prof. Adam Idzik (IPI PAN)
Monday, 17:00-19:00, room 408
Anna Zapart (MiNI PW)
Leader Election Algorithms for Simplicial Complexes and Median Graphs
26.11.2012 - 1215
Adam Idzik (IM UJK and IPI PAN)
k-Transitive Orientation of l-Partite Graphs
12.11.2012 - 1215
Krzysztof Pszczoła (IM UJK)
Algorithm for Finding All GH-Cycles in a Graph - Continuation
22.10.2012 - 1715
K. Pszczoła (IM UJK)
Algorithm for Finding All GH-Cycles in a Graph
Krzysztof Pszczoła
Characterization of Comparison Graphs - Classic Result by Gilmore and Hoffman
7.01.2008 - 1730
Krzysztof Pszczoła
An Attempt at Characterizing Superperfect Graphs
Anna Zapart
Fixed Point Property for Complexes
14.05.2007 - 1730
Piotr Zambrzycki (IMPAN)
Reay's Conjecture
Piotr Zambrzycki (IMPAN)
Division of Masses Using Cones
26.03.2007 - 1730
Monika Pszczoła
Computational Complexity of the Graph Decomposition Problem