (1988-2009) P. 937
Revista Matematica Complutense (2010-2024) P. 937
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana (1985-2024) P. 493
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana (2002-2011) P. 493
Revista Romana de Statistica (2012-)
RevStat: Statistical Journal (2000-)
Revue d'Analyse Numerique et de Theorie de l'Approximation - actual name: Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory (1972-2023) P. 752
Revue d'Histoire des Mathematiques (1995-2012) P. 1041
Revue d'Histoire des Mathematiques (1995-2023) P. 1041
Revue de I' Institut International de Statistique / Review of the International Statistical Institute (1933-1971) P. 382
Revue de Statistique Appliquee (1953-2006) P. 545
Revue Roumaine de Mathematique Pures et Appliquees (2007-2024) P. 507
Ricerche di Matematica (2006-) P. 175
Rivista di Matematica della Universita di Parma (1950-2023) P. 376
Na półce do 1999Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali od v. 23/2000 zmiana nazwy na: Decisions in Economics and Finance P. 818
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (1971-2018) P. 713
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, The (1971-) P. 713
Na półce do 2015Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego P. 310
Romai Journal (2005-2023)
Romanian Reports in Physics (2003-)
Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium (1976-)
Rozprawy Matematyczne (1952-2016) P. 201
Na półce do 1921Rozprawy Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego
Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya Mathematics (1967-)
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (1995-)
Russian Mathematical Surveys (1960-2022)
Russian Mathematics (2007-)
Sadhana. Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences (1978-)
SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatics and Operations Research (1998-2000)
Saitama Mathematical Journal (2008-2022) P. 348
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B (1933-2020) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B (2010-2024) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series A (1933-2020) P. 327
Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics. Series A (2010-2024) P. 327
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2007-2014). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2007-2023). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2015-). Wczesniej: Resenhas P. 1257
Na półce do 2020Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics od v. 1 (14) (2005-2023) Wczesniej: Radovi Matematicki (2003-2004) P. 892
Sbornik: Mathematics (1993-2022)
Na półce do 2010Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (2014-2015, partial access from 2016-) P. 76
Na półce do 2011Scandinavian Journal of Statictics. Theory and Applications (1997-vol. 49/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 766
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (1974-2018) P. 766
School Science and Mathematics (1996-vol. 122/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-)
Science (1997-2020)
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (2000-2015)
Science in China (Scientia Sinica) Ser. A: Mathematics (1997-2024) P. 471
Science of Computer Programming (1981-)
Science Reports of Kanazawa University (1951-) P. 435
Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Section A (1930-1953) P. 349
Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section A (1954-1977) P. 349
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae (2001-2020) P. 166
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae (in Editione Electronica) (od v. 53/2001-2020). Wczesniej: Mathematica Japonica (table of contents) P. 166
Scientific and Technical Information Processing (2007-)
Scientific Annals of Computer Science (2007-2024) P. 986
Scientific Bulletin of University Politehnica of Bucharest. Series A - Applied Mathematics and Physics (2006-)
Scientific Modelling and Simulation (1993-2008)
Na półce do 2021Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics (2009-). Wcześniej: Studii si Cercetarii Stiintifice Ser. Matematica P. 1172
Selecta Mathematica, New Series (1995-) P. 1024
SeMa Journal (2010-)
Na półce do 1993Semesterbericht Funktionalanalysis P. 1309
Na półce do 2011Semigroup Forum (1970-) P. 703
Séminaire "Sophus Lie" (1954 - 1956)
Séminaire A. Grothendieck (1957)
Seminaire Brelot-Choquet-Deny. Theorie du potentiel (1957-1972)
Séminaire Choquet. Initiation à l'analyse (1962-1977)
Séminaire Claude Chevalley (1956-1959)
Séminaire d'Analyse fonctionnelle (dit "Maurey-Schwartz") (1969 - 1981)
Seminaire de Mathematiques dit de Julia (1933-1939)
Séminaire de Philosophie et Mathématiques (1975 - 1998)
Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg (1967 - 2002)
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux (1968 - 1971)
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1976-1992) P. 944
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Grenoble (1971 - 1982)
Seminaire de Theorie Spectrale et Geometrie (1982-2019)
Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres (1959 - 1979)
Séminaire Dubreil. Algèbre et théorie des nombres (1947 - 1975)
Séminaire Ehresmann. Topologie et géométrie différentielle (1957 - 1965)
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique) dit aussi "Séminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz" (1970 - 2010)
Séminaire Henri Cartan (1948 - 1964)
Séminaire Janet. Mécanique analytique et mécanique céleste (1957 - 1963)
Séminaire Jean Leray (1961 - 1977)
Séminaire L. de Broglie. Théories physiques (1954 - 1958)
Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2011 - 2020)
Séminaire Lelong. Analyse (1957 - 1967)
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (1980-2021)
Seminaire N. Bourbaki (1952-2014) P. 1297
Séminaire Paul Krée (1974 - 1978)
Seminaire Poincare (2002-2023)
Séminaire Samuel. Algèbre commutative (1966 - 1968)
Séminaire Schützenberger (1969 - 1970)
Séminaire Schwartz (1953 - 1961)
Séminaire sur les équations non linéaires (Choodnovsky) (1977 - 1978)
Séminaire sur les singularités des surfaces (1976 - 1977)
Sequential Analysis (1997-) P. 928
Serdica. Journal of Computing (2007-2023) P. 1255
Serdica. Mathematical Journal (1975-2018, 2019 - partial access) P. 774
Set-Valued Analysis od v. 17/2009 zmiana nazwy na: Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (1993-) P. 987
Na półce do 2011Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (1993-) od v. 17/2009. Wcześniej: Set-Valued Analysis P. 987
SIAM Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1953-1965)
SIAM Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis (1964-1965) P. 659
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2002-)
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (1953-) P. 481
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (1966-2018) P. 481
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Computing (1972-) P. 746
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (1962-) P. 629
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (1988-) P. 917
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics (2010-)
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2008-)
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (1970-) P. 709
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (1980-) P. 822
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1964-) P. 659
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1966-2018) P. 659
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Optimization (1991-) P. 989
Na półce do 2014SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (1980-) P. 823
Na półce do 2014SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (2003-) P. 1148
SIAM News (1998-)
Na półce do 2014SIAM Review (1959-) P. 578
Na półce do 2014SIAM Review (1959-2018) P. 578
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (2013-)
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (2004-)
Siberian Mathematical Journal (1966-2023)
Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki (1998-)
Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki (2002-)
Sibirskij Matematiceskij Zurnal (1960-) P. 579
Sibirskij Matematiceskij Zurnal (2000-2017) P. 579
SIGMA (2005-)
SIGMA- Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (2005-)
Significance (2004-2021)
Simon Stevin. A quarterely Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics od 1994 r. połączony z Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique i wydawany jako: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin P. 104
Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory (2002-)
Simulation Practice and Theory (1995-2002) - Continued as Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory
Na półce do 2004Sitzungsberichte der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig P. 80
Sitzungsberichte und Anzeiger (1996-2010)
Na półce do 2007Slupskie Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne P. 1314
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics (2015-)
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics (2015-2022)
Soft Computing (1997-)
SOLSTICE: Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics (1990-2017)
SORT (2003-)
Na półce do 1994Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2002-) P. 815
Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (1995-2004)
Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki (2003-2017)
Spiritual Care (2012-)
Sprawozdania z Czynności i Prac (1953-1956) P. 346
Sprawozdania z Piśmiennictwa Naukowego Polskiego w Dziedzinie Nauk Matematycznych i Przyrodniczych (1882-1885) P. 316
Sprawozdania z Posiedzeń (1894,1896) P. 321
Sprawozdania z Posiedzeń Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego (1908-1952) P. 167
Na półce do 2009Sprawy Nauki (2009-) P. 1316
Springer Series in Statistics (Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications)
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics (1922-2019)
St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal (2004-2018)
Statistica Neerlandica (1997-vol. 76/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 1264
Statistica Sinica (1991-2022) P. 962
Statistica Sinica (1991-2022) P. 962
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (2008-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases (2009-)
Na półce do 2011Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes (1998-) P. 1061
Statistical Methodology (2004-2016)
Statistical Methods and Applications (1992-)
Statistical Papers (1960-)
Statistical Science (1986-) P. 903
Statistical Science (1986-2020) P. 903
Na półce do 2013Statistics & Risk Modeling (1995-) P. 873
Statistics (1977-) P. 695 b
Statistics and Computing (1991-)
Statistics and its Interface (2008-)
Na półce do 2011Statistics and Probability Letters (1995-) P. 851
Statistics Education Research Journal (1987-)
Statistics in Biosciences (2009-)
Statistics in Medicine (1996-)
Statistics Surveys (2007-)
Statistics. A journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (1997-) P. 695 b
Statistique et analyse des données (1976-1991)
Stochastic Analysis and Applications (1997-) P. 872
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - wcześniej Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics (1987-)
Stochastic Models od vol. 17/2001(1997-) Wcześniejsze numery patrz: Communications in Statistics P. 737 b
Stochastic Processes and their Applications (1973-) P. 744
Stochastic Systems (2011-2017)
Stochastics and Quality Control (2001-)
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports od v. 77/2005 zmiana nazwy na: Stochastics P. 741
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes (1997-) P. 741
Na półce do 2009Studia Logica. An International Journal for Symbolic Logic (1953-) P. 415
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic (1953-2020) P. 415
Na półce do 2009Studia Matematyczne Akademii Świętokrzyskiej P. 1310
Studia Mathematica (1929-) P. 206
Studia Mathematica (1929-2020) P. 206
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica (2000-2024) P. 663
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Informatica (1996-2024)
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica (1962-2024) P. 630
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica (2000-2015) P. 630
Na półce do 1988Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Physica P. 630
Na półce do 2012Studies in Applied Mathematics (1997-vol. 148/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-) P. 33
Studies in Computational Intelligence (2005-2018)
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (1995-2018)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (1995-2020)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (1995-2020)
Studies in Mathematical Sciences (2010-2014)
Na półce do 2016Studies of the University of Zilina P. 1279
Na półce do 2008Studii si Cercetarii Stiintifice Ser. Matematica - od vol. 19/2009 zmiana nazwy na: Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics P. 1172
Na półce do 2022Sugaku Expositions (2017-2022) P. 960
Sugaku, Math. Soc.of Japan (1947-2022) in Japanese
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1934-1947)
Surveys in Approximation Theory (2005-2021)
Surveys in Differential Geometry (1990-2021)
SUT Journal of Mathematics (1995-2022) P. 683
Świat Nauki P. 979
Symmetry (2009-)
Synthese (1936-2019)
Na półce do 1998Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation. Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Simulation in Systems Analysis P. 871
Systems and Control Letters (1995-) P. 834
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (1997-2022) P. 1035
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (1997-2024) P. 1035
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics (1990-) P. 843
Task Quarterly P. 1150
Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications (1992-2023)
Na półce do 2009Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (2008-) P. 1349
Teaching Children Mathematics (1994-2019)
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications (1996-)
Teaching Statistics (1997-vol. 44/2022 nr 1, partial access from 2022-)
Na półce do 2015Technometrics (1959-2018) P. 574
Na półce do 2015Technometrics (1997-) P. 574
Tenside Surfactants Detergents (1995-)
Na półce do 2015Teoreticeskaja i Matematiceskaja Fizika (1969-2022) P. 694
Na półce do 2011Teoria Optymal' nyh Risen' P. 1307
Na półce do 2021Teorija Verojatnostej i ee Primenenija (1956-2023) P. 517
Test (1992-) P. 983
Text and Readings in Mathematics (1993-2019)
Thai Journal of Mathematics (2003-)
The International Journal of Biostatistics (2005-)
The Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and its Applications (2008-)
The Open Numerical Methods Journal (2009-2012)
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (2002-) P. 1141
Theoretical & Mathematical Physics (1969-)
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters (2011-)
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (1989-)
Na półce do 2011Theoretical Computer Science (1975-) P. 768
Theoretical Economics (2006-)
Theory and Applications of Categories (1995-)
Theory and Decision (1970-)
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (2001-) P. 1258
Theory of Computing (2005-)
Theory of Computing Systems (formerly: Mathematical Systems Theory) (1967-)
Na półce do 2013Theory of Probability and Its Applications (1956-) P. 1158
Na półce do 2008Theory of Stochastic Processes (2005-) P. 1313
Tidsskrift for mathematik (1865-1888)
tm - Technisches Messen (1995-)
Tohoku Mathematical Journal (1911-1943) P. 77
Tohoku Mathematical Journal (1949-2024) P. 77
Tohoku Mathematical Publications (1995-2015)
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics (1978-2023) P. 798
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis (1993-) P. 993
Na półce do 2009Topology (1962-2011) P. 605
Topology and its Applications (1980-) P. 716
Topology Proceedings (1991-) P. 786
Toyama Mathematical Journal P. 816
Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute (2019-2024) P. 200
Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute (2016-2018) P. 200
Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1999-) Wcześniej: Izvestija AN Azerbajdzanskoj SSR. Ser. Fiziko-Matematiceskich i Techniceskich Nauk P. 638
Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1999-2014) Wcześniej: Izvestija AN Azerbajdzanskoj SSR. Ser. Fiziko-Matematiceskich i Techniceskich Nauk P. 638
Transactions of the AMS (1900-) P. 49
Transactions of the AMS (1900-2018) P. 49
Transactions of the London Mathematical Society (2014-2023)
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society (2004-2018)
Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining (2008-2021)
Na półce do 2011Transformation Groups (1996-) P. 1038
Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics (2009-)
Travaux Mathématiques
Na półce do 2012Trends in Mathematics. New Series P. 1274
Trudy Instituta Matematiki (2006-2023)
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki (1992-) P. 249
Trudy Matematiceskogo Fakulteta. Novaja Serija. Voronezskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. od 2008 roku zmiana nazwy na: Aktual'nye Problemy Matematiki i Informatiki
Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta im. V.A.Steklova RAN (1931-)
Na półce do 2010Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva (1952-)
Na półce do 2011Trudy Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija: Matematika (1993-) P. 1320 - kontynuacja tytułu z nową numeracją zob. : "Problemy Analiza"
Trudy po Diskretnoi Matematike (1997-2008)
Na półce do 2003Trudy Rossijskoj Associacii "Zensciny - Matematiki"
Na półce do 2000Trudy Tbilisskogo Universiteta (Proceedings of Tbilisi University). Matematika-Mech.-Astron.
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics (1977-2018)
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics (1977-2023)
Tunisian Journal of Mathematics (2019-2024)
Turkish Journal of Mathematics (1996-)
Two-Year College Mathematics Journal (1970-1983)
Uchenye Zapiski Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (1950-1959) P. 402
Na półce do 2019Uczenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (1931-) P. 1160
Ufa Journal of Mathematics (2011-2023)
Ufimskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal (2011-2023)
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (1967-) P. 153
Na półce do 2011Ukrainskij Matematicnyj Visnik P. 1286
Ulam Quarterly (1992-1996)
Na półce do 2017Ulmer Seminare uber Funktionalanalysis und Differentialgleichungen P. 1268
Understanding Complex Systems (2004-2019; open access to: "Weakly Nonlinear Systems" edited in 2024)
Uniform Distribution Theory (2006-2024) P. 1265
Na półce do 2018Universitatis Iagiellonicae Acta Mathematica patrz: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Matematyczne P. 450
Upravlenie Bol'shimi Sistemami (1998-)
Uspechi Matematiceskich Nauk (1960-) (articles in Russian, latest also in English) P. 50
Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (1918-) P. 218
Na półce do 2020Utilitas Mathematica P. 750
Uzbek Mathematical Journal (2018-)
Na półce do 2007Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences P. 1289
Vesci Nacionalnaj Akademii Nauk Belorusi (2014-)
Na półce do 2016Vestnik Beloruskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Ser. I Fizika Matematika Informatika (1981-2016) P. 716 - kontynuacja zob.: "Žurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika, informatika" od 2017 roku
Na półce do 2016Vestnik Fakulteta Prikladnoj Matematiki, Informatiki i Mechaniki P. 1348
Na półce do 2016Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Ser. 1 Matematika-Mechanika P. 165 a
Na półce do 2015Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 15 - Vycislitelnaja Matematika i Kibernetika P. 165 b
Na półce do 2018Vestnik Nacional' noj Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazahstan P. 1296
Vestnik SamGTU. Seriya:Fizyko-Matematicheskie Nauki (1996-)
Na półce do 1992Vestnik Sankt-Petersburskogo Universiteta P. 516
Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Ser. Matematika i Mekhanika (2007-)
Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Kompyuternye Nauki (2005-)
Vestnik Voronezskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija Fizyka, Matematika (2001-) P. 1293
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (2013-)
Na półce do 2005Vikram Mathematical Journal P. 877
Visnik Lvivskogo Universiteta Ser. Mechaniko-Matematicna (2006-)
Visual Mathematics (1999-2013)
Vladikavkaz Matematical Journal (2011-)
Na półce do 1996Voprosy Statistiki P. 1022
Wektor : czasopismo matematyczno-fizyczne (1911-1913)
What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences P. 1019
Wiadomości Matematyczne (1897-1939) P. 202
Wiadomosci Matematyczne (1955-2020) P. 446
World Banking Abstracts (2010-vol. 38/2022 nr 6)
Na półce do 2016Yokohama Mathematical Journal (1962-) P. 371
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (2003-2023) P. 981
Na półce do 2012ZAMM - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (1998-vol. 102/2022 nr 1; partial access from 2022-) P. 53
ZAMP - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (1950-) P. 456
Zapiski Nauknykh Seminarov POMI (1997-)
Zastosowania Matematyki (1954-1993) (2006) P. 332
Na półce do 2015Zbornik Radova, nova serija: Matematicki Institut Sanu (1951-2022) P. 449
Zbornik Radova. Filozofski Fakultet Univerziteta u Nisu od v. 7/1993 zmiana tytułu na: Filomat (1987-1992) P. 1075
Zbornik Radova. Prirodno-Matematicki Fakultet od v. 22/2000 zmiana nazwy na: Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics P. 1081
ZDM - Mathematics Education (1997-)
Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (1982-) P. 856
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (1995-)
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