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dr hab. Grzegorz Łysik (UJK), dr hab. Galina Filipuk (UW), dr hab. Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

Friday, 14:00-16:00, room 408

  • 16.06.2023, 14:00
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Analytic smoothness in the sense of Dunkl
    Abstract: Using integral mean functions with a measure, I will introduce the concept of analytic functions in the sense of Dunkl and then demonstrate that they are smooth.
  • 10.03.2023, 14:00
    Alberto Lastra (University of Alcalá)
    Lambert W function in the study of Gevrey asymptotics for linear singularly perturbed equations with linear fractional transforms
    Abstract: We construct the analytic solutions of a family of linear singularly perturbed Cauchy problems under the action of linear fractional transforms and relate them with an asymptotic formal solution via Gevrey asymptotic expansions. The construction of the analytic solutions is based on different Laplace-like integrals along paths of different nature which arise from the appearance of domains in the complex plane that remain intimately related to the Lambert W function. A deep knowledge of the behavior of the Lambert W function is needed to perform adequate deformation paths of the analytic solutions.
  • 20.01.2023, 14:00
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Summability-preserving sequences
    Abstract: Summability-preserving sequences will be defined and characterized, and their application to the study of the summability of solutions to moment-differential equations, particularly q-difference-differential equations, will be presented.
  • 02.12.2022, 14:00
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Characterizations of Dunkl polyharmonic functions
    Abstract: After recalling the facts about the Dunkl-Laplace operator, Dunkl polyharmonic functions will be characterized in terms of integral means over Euclidean spheres/balls.
  • 18.11.2022, 14:00
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    On the summability of solutions to certain nonlinear equations
  • 28.10.2022, 14:00
    Julia Kalosha (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
    Asymptotic Stabilization of the Flexible Beam Oscillations
    Olga Nesmelova (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
    Nonlinear boundary-value problems unsolved with respect to the derivative
  • 10.06.2022, 14:00
    Tomasz Żynda (PW)
    Selected reproducing kernels: admissible weights and parameter dependence
  • 13.05.2022, 14:00
    Kunio Ichinobe (Aichi University of Education, Japan)
    On k-summability of divergent solutions of the inhomogeneous heat equation
  • 08.04.2022, 14:00
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Summability of formal solutions to singular perturbations
  • 14.02.2020
    Alexander Stokes (University College London)
    An introduction to the geometry of discrete Painlevé equations
  • 24.01.2020
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    On the Goursat problem for linear equations with constant coefficients
  • 13.12.2019
    Maria Suwińska (UKSW)
    Gevrey estimates for moment-differential equations with variable coefficients
  • 18.10.2019
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Estimates of solutions to certain generalized moment-differential equations
  • 14.06.2019, 14:00
    Adam Ligęza (University of Warsaw)
    Qualitative analysis of some liberation points in the restricted four-body problem
  • 14.06.2019
    Kunio Ichinobe (Aichi University of Education, Japan)
    Gevrey Asymptotic Solutions to the Cauchy Problem of Some Linear q-Difference-Differential Equations
  • 31.05.2019
    Paweł Wójcicki (PW)
    The Bergman kernel and the Green's function - part I
  • 12.04.2019
    Hubert Grzebuła (UKSW)
    Polyharmonic Bergman spaces
  • 22.02.2019
    Alberto Lastra (University of Alcalá de Henares)
    Asymptotic expansions on a family of singularly perturbed symmetric problems in two complex time variables
  • 25.01.2019
    Maria Suwińska (UKSW)
    Gevrey estimates for certain moment-differential equations
  • 11.01.2019
    Bożena Tkacz (UKSW)
    The Stokes phenomenon for certain partial differential equations with variable coefficients
  • 7.12.2018
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    On the summability of certain q-difference-differential equations
  • 23.11.2018
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Functions satisfying the mean value property
  • 26.10.2018
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Sheaves of asymptotic functions and the Borel-Ritt theorem
  • 12.10.2018
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    A cohomological approach to summability
  • 24.05.2018
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Newton diagram for differential and moment-differential equations
  • 26.04.2018
    Maria Suwińska (UKSW)
    Cauchy-Kowalevski type theorem for moment-differential equations
  • 15.03.2018
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Uniqueness theorem for analytic functions in metric spaces with a measure
  • 1.03.2018
    Bożena Tkacz (UKSW)
    Analytic continuation of the convolution of resurgent functions
  • 1.02.2018
    Bożena Tkacz (UKSW)
    Convolution of resurgent functions
  • 11.01.2018
    Bożena Tkacz (UKSW)
    Resurgent functions and resurgent formal series
  • 14.12.2017
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Introduction to the theory of resurgent functions: diffeomorphisms and summability
  • 30.11.2017
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Introduction to the theory of resurgent functions: Borel-Laplace summability
  • 16.11.2017
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    On global properties of analytic functions based on their Taylor coefficients
  • 26.10.2017
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Iterated functional systems in classes of ultradifferentiable functions
  • 5.10.2017 room 408
    Galina Filipuk  (UW)
    Nonlinear difference equations for small q-Laguerre orthogonal polynomials
  • 11.09.2017
    Kunio Ichinobe (Aichi University of Education)
    k-summability of formal solutions for PDEs with time variable dependent coefficients
  • 05.06.2017
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Summability for certain partial differential equations with variable coefficients
  • 29.05.2017
    Bożena Podhajecka (UKSW)
    The Stokes phenomenon in terms of hyperfunctions
  • 22.05.2017
    Jan Dereziński  (UW)
    Almost homogeneous Schroedinger operators
  • 15.05.2017
    Maria Suwińska (UKSW)
    Hyperasymptotic expansions for solutions of the heat conduction equation
  • 8.05.2017
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Uniqueness for rho-analytic functions II
  • 24.04.2017
    Ewa Ciechanowicz (USz)
    Value distribution, growth, and small functions of meromorphic solutions of Painlevé equations
  • 10.04.2017
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Uniqueness for rho-analytic functions
  • 27.03.2017
    Hubert Grzebuła (UKSW)
    Poisson kernel for polyharmonic functions
  • 13.03.2017
    Hubert Grzebuła (UKSW)
    Spherical and zonal polyharmonics
  • 26.01.2017
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Mean value theorem for spherical means
  • 12.01.2017
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    L-property and L-radial functions
  • 15.12.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Fundamental solution for the sub-Laplacian
  • 8.12.2016
    Yang Chen (University of Macau)
    Singular Linear Statistics, Dyson’s Coulomb Fluid, and Painlevé III
  • 25.11.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Carnot-Caratheodory metric
  • 03.11.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Examples of Carnot groups
  • 27.10.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Homogeneous Carnot groups
  • 13.10.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Homogeneous Lie groups on Rn
  • 12.05.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Iteration of operators in ultradifferentiable function classes
  • 28.04.2016
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Spherical polyharmonics
  • 7.04.2016
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Generalization of the Cauchy-Kowalewski theorem
  • 17.03.2016
    Hubert Grzebuła (UKSW)
    Dirichlet problem for polyharmonic equations
  • 10.03.2016 room 321
    Galina Filipuk  (UW, IMPAN)
    Nevanlinna theory and P434 equation
  • 25.02.2016
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Parametric Borel summability of partial differential equations with irregular singularities
  • 2.12.2015   
    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Iterated spherical means
  • 25.11.2015 
    Paweł Wójcicki (PW)
    Green's function and weighted Bergman kernel
  • 18.11.2015 
    Jan L. Cieśliński (UwB)
    Sine-Gordon equation and pseudospherical surfaces on time scales
  • 21.10.2015
    Galina Filipuk (UW)
    Discrete Painlevé equation and Laguerre-Hahn orthogonal polynomials of degree 1
  • 14.10.2015
    Tatiana Odzijewicz (SGH)
    Fractional Cauchy type problem with dependence on the Caputo-Katugampola derivative
  • 7.10.2015
    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    On the Ramis-Sibuya theorem
  • 30.09.2015
    Galina Filipuk (UW )
    On the factorization method applied to second-order (q,h)-difference operators
  • 10.06.2015
    Michał Zakrzewski (UJK)
    Linear multi-variable polylogarithms
  • 27.05.2015
    Thomas Kecker (University of Portsmouth)
    Hamiltonian systems with movable algebraic singularities
  • 20.05.2015
    Paweł Wójcicki (Politechnika Warszawska)
    Weighted Bergman kernel and Green function, part II
  • 13.05.2015
    Jan Dereziński (FUW)
    Group theory and hypergeometric type equations
  • 6.05.2015
  • Bożena Podhajecka (UKSW)
  • Stokes phenomenon in certain partial differential equations
  • 22.04.2015
  • Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Inhomogeneous moment-differential equations, II
  • 15.04.2015
  • Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Inhomogeneous moment-differential equations
  • 25.03.2015
  • Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Hypoellipticity of the Dunkl-Laplacian operator
  • 18.03.2015
  • Paweł Wójcicki (Politechnika Warszawska)
    Invariant metrics and biholomorphic mappings
  • 11.03.2015
  • Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Summability for ultraholomorphic functions, part II
  • 4.03.2015
  • Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)
    Summability for ultraholomorphic functions
  • 25.02.2015 - 1100
  • Grzegorz Łysik (UJK)
    Higher-order Pizzetti formulas
  • 17.12.2014

    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

    Generalized integral means and summability of solutions of certain partial differential equations
  • 10.12.2014

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN, UJK)

    Mean value property for Dunkl harmonic functions
  • 26.11.2014

    Paweł Wójcicki (Politechnika Warszawska)

    Weighted Bergman kernel and Green function
  • 19.11.2014


  • 19.11.2014

    Igor Chyzhykov (UKSW)

    Growth and oscillation of solution of linear differential equations in the unit disc
  • 12.11.2014

    Thomas Kecker (University College London )

    Hamiltonian systems related to the Painleve equations
  • 29.10.2014 - 1015

    Ewa Ciechanowicz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)

    Asymptotic and defective values of meromorphic functions
  • 22.10.2014 - 1015

    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

    Introduction to exact WKB analysis
  • 15.10.2014 - 1015

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN, UJK)

    Characterization of analytic functions
  • 11.06.2014

    Paweł Woźny (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

    From orthogonality to duality and its applications
  • 7.05.2014

    Agnieszka B. Malinowska (Politechnika Białostocka)

    Variational methods for the fractional Sturm-Liouville operator
  • 4.06.2014 - 930

    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

    Summability of solutions of differential equations with variable coefficients
  • 28.05.2014

    Galina Filipuk (UW)

    Recurrence coefficients of multiple orthogonal polynomials
  • 9.04.2014

    Yuliya Bibilo (Higher School of Economics)

    Isomonodromic deformation of linear meromorphic differential system in the Birkhoff standard form
  • 2.04.2014

    Tomasz Z. Szarek (IM PAN)

    Harmonic analysis operators in the Dunkl context
  • 19.03.2014

    Grzegorz Łysik (UJK, IM PAN)

    Characterization of polyharmonic functions
  • 5.03.2014

    Radosław Kycia (Uniwersytet Warszawski)

    Generalizations of Lane-Emden and Lane-Fowler equations
  • 26.02.2014

    Stefan Hilger

    Lie groups and difference equations
  • 29.01.2014

    Jacques Sauloy (Toulouse University)

    q-Stokes phenomenon
  • 22.01.2014

    Jacques Sauloy (Toulouse University)

  • 15.01.2014

    Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)

    C-,S- invariant functions on Weyl group orbits as Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind of n variables
  • 4.12.2013

    Alina Dobrogowska (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)

    Integrable systems related to the deformation of the rotation group
  • 27.11.2013

    Vladimir Mityushev (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)

    Constructive methods for boundary value problems for multiply connected domains and their applications
  • 13.11.2013

    Jan L. Cieśliński (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Fizyki)

    Clifford algebras, integrable systems, and differential geometry
  • 30.10.2013

    Maciej Nieszporski (Wydział Fizyki UW)

    Integrable difference equations and integrable correspondences
  • 9.10.2013

    Stefan Hilger (Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett)

    An algebraic approach to special functions
  • 5.06.2013 - 1100

    Edmundo J. Huertas Cejudo (Coimbra Univ.)

    Electrostatic models for zeros of orthogonal polynomials
  • 22.05.2013 - 1040

    Galina Filipuk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)

    Multiple orthogonal polynomials and their properties
  • 15.05.2013

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

    Maximum principle for Dunkl harmonic functions
  • 3.04.2013

    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

    On some Pizzetti-type formulas
  • 20.03.2013

    Paweł Wójcicki

    Bergman function and kernel, basic properties, Schiffer-Suszczyński identity
  • 13.03.2013

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

    Dunkl transform
  • 6.03.2013- Dunkl harmonic polynomials

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

  • 27.02.2013

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

    Operators invariant under the Coxeter group
  • 16.01.2013

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

    Root systems and Coxeter groups
  • 9.01.2013

    Grzegorz Łysik (IM PAN)

    Reflection groups and root systems
  • 12.12.2012 - 1045

    Walter Van Assche (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

    Unicity of certain solutions of the discrete Painlevé II equation
  • 28.11.2012

    Sławomir Michalik (UKSW)

    On moment-differential equations and their relation to summability
  • 14.11.2012

    Paweł Szablowski (Politechnika Warszawska)

    Askey–Wilson distribution families and their generalizations