Prof. Dr. Hab. Stanisław Spież, Dr. Hab. Danuta Kołodziejczyk
Wednesday, 12:15-14:00, Room 408
18.12.2019 - Michael Levin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, IMPAN) "p-adic actions on compacta" - continuation.
11.12.2019 - Andrzej Nagórko (University of Warsaw) "Markov Compacta".
27.11.2019 - Michael Levin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, IMPAN) "p-adic actions on compacta" - continuation.
20.11.2019 - Michael Levin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, IMPAN) "p-adic actions on compacta" - continuation.
6.11.2019 - Michael Levin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, IMPAN) "p-adic actions on compacta" - continuation.
30.10.2019 - Jerzy Jezierski (SGGW) "Periodic points of smooth self-maps of projective unitary space PSU(2) and PSU(2) × PSU(2)"
16.10.2019 - Michael Levin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, IMPAN) "p-adic actions on compacta".
22.05.2019 - Vera Tonic (University of Rijeka, Croatia) "Simplicial inverse sequences in extension theory (with applications to resolution theorems)".
8.05.2019 - Danuta Kołodziejczyk (IMPAN, PW) "Around some of Borsuk's problems on homotopical dominations III" - continuation.
3.04.2019 - Jerzy Jezierski (SGGW) "Minimal number of n-periodic points of smooth mappings of certain Lie groups" - continuation.
27.03.2019 - Jerzy Jezierski (SGGW) "Minimal number of n-periodic points of smooth mappings of certain Lie groups".
6.03.2019 - Danuta Kołodziejczyk (IMPAN, PW) "Around some of Borsuk's problems on homotopical dominations II".
27.02.2019 - Yonatan Gutman (IMPAN), "Probabilistic version of Takens' theorem / A probabilistic Takens theorem".
14.01.2019 - Jarosław Buczyński (IMPAN) "Cohomology of the sum of connected and simple sums of polynomials".
7.01.2019 - Tadeusz Dobrowolski (Pittsburgh, USA) "Universal Free Action for Compact Groups".
17.12.2018 - Thais F. M. Monis (UNESP, Brazil) "Coincidences of multiple fibre-preserving maps".
3.12.2018 - Miroslaw Sobolewski (UW) "Bing's problems concerning fixed points in polytopes and their solution by Sadofschi and Costa".
19.11.2018 - Marcin Wrochna (UW) "Equivariant mappings of products of spaces into a sphere, and graph theory".
5.11.2018 - Danuta Kołodziejczyk (IMPAN) "Around some of K. Borsuk's problems on homotopical dominations".
29.10.2018 - Miroslaw Sobolewski (UW) "Bing's problems concerning fixed points in polytopes and their solution by Sadofschi and Costa".
15.10.2018 - Jerzy Jezierski (SGGW), continuation.
8.10.2018 - Jerzy Jezierski (SGGW) "Minimal number of n-periodic points of smooth mappings of certain Lie groups".
18.10.2012 - 1430 M. Sobolewski Continua essentially surrounded in Euclidean spaces and the fixed point property.
18.03.2010 Mirosław Sobolewski (UW) Malcev spaces, retract spaces, and the fixed point property
25.02.2010 Sergey Melikhov (Moscow) Steenrod homotopy of infinite-dimensional Polish uniform spaces Abstract
18.02.2010 - 1215 Mirosław Sobolewski On retracts of topological groups and the fixed point property - new results
28.05.2009 - 1215 - Room 408 Stanisław Spież (IMPAN) Extension of Borsuk's theorem on non-embeddability of spheres in products of curves
7.05.2009 J. Krasinkiewicz (IMPAN) On different classes of generalized manifolds - results and problems
30.04.2009 - 1215 J. Krasinkiewicz (IMPAN) On factorization of embeddings of quasi-manifolds into products of curves - comments and problems - presentation dedicated to results obtained jointly by A. Koyama, J. Krasinkiewicz, and S. Spież - continuation
23.04.2009 - 1215 - Room 408 J. Krasinkiewicz (IMPAN) On factorization of embeddings of quasi-manifolds into products of curves - comments and problems - presentation dedicated to results obtained jointly by A. Koyama, J. Krasinkiewicz, and S. Spież
16.04.2009 - 1215 J. Krasinkiewicz (IMPAN) On factorization of embeddings of quasi-manifolds into products of curves - results obtained jointly by A. Koyama, J. Krasinkiewicz, and S. Spież
26.03.2009 - 1215 - Room 408
Stanisław Spież (IMPAN)
Cauty's theorem on the embeddability of non-orientable surfaces in the product of two graphs