Dr. hab. Michał Wojciechowski
Tuesday, 15:00-17:30, Room 106
4.06.2013T. Kobos (Kraków)Equilateral Sets in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces
7.05.2013P. Ohrysko and M. Wojciechowski (Warsaw)On the Wiener - Pitt Phenomenon
26.03.2013B. Deregowska (Kraków), B. Lewandowska (Kraków)On Generalized Projections in c0
5.03.2013P. Wojtaszczyk (IMPAN/UW)Conditional Quasi-Greedy Bases
26.02.2013K. Kazanecki (Warsaw)On the Equivalence of Trigonometric Polynomials in One and Several Variables (after M. Dechamps, J. Bourgain, A. Bonami)
22.01.2013A. Szankowski (Jerusalem)Non-Hilbertian Spectral Theory
15.01.2013A. Szankowski (Jerusalem)On Lidskii's Trace Theorem
8.01.2013A. Czurun (M. Wojciechowski)On Local Representability of Vilenkin Systems in Integral Norm
4.12.2012M. Passenbrunner (Univ. Linz)
27.11.2012B. Wróbel (Wrocław)Multidimensional Spectral Multipliers for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operator System
13.11.2012K. Kazanecki (Warsaw)On the Continuity of Fourier Multipliers on Homogeneous Sobolev Spaces
6.11.2012Hugh WarkAn Application of Szemerédi's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions
30.10.2012K. Szpojankowski (MiNI PW)Characterizations of Free Poisson and Binomial Distributions
23.10.2012P. Ohrysko, M. WojciechowskiOn Measures with Natural Spectrum, Part 2
9.10.2012P. Ohrysko, M. WojciechowskiOn Measures with Natural Spectrum
26.10.2010M. Mastyło (Poznań)Weyl Numbers and Eigenvalues of Abstract Summing Operators
19.10.2010Paweł Hitczenko (Drexel Univ.)Light-Tailed Perpetuities
5.10.2010K. Oleszkiewicz (UW)On Feige's Inequality
16.03.2010J. Januszewski (Bydgoszcz)Packing and Covering Squares in the On-Line Version
9.03.2010Michał Wojciechowski (IMPAN)On the Norm of Idempotent Measures according to B. Green and T. Sanders (III)
20.10.2009Marta SzumańskaIntegral Versions of Menger Curvature and Their Regularizing Properties
13.10.2009Stanisław Kwapień (UW)On the Boundedness of the Orthogonal Projection onto the Subspace Spanned by Functions Depending on k Variables
06.10.2009Waldemar Hebisch (University of Wrocław)Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality on Nilpotent Groups
Seminars in the Academic Year 2008/2009
26.05.2009M. Roginskaya (Göteborg)Point Spectra of Partially Power-Bounded Operators - joint work with Thomas Ransford
19.05.2009Tadeusz Iwaniec (Syracuse)Dynamics of quasiconformal fields
31.03.2009Vladimir Fonf (Beersheva)Characteristic properties of the Gurariy space
13.01.2009Piotr Koszmider (Łódź)Extremely non-complex Banach spaces
16.12.2008Y. Tomilov (UMK Toruń)On weakly wandering vectors of linear operators and related issues
9.12.2008P. Wojdyłło (IMPAN)Time-frequency effects in sound perception and acoustic reconstruction
2.12.2008M. Roginskaya (Göteborg)Bourgain's proof of Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions
25.11.2008M. Rudelson (Columbia, Mo)Eigenvalues of Gaussian matrices
18.11.2008Aleksander Pełczyński (IMPAN)Biography of Alexander Grothendieck, Part II (1955-2008)
Seminars in the Academic Year 2007/2008
17.06.2008Wolfgang Lusky (Paderborn)On Banach spaces of holomorphic functions
10.06.2008Genadi Levin (Jerusalem)Some analytic problems arising in conformal dynamics
3.06.2008Anna Pelczar (Kraków)On Tsirelson-type spaces
1.04.2008W. Banaszczyk (University of Łódź)On certain classes of Banach space operators connected with separation of points from additive subgroup
18.03.2008Aleksander Pełczyński (IMPAN)Spaces of measures orthogonal to a Sidon set
11.03.2008Andrew Lorent (University of Leipzig)A Mastrand theorem for measures with polytope density
15.01.2008Jakub O. Wojtaszczyk (MIM UW)Optimal concentration for lpn balls
18.12.2007Jaroslav Zemánek (IMPAN)On powers of operators
11.12.2007Michał Wojciechowski (IMPAN)Bounded Approximation Property of Sobolev spaces on arbitrary two-dimensional domains
27.11.2007Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz (MIM UW)Tail bounds for products of independent nonnegative random variables
20.11.2007Nicolas Varopoulos (Paris)Singular Integral and Potential TheoryMati Abel (Tartu)Structure of locally idempotent algebras
13.11.2007Rafał Latała (MIM UW)Concentration of α-concave measures (acc. Bobkov)
16.10.2007Jesus Castillo (Universidad de Extremadura)Separably injective Banach Spaces (2)
Seminars in the Academic Year 2006/2007
22.05.2007Piotr Mankiewicz (IMPAN)How neighbourly an m-neighbourly symmetric polytope can be?
15.05.2007Beata RandrianantoaninaExtensions of Lipschitz mappings in Banach spaces
8.05.2007P. Pivovarov (Edmonton)Volume thresholds for Gaussian and spherical random polytopes and their duals
24.04.2007Paweł Domański (IMPAN Poznan)Surjectivity of tensor product operators and applications to differential operators
17.04.2007Miroslav Krbec (Prague)Extrapolation inequalities and optimal Sobolev inequalities
3.04.2007Jakub Wojtaszczyk (MIM UW)Negative association for lp and Orlicz balls
27.03.2007Mark VeraarEmbedding theorems for spaces of γ-radonifying operators