The revised versions of these notes plus some other articles appeared in "Topics in cohomological studies of algebraic varieties; Impanga lecture notes" in: Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser 2005
Paolo Aluffi, Lectures on characteristic classes of singular varieties, 29.11.2002
Joerg Schuermann, Lectures on characteristic classes of constructible functions, 29.11.2002
Harry Tamvakis, Lectures on Gromov-Witten invariants and quantum cohomology of Grassmannians, 28.06.2003
Haibao Duan, Lectures on Morse functions and cohomology of homogeneous spaces by, 04.03.2004
Michel Brion, Lectures on geometry of flag varieties, 02.05.2004
Anders Skovsted Buch, Lectures on combinatorial K-theory, 06.05.2004
Marek Szyjewski, Lectures on algebraic K-Theory of schemes, 07.06.2004
The revised versions of these notes appeared in "Algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas, and moduli; Impanga lecture notes" in: Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 2007)
J-M. Drezet, Exotic fine moduli spaces of coherent sheaves, 25.11.2005
J-M. Drezet, Moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on multiple curves, 25.11.2005
A. H. W. Schmitt, Geometric invariant theory relative to a base curve, 27.03.2006
V. Srinivas, Some applications of algebraic cycles to affine algebraic geometry, 01.04.2006
T. L. Gomez, Lectures on principal bundles over projective varieties, 30.10.2006
Ngo Dac Tuan, Introduction to the stacks of shtukas, 31.10.2006
A. Langer, Lectures on torsion-free sheaves and their moduli, 12.02.2007
P. Pragacz, Notes on the life and work of Jozef Maria Hoene-Wronski, 30.05.2007
P. Pragacz, Miscellany on the zero schemes of sections of vector bundles, 30.05.2007
P. Pragacz and A. Weber, Thom polynomials of invariant cones, Schur functions, and positivity, 29.05.2007
The revised versions of the last 6 items appeared in the volume „Hoene-Wroński: Życie, Matematyka i Filozofia", IM PAN Publications, 2008
P. Achinger, Praca Riemanna z 1859, 06.05.2007
J. Browkin, Zera funkcji zeta Riemanna, 06.05.2007
P. Achinger, Niewymierność zeta(3), 06.05.2007
M. Skrzypczak, Dlaczego Hipoteza Riemanna jest równoważna nierowności Lagariasa?, 06.05.2007
R. Murawski, System filozoficzny Hoene-Wrońskiego, 04.06.2007
W. Więsław, Matematyka Hoene-Wrońskiego i za jego czasów, 04.06.2007
P. Domański, Artykuł Stefana Banacha o „Prawie Najwyższym" Józefa Hoene-Wrońskiego, 04.06.2007
W. Wójcik, Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński jako wizjoner i reformator matematyki, 04.06.2007
T. Maszczyk, O wyższosci „Loi supreme" Hoene-Wrońskiego nad wzorem Burmanna-Lagrange'a, 21.08.2007
P. Pragacz, Życie i dzieło Józefa Marii Hoene-Wrońskiego, 20.09..2007
The notes are part of the program UE Transfer of Knowledge: Geometria niekomutatywna i grupy kwantowe.
Alain Connes, Noncommutative Geometry adn Physics
Rainer Matthes, Wojciech Szymański, K-theory of operator algebras
Rainer Matthes, Graph C*-algebras
Henri Moscovici, Foliations, C* algebras and index theory
Henri Moscovici, Clarifications for the last lectures
Paul Baum, Foliations, C* algebras and index theory
Paul Baum, Dirac operators and Spin structures
Joseph C. Varilly, Dirac operators and spectral geometry
Nicola Ciccoli, From Poisson to quantum geometry
Jean-Louis Loday, Cyclic Homology Theory, Part I
Mariusz Wodzicki, Cyclic Homology Theory, Part II
Jean-Louis Loday, Cyclic Homology Theory, Part III
Jacek Brodzki, Equivariant KK-theory and noncommutative index theory, Part I
Paul F. Baum, Equivariant KK-theory and noncommutative index theory, Part II
Tomasz Maszczyk, Galois structures, Part I
George Janelidze, Galois structures, Part II
Tomasz Brzeziński, Galois structures, Part III
Ralf Meyer, The Baum-Connes conjecture, localisation of categories and quantum groups
Paul F. Baum, The Baum-Connes conjecture, localisation of categories and quantum groups
Paul F.X. Müller, Johanna Penteker (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Lecture notes on singular integrals, projections, multipliers and rearrangements
Peter Tankov, Lecture Notes: Financial modeling with Lévy processes
Grzegorz Łysik, Skrypt z Równań Różniczkowych Cząstkowych
Grzegorz Łysik, Wykłady z Transformacji Całkowych