dr hab. Ch. Eyral, prof. dr hab. T. Krasiński, dr A. Nowel, dr hab. A. Valette
Academic year 2024 / 2025
24 January 2025
Hellen Santana (Universidade de São Paulo)
Thais Dalbelo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
13 - 14 December 2024 - mini-workshop
(on-site meeting, University of Gdańsk)
- Szymon Brzostowski ( Łódź) - The Łojasiewicz exponent and polar curves
- Paweł Goldstein (Warsaw) - Constructing homeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms with prescribed derivatives
- Rouzbeh Mohseni (Warsaw) - Sasakian manifolds: Old and New
- Tadeusz Mostowski (Warsaw) - On Marie-Hélène Schwartz's construction of Chern classes in the Lipschitz framework
- Rafał Pierzchała (Kraków) - On the Cpω category
- Artur Piękosz (Kraków) - The development of tame topology
- Anna Valette (Kraków) - Semialgebraic Whitney partition of unity
- Andrzej Weber (Warsaw) - How to arrive from nothing to elliptic genus?
22 November 2024
10:00 - 10:50 Anne Pichon (University of Aix-Marseille)
Logarithmic links of complex germs and Lipschitz geometry
11:00 - 11:50 Dmitry Kerner (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Fast cycles and where to find them
25 October 2024
15:30 - 16:20 Michał Farnik (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
Generic symmetry defect set of plane algebraic curves
16:30 - 17:20 Grzegorz Oleksik (Uniwersytet Poznański)
On the generic dimension of analytic sets
17 May 2024
10:00 - 10:50 Lorenzo Fantini (École Polytechnique, Paris)
Lipschitz geometry of complex surfaces
10 May 2024
10:00 10:50 Carles Bivià-Ausina (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Global multiplicity, special closure and non-degeneracy of polynomial maps
11:00 11:50 Boulos El Hilany (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
The polyhedral type of a complex polynomial map on the plane
12 April 2024
10:00 10:50 Dmitry Kerner (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Which germs are inner-metrically conical? (And how to detect fast vanishing cycles?)
11:00 11:50 : Patrick Popescu-Pampu (Université de Lille)
Combinatorics of real analytic morsifications
22 March 2024
14:00 - 14:45 Bárbara Karolline de Lima Pereira (Universidade de São Paulo)
The Relative Bruce-Roberts Numbers of a Function on an Isolated Complete Intersection Singularity
14:55 - 15:40 Otoniel Nogueira da Silva (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)
On Zariski multiplicity conjecture for quasihomogeneous surfaces with non-isolated singularities
15:50 - 16:35 : Maciej Denkowski (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
On Yomdin's version of a Lipschitz Implicit Function Theorem
1 March 2024
10:00 - 10:50 Zbigniew Jelonek (IMPAN)
Bi-Lipschitz equivalent cones with different degrees
11:00-11:50 Adam Różycki (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Bi-Lipschitz invariance of the Lê numbers of quasi-ordinary singularities
19 January 2024
10:00 - 10:50 Dmitry Kerner (Ben-Gurion University)
Artin approximation. The ordinary, the inverse, the left-right, and on quivers
11:00-11:50 Jean-Baptiste Campesato (Universite d'Angers)
Motivic, logarithmic, and topological Milnor fibrations
8 December 2023
10:00 - 10:50 Nicolas Dutertre (Universite d'Angers)
On the topology of non-isolated real singularities
11:00 - 11:50 : Grzegorz Oleksik (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
On Zariski multiplicity conjecture in µ-constant families of non-degenerate singularities
1-2 December 2023
On-site GKLW mini-workshop, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
24 November 2023
10:00 - 10:50 Ursula Ludwig (Univ. Münster)
Cheeger-Müller theorem for singular spaces
11:00 - 11:50 : M'hammed Oudrane (Univ. of Nice)
Sobolev sheaves on the definable site13 October 2023
10:00 - 10:50 : Jan Stevens (Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ. of Gothenburg)
Conjectures on stably Newton degenerate singularities
11:00 - 11:50 : Victor Goryunov (Univ. of Liverpool)
Second Arnold-Maslov classes and loops in the spaces of Legendrian and Lagrangian maps of surfaces
2 June 2023
10:00 - 11:00 Evelia Garcia Barroso (Universidad de la Laguna)
On the Tjurina and Milnor numbers of a foliation
21 April 2023
14:30 - 15:30 Maria Michalska (Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza)
Classification of Lipschitz normally embedded complex algebraic curves
15:45 - 16:45 : Aftab Patel (University of Western Ontario)
Algebraic approximability of analytic germs
24 March 2023
10:00 - 11:00 Enrique Artal Bartolo (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Topology of surface singularities: superisolated, Lê-Yomdin and weighted Lê-Yomdin
11:15 - 12:15 : Aleksandra Zakrzewska (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Extension of the Gusein-Zade theorem on the jumps equal to 1 of the Milnor number in deformations of plane curve singularities
24 February 2023 - special session with Brazil
14:00 - 14:45 Hellen Monção de Carvalho Santana (University of São Paulo)
A study on the local topology of a deformation of a function-germ with a one-dimensional critical set
15:00 - 15:45 : Taciana Oliveira Souza (Federal University of Uberlândia)
On the topology of the Milnor fibration
16:00 - 16:45 Eder Leandro Sanchez Quiceno (University of São Paulo)
Links of mixed polynomials with a nice Newton inner non-degenerate boundary
20 January 2023
10:00 - 11:00 Armin Rainer (Universität Wien)
Tame properties of differentiable functions
16:00 - 17:00 Jawad Snoussi (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca)
On tangency in equisingular families of curves and surfaces
12-16 December 2022 (hybrid, online & IMPAN)
Gdańsk-Kraków-Łódź-Warszawa workshop in Singularity Theory - a special session dedicated to the memory of S. Łojasiewicz
18 November 2022
8:00 - 8:45 Dmitry Kerner (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva)
Generalizations of Newton non-degeneracy for hypersurface singularities
9:00 - 9:45 : Christophe Eyral (IMPAN)
Zeta-function and µ*-Zariski pairs of surfaces
10:00 - 10:45 Goulwen Fichou (Université de Rennes)
Saturation, seminormalization and homeomorphisms of algebraic varieties
27 May 2022
09:00 - 10:00 Dmitry Kerner (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva)
Germs of maps, group actions and large modules inside group orbits
10:15 - 11:15 : Helmut Hamm (Universität Münster)
An approach to Zariski-van Kampen theorems
29 April 2022 - special session with Vietnam
09:00 - 09:45 Nguyen Tat Thang (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi)
Bifurcation set of non-degenerate rational functions
10:00 - 10:45 : Nguyen Xuan Viet Nhan (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hanoi)
Nice cell decomposition and its application to calculating moderately discontinuous homology
11:00 - 11:45 : Pho Duc Tai (Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
Elliptic curves with singularities, from geometry, number theory to post-quantum cryptography
25 March 2022
10:00 - 11:00 Lev Birbrair (Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza)
Lipschitz geometry of surface germs in R^4: metric knots
11:15 - 12:15 : Adam Różycki (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Effective Bertini theorem and formulas for multiplicity and the local Łojasiewicz exponent
25 Feb. 2022
10:00 - 11:00 Patricio Almirón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
The minimal Tjurina number and the 4/3 problem for plane curve singularities
11:15 - 12:15 : Maciej Denkowski (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
Testing Lipschitz non-normally embedded complex spaces
21 Jan. 2022
10:00 - 11:00 Juan José Nuño-Ballesteros (Univ. València, Spain)
The cone structure theorem
17 Dec. 2021 - special session with Brazil
14:15 - 15:00 Thaís Maria Dalbelo (Univ. Federal de Sao Carlos)
Newton Polyhedra and Whitney Equisingularity for Determinantal Singularities
15:15 - 16:00 José Edson Sampaio (Univ. Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza)
Differential invariance of the multiplicity of real and complex analytic sets
16:15 - 17:00 Otoniel Nogueira da Silva (Univ. Federal de Sao Carlos)
Equisingularity in families of curves and surfaces
26 Nov. 2021
10:00 - 11:00 Jean-Paul Brasselet (I2M CNRS and Aix-Marseille Univ.)
Generic sections of essentially isolated determinantal singularities
11:15 - 12:15 : Meral Tosun (Galatasaray Univ., Istanbul)
Lojasiewicz exponent of rational singularities and ideals in their local ring
29 Oct. 2021
10:00 - 11:00 Mark Spivakovsky (CNRS, Univ. Toulouse)
μ-constant families of Newton non-degenerate singularities admit simultaneous embedded desingularization
11:15 - 12:15 : Zbigniew Jelonek (IMPAN, Warsaw)
On the Fukui-Kurdyka-Paunescu Conjecture
28 May 2021 - special session with Japan
09:00 - 10:00 Mutsuo Oka (Tokyo University of Science)
Almost non-degenerate functions and a Zariski pair of links
10:15 - 11:15 : Toshizumi Fukui (Saitama University)
Properness of polynomial maps with Newton polyhedrons
30 Apr. 2021
10:00 - 11:00 Wojciech Kucharz (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków)
Rational approximation of holomorphic maps
11:15 - 12:15 Marcin Bilski (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków)
Effective approximation of the solutions of algebraic equations
26 Mar. 2021
10:00 - 11:00 Meral Tosun (Galatasaray Üniversitesi, Istanbul)
Simple elliptic singularities and Generalized Slodowy Slices
11:15 - 12:15 : Tadeusz Krasiński (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
The Łojasiewicz exponent in non-degenerate deformations of surface singularities
26 Feb. 2021 - special session with Brazil
14:00 - 14:45 Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos)
Mixed Bruce-Roberts number
15:00 - 15:45 Vincent Grandjean (Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza)
A variation around Malgrange-Rabier condition
16:00 - 16:45 Alexandre Fernandes (Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza)
Multiplicity of singular points as a bi-Lipschitz invariant
22 Jan. 2021
10:00 - 11:00 Adam Parusiński (Université de Nice)
Equisingular families of surface singularities
11:15 - 12:15 Carles Bivia-Ausina (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Invariants for bi-Lipschitz equivalence of ideals and related topics
11 Dec. 2020
10:00 - 11:00 Wolfgang Ebeling (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
A McKay correspondence for the Poincaré series of some finite subgroups of SL3(C)
11:15 - 12:15 Jean-Philippe Monnier (Université d'Angers)
Some normalizations of real algebraic varieties
27 Nov. 2020
11:00 - 12:00 Beata Gryszka (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Approximate roots of quasi-ordinary polynomials
12:15 - 13:15 Pedro González Pérez (Unversidad Complutense de Madrid)
The combinatorics of plane curve singularities. How Newton polygons blossom into lotuses
30 Oct. 2020
10:00 - 11:00 David Trotman (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
The smooth Whitney fibering conjecture and density of strongly topologically stable maps
11:15 - 12:15 Grzegorz Oleksik (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
On jumps of the Lê numbers in the family of line singularities