P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (2009-)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences-Newsletter (1998-2016)
Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951-) P. 79
Pacific Journal of Mathematics (1951-1996) P. 79
Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry (2014-2018)
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (1995-2000)
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research (2005-)
Palestine Journal of Mathematics (2012-)
Pamiętnik Towarzystwa Nauk Ścisłych w Paryżu (1872-1882) P. 242
PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2002-2021, partial access from 2022-)
On bookshelf up to 1931Parametr
Pattern Recognition (1995-)
Pattern Recognition Letters (1995-)
PAUza (2008-)
On bookshelf up to 1998PC Magazine po Polsku P. 985
On bookshelf up to 2022Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (1971-) P. 719
Perspectives in Logic (1975-1998)
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2005-)
Pharmaceutical Statistics (2002-2021, partial access from 2022-)
Philosophia Mathematica (1996-)
Philosophia Scientiae (1996-2007)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - 18th century journal (1683-1775)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character (1896-1934) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical nad Physical Sciences (1934-1990) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.A (1887-1895) P. 455
On bookshelf up to 2003Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences P. 455
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1996-2020) P. 455
Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering (1990-1995) P. 455
Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1995-)
Physica B: Condensed Matter (1995-)
Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications (1995-)
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (1995-)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (1997-)
Physical Review A (1970-)
Physical Review B (1970-)
Physical Review C (1970-)
Physical Review D (1970-)
Physical Review E (1993-)
Physical Review Journal Archive (1893-1969)
Physical Review Letters (1958-)
Physical Sciences Reviews (2016-)
Physics Education (1966-)
Physics Letters A (1995-)
Physics Letters B (1995-)
Physics of Fluids (2022-)
Physics of Life Reviews (2004-)
Physics of Plasmas (partial access from 1994-)
Physics Today (partial access from 1948-)
Physics-Uspekhi (1993-2022)
Pi in the Sky (2012-2021)
Pi Mu Epsilon Journal (1949-2018)
PIMS Connection (2011-)
PIMS Magazines
Pliska. Studia Mathematica Bulgarica (1977-2019) P. 791
PNA (2006-)
On bookshelf up to 2020Pokroky Matematiky Fyziky i Astronomie (1956-) P. 1127
Portugaliae Mathematica (1994-2006) P.63
Portugaliae Mathematica (2007-2024) P. 63
On bookshelf up to 2011Positivity (1997-) P. 1053
On bookshelf up to 2011Potential Analysis (1992-)
Prace Matematyczne (Commentationes Mathematicae) (1955-2023) P. 445
Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne (1888-1952) P. 203
Practical Metallography (1995-)
Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Lingvistics (2002-2024) P. 1141
Pramana - Journal of Physics (1973-)
Prikladnaja Matematika i Informatika (1999-)
Prikladnaja Matematika i Mechanika - zobacz też wersja angielska dostępna on-line : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics P. 147
Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika (2008-)
PRIMUS: Problems, Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate (1997-)
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (1995-)
Probability and Mathematical Physics (2020-)
Probability and Mathematical Statistics (1980-) P. 819
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (1999-) partial access
Probability Surveys (2004-)
On bookshelf up to 2022Probability Theory and Related Fields (1962-) P. 604
Problemy Analiza (1993-) P. 1320 - poprzednia nazwa: "Trudy Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serija: Matematika"
Problemy Peredachi Informatsii - Problems of Information Transmission (2001-)
Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute (1992-2015 partial access) P. 200
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-) P. 36
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-2018) P. 36
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (1982-2017)
On bookshelf up to 2021Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (1883-) P. 241
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics (1952-2024) P. 1032
On bookshelf up to 2014Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences) (1934-) P. 853
On bookshelf up to 2014Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences) (1978-) P. 853
On bookshelf up to 2018Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1997-) P. 1300
Proceedings of the International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization (2000-2021)
On bookshelf up to 2020Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society (2017-2024) P. 1097
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. A: Mathematical Sciences (1912-2024) P. 458
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B: Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences (2008-)
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (1865-) partial access P. 39
On bookshelf up to 2009Proceedings of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt P. 514
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Ser. A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science (2011-2023) P. 1147
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Ser. A Mathematics (2000-2024) P. 64
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1854-1905) P. 43
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character (1905-1934) P. 43
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934-1990) P. 43
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (2006-)
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1990-1995)
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1996-2020)
Progress in Applied Mathematics (2011-2014)
Proyecciones. Revista de Matematica (2000-2023) P. 1124
Przegląd Statystyczny P. 412
Pubblicazioni di Matematica (1996-2017)
Public Health Forum (1995-)
Publicaciones Electrónicas de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Serie: Memorias (2004-2011)
Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay (1987-2023) P. 1254
Publicacions Matematiques (1976-2024) P. 1095
Publicacions Matemàtiques (1988-2019) P. 1095
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen (1949-2024) P. 54
Publications de l'Institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes (1964 - 2000)
On bookshelf up to 2019Publications de l'Institut de Statistique de l'Universite de Paris P. 626
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) (1932-) P. 144
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) (1980-2018) P. 144
Publications du Département de mathématiques (Lyon) (1964 - 1995) P. 642
Publications Mathematiques de Besancon. Algebre et theorie des Nombres (1975-2022) P. 1295
Publications Mathematiques de Besancon. Algebre et theorie des Nombres (1975-2024) P. 1295
Publications Mathematiques de L' IHES (1959-2018)
Publications Mathematiques de L' IHES (1959-2024)
Publications of the American Statistical Association (1888-1919)
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (1965-2024) P. 650
Pure and Applied Analysis (2019-)
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (2005-) P. 1253
Pure Mathematics (2011-)
Pure Mathematics and Applications (2015-2022)
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